Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

Why doesn't it? Could it be because of the Republicans and democrats and how they've destroyed a lot of things like "free market capitalism?"
No... because the idea is irrational on its face. I love Bastiat's writing but The Law starts off with a fundamental flaw as do all libertarian philosophers. Life is not a gift from God, he hasn't imbued you with faculties to maintain that life and so this mystical right to property and by extension the mystical right to individually and collectively defend that property doesn't actually exist. And without a fundamental belief in the inalienable right to property the philosophy of free market capitalism collapses.
No... because the idea is irrational on its face.

The idea of having an actual conservative party that still supports civil rights is "irrational?"
LMAO.. Allllllllllllllllll righty then.

I love Bastiat's writing but The Law starts off with a fundamental flaw as do all libertarian philosophers. Life is not a gift from God, he hasn't imbued you with faculties to maintain that life and so this mystical right to property and by extension the mystical right to individually and collectively defend that property doesn't actually exist. And without a fundamental belief in the inalienable right to property the philosophy of free market capitalism collapses.

You mean like Waco and Ruby Ridge? How about Edward Snowden? The only flaw that comes with opposing a persons rights, is the way the R & D's seem to find a way to override those rights. Usually in the form of false allegations or entrapment to justify their existence.

The decent libertarians understand the difference between freedom and security. And how giving up freedom for security is wrong in the way the government exercises it's authority now days. Republicans understand the difference. They just have a hard time keeping their authority in check.
FISA 702 for example.
The idea of having an actual conservative party that still supports civil rights is "irrational?"
LMAO.. Allllllllllllllllll righty then.
Try and address the points I'm actually making. I was speaking about libertarian philosophy. The idea of a conservative party that respects civil rights is improbable.
You mean like Waco and Ruby Ridge? How about Edward Snowden? The only flaw that comes with opposing a persons rights, is the way the R & D's seem to find a way to override those rights. Usually in the form of false allegations or entrapment to justify their existence.
You quoted Bastiat in a previous post so i was addressing Bastiat. Not Waco or Ruby Ridge.
The decent libertarians understand the difference between freedom and security. And how giving up freedom for security is wrong in the way the government exercises it's authority now days. Republicans understand the difference. They just have a hard time keeping their authority in check.
FISA 702 for example.
Okay... maybe you don't actually understand libertarianism, never read Bastiat beyond that one quote and that's the extent of your ability to talk about libertarianism and free market capitalism. :dunno:
Establishment Republicans have helped destroy free market capitalism. They were exposed by President Trump.

Trump didn't do much of anything to help restore "free market capitalism." You simply cannot destroy the value of the USD as much as he did, and claim to support free market capitalism. It's not possible. It's like trying to use a blow torch to make ice.

FFS, there's so many instances of him going against free market capitalism. The only reason you can't see it, is because you don't want to. His retarded trade deals with Mexico and China. Him striking a deal with Saudi and US oil producers to DECREASE oil production. All the way down to telling businesses who they can hire. If they got passed the border patrol and went to work for an American business, then it's the governments fault they were available to take the job, to start with.
That's like punishing someone for making their own bump stock, after Trump banned them.
The idea of having an actual conservative party that still supports civil rights is "irrational?"
LMAO.. Allllllllllllllllll righty then.

You mean like Waco and Ruby Ridge? How about Edward Snowden? The only flaw that comes with opposing a persons rights, is the way the R & D's seem to find a way to override those rights. Usually in the form of false allegations or entrapment to justify their existence.

The decent libertarians understand the difference between freedom and security. And how giving up freedom for security is wrong in the way the government exercises it's authority now days. Republicans understand the difference. They just have a hard time keeping their authority in check.
FISA 702 for example.
You're obviously talking to a commie nihilist....Higher philosophical arguments will be useless.
Trump didn't do much of anything to help restore "free market capitalism." You simply cannot destroy the value of the USD as much as he did, and claim to support free market capitalism. It's not possible. It's like trying to use a blow torch to make ice.
True as all that is, he still exposed most of the GOP establishment for the band of lying poseurs that they are.....He also did a pretty fair job of smoking out a slew of fauxbertarians along the way.
Because its vital to the goal of immigration managed by the American people instead of the drug cartels
A stupid comment deserves a stupid response.

Sorry, i got nothing.
When it comes to stupid, you're the champ, Chump.
Try and address the points I'm actually making. I was speaking about libertarian philosophy. The idea of a conservative party that respects civil rights is improbable.

Improbable? You are correct. But the question is why is it improbable? Most GOP voters would welcome an actual conservative party, if it had a chance of winning an election.
The improbability comes from the way the rino's have the system in place that has practically outlawed actual conservatism.

