Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

I'm in no misery... I'm smarter than you left loons. You're bottom dwelling parasites

Now tumble away weeder
In no misery? :auiqs.jpg: Could have fooled the entire board on that one, as all you ever do is bitch and complain. My sheepdog is smarter than you. You're lower than whale shit.

If I'm a lefty, then you're most certainly a magaturd.
i blame the spineless independents who sway with the wind. When President Trump was in office, and the country was on its way to the roaring 2020s, China Joe allowed the Kung Flu to be released upon the world, just so Joe could be installed into the White House, where he has proceeded with establishment Republican and Independent Joe Munchin, to fuck over the working class citizens. Yeah, if more of you worthless independent didnt sway over to Joe in 2020, the election couldnt of been stolen. Because another 20 million independent voters for Trump would of had him 95 million over Joe's 81 (BULLSHIT) million votes.

His constituency was unverifiable mail in ballots.
That's it.
I agree.
No shortage of Nanny Statists on both sides of the aisle though.
Liberals seem intent on controlling what I think and say through PC and in their own way wish to control our bodies also through health mandates, and wish to ignore our right to self protection.

Both can piss off, I will remain Independent.

You are the problem.
I call it compelling citizens to be/become legitimate human beings…You aim to compel the opposite under the guise of FREEDOM or progress.

What is legitimate about forcing people to hide who they are? What is legitimate about forcing people to conform?
There's no need in getting into his chances of winning. That's a dead horse subject. But for RINO's & dems who think that Trump or Biden are the best options, this proves that to be false. And it proves that the R &D's have ruined this country, together.

Many times, many, many, MANY times, Liberturdians have tried to take over both parties. More so the R Party because we share some of the same beliefs. Just some.

But they have failed. Every time. Not just because both parties are occupied by entrenched special interests (they are) but because Liberturdians can't stand up to scrutiny.

How can a candidate that believes in -- Nothing -- Run for Office? Because that's what Liberturdians believe in -- Nothing.

They don't believe in -- Anything. Taxes, overseas commitments, borders, family, neighbors..... Nothing.

Read this. She was a true American political marvel. She had her flaws, many of them in fact, but I agree with her 'objectivism'

I call it compelling citizens to be/become legitimate human beings…You aim to compel the opposite under the guise of FREEDOM or progress.

Gays and lesbians have long term relationships and marriages. They have careers. They pay taxes. They participate in community events and support schools.

I do not decide what they do. I allow them the freedom to be who they are, within the bounds of the laws.
Whatever floats your boat. I don't care. You'll never influence me

I still get to point to your stupid and laugh.

There's no need in getting into his chances of winning. That's a dead horse subject. But for RINO's & dems who think that Trump or Biden are the best options, this proves that to be false. And it proves that the R &D's have ruined this country, together.

I don't know why the Libertarian party hasn't close up shop if this candidate is the best they've got.

Millions of illegal aliens and tons of illegal drugs have come across the mexican border during thr last 20 years
Open borders is a lie Republicans have been pushing for the last 20 years.

Since 2001 the GOp has controlled at least one house of Congress for 16 years
The Presidency for 12

Where's your legislation?
Ain't none because the GOP doesn't want to address the problems, they only want to run on them.

Addressing the problems would cost GOp donors BILLIONS in salary and benefits paid to workers they now cheat.

Just a week ago the GOP killed a bipartisan bill BECAUSE it might help Biden.

Get off your high horse and clean up the crap.
What is legitimate about forcing people to hide who they are? What is legitimate about forcing people to conform?
Hahaha…think of the dynamic in ALL legitimate households across the nation…we aren’t “FORCING” our children to do anything, we simply teach, we encourage, we nudge and compel them down a pathway of morality, of decency, of normality, of conventionality and of conformity. You say that sounds nazi like…I get it. What we call great parenting you unconventionals call oppression.
I don't know why the Libertarian party hasn't close up shop if this candidate is the best they've got.

I don't know if he is the best they've got. There's a video of about 6 libertarians debating. One of them could be better. I'd say any of them would be better than the 2 options we have now.

Millions of illegal aliens and tons of illegal drugs have come across the mexican border during thr last 20 years

It's not BS. For two years, Trump had complete GOP majority and didn't secure the border. He was more interested in trying to shove his version of Government ran healthcare down our throats. From that to trying to give blacks $500 Billion in reparations. And spending us down the drain even further, the entire time.

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