Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

Look if you want to be a gay, dress wearing whatever go right ahead, don't demand I accept it, don't demand I approve of it and keep it away from children. It's that simple. And don't trot into some Christian business you scoped out looking for attention

Don't like it? Too fuckin bad

Making false accusations and spreading ugly lies about QUEER people is the only way you can protect the perverts and child molestors that control the Church and GOP politics.

Making false accusations and spreading ugly lies about QUEER people is the only way you can protect the perverts and child molestors that control the Church and GOP politics.

Go away Exlax. I've little time for flaming turds
We have children, have to be diligent.

You're completely missing the point or being obtuse Go annoy someone else
Accusing someone of molesting children solely because they are QUEER isn't being diligent.
It's using the ugliest form of bigotry to protect the child molestors you revere.
And only a tiny percentage of child molesters are LGBTQ. The majority are straight men. Worry about those.

How about you recognize percentages? Look, be gay I don't care, but do it on your own dime, not mine or our children's

Now you and Dadolax can converse. Leave me alone
How about you recognize percentages? Look, be gay I don't care, but do it on your own dime, not mine or our children's

Now you and Dadolax can converse. Leave me alone

My life IS my own dime.

As I have said, child molesters should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But being gay is not a crime in this country.
How about you recognize percentages? Look, be gay I don't care, but do it on your own dime, not mine or our children's

Now you and Dadolax can converse. Leave me alone
I will continue to point out your hate, ignorance, bigotry, and stupidity whenever it appears which, for you, is every post.

If you're worried about child molestors look in your own closet.
I will continue to point out your hate, ignorance, bigotry, and stupidity whenever it appears which, for you, is every post.

If you're worried about child molestors look in your own closet.

Whatever floats your boat. I don't care. You'll never influence me
I know.
Tuirde Flambe

Obviously your favorite

With Cheetos?
I call it allowing personal freedom for everyone.
I call it compelling citizens to be/become legitimate human beings…You aim to compel the opposite under the guise of FREEDOM or progress.
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There's no need in getting into his chances of winning. That's a dead horse subject. But for RINO's & dems who think that Trump or Biden are the best options, this proves that to be false. And it proves that the R &D's have ruined this country, together.

Can you bullet Point it?

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