That should piss off Republicans. It should convince them that RINO's like Trump are bad for the country.

But here we all. The biggest RINO we've seen since Romney, is once again leading the pack. Making the improbability even more so.

You quoted Bastiat in a previous post so i was addressing Bastiat. Not Waco or Ruby Ridge.

If I quoted this Bastiat, I didn't know I was. Because I have no idea who he/she is. But that doesn't change what I said. Libertarians supports property rights. They're against things like eminent domain, because they understand that the 5th Amendment, where eminent domain is mentioned, is for those who are suspected of convicted of a crime. Not every law abiding citizen who just happens to have land the government or some corporation wants to take.
Okay... maybe you don't actually understand libertarianism, never read Bastiat beyond that one quote and that's the extent of your ability to talk about libertarianism and free market capitalism. :dunno:

I understand free market capitalism. I understand libertarians and the LP's platform. I understand fiscal and constitutional conservatism.
Trump didn't do much of anything to help restore "free market capitalism." You simply cannot destroy the value of the USD as much as he did, and claim to support free market capitalism. It's not possible. It's like trying to use a blow torch to make ice.

FFS, there's so many instances of him going against free market capitalism. The only reason you can't see it, is because you don't want to. His retarded trade deals with Mexico and China. Him striking a deal with Saudi and US oil producers to DECREASE oil production. All the way down to telling businesses who they can hire. If they got passed the border patrol and went to work for an American business, then it's the governments fault they were available to take the job, to start with.
That's like punishing someone for making their own bump stock, after Trump banned them.
Pull your head out of your ass. The first few things President Trump did that strengthened the dollar was gave tax cut to everyone except the poor who dont pay taxes. He reduced regulations that made enterprising much easier to do. He set up opportunity zones where minorities could access capital, and make something of themselves instead of staying on the planation of the Democrat party. Up until Joe Biden Admin and China released the Kung Flu, the 2020s were going to look like the roaring twenties again. But the fucking Marxists/Demofascists cant have happy people, so the murdering of the elderly by Democrats began the economy was shutdown, and trillions of dollars was created to keep people fed.

So are we now diverting the issue to bump stocks or are we going to stick with the economy. It was a Bernie Sanders voter who went into the hotel and with a bumpstock murdered many young kids who were there to be happy. Once again, Marxists/Demofascists cant have happy people.
If I quoted this Bastiat, I didn't know I was. Because I have no idea who he/she is. But that doesn't change what I said. Libertarians supports property rights. They're against things like eminent domain, because they understand that the 5th Amendment, where eminent domain is mentioned, is for those who are suspected of convicted of a crime. Not every law abiding citizen who just happens to have land the government or some corporation wants to take.
An excellent book....You can read it in one sitting...

Improbable? You are correct. But the question is why is it improbable? Most GOP voters would welcome an actual conservative party, if it had a chance of winning an election.
The falsehood in that is proven by how they actually vote. You have hindsight and still you fucked it up preferring instead to reach for hopeful fantasy.
The improbability comes from the way the rino's have the system in place that has practically outlawed actual conservatism.
Conservatism isn't outlawed, stop arguing like a Snowflake.
That should piss off Republicans. It should convince them that RINO's like Trump are bad for the country.
Or maybe they have different priorities than you? :dunno:
But here we all. The biggest RINO we've seen since Romney, is once again leading the pack. Making the improbability even more so.
Have you considered the possibility that your base is full of ignorant trolls who've elected the MAGAt Alpha Troll they've always wanted to desperately follow like beta cucks?
If I quoted this Bastiat, I didn't know I was. Because I have no idea who he/she is.
Its possible. I could have you confused with someone else.
But that doesn't change what I said. Libertarians supports property rights. They're against things like eminent domain, because they understand that the 5th Amendment, where eminent domain is mentioned, is for those who are suspected of convicted of a crime. Not every law abiding citizen who just happens to have land the government or some corporation wants to take.
Do you know why libertarians are supposed to support property rights? You don't get to free market capitalism without an irrational belief in inalienable rights to property.
I understand free market capitalism. I understand libertarians and the LP's platform. I understand fiscal and constitutional conservatism.
Sure you do..... that's why when I started talking about it you switched the topic to Waco. :lmao:
You're idea of libertarianism is what?
It's not my idea. I addressed Bastiat's because I thought you at least read him but I can address whichever Libertarian you want, or I can address your argument if you can fashion one, but the fundamental position of Libertarianism is that the right to life, liberty and property come from God and that protecting collectively what God has given you the right to protect individually provides the basis for government who's only real legitimate role is in protecting life, liberty and property and that's it.

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