Meet the rabbi bringing Judaism to Saudi Arabia


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
With his black Hasidic coat, flat brimmed hat and long beard, Rabbi Yaakov Herzog must look like a strange sight on the streets of Riyadh, but that’s exactly where he is hoping to relocate after years of working with Jewish expats living in Saudi Arabia.

No native Jewish community remains in the Arabian kingdom, which sits less than 11 miles from Israel and can even be seen from high ground around Eilat. However, in recent years the country has seen an influx of Jews – coming either for tourism, business purposes or on behalf of the U.S. military, which maintains a heavy presence on the peninsula.

Herzog’s interest in Saudi Arabia began when he discovered the Kingdom’s NEOM project.

Getting rid of the politics makes it easier to get along.
Allowing a zionist Rabbi to step even one foot onto Saudi land is a huge mistake that will have dire consequences down the road. .... :mad-61:
Why Sunni are you afraid that they will uncover their hidden secret past where large swaths of what is now known as Saudi’ Arabia were once jewish and they might find out the true origin of the crescent moon and such that Islam has taken for their own...
Then what is Sunni are you afraid that they will welcome back their long lost brothers the Jews after all the descendants of Abraham were not just Ishmael and Isaac as Abraham had 6 more sons that more then likely settled in what is now Saudi’s Arabia.. What’s the matter you prefer war and hatred to reconciliation between long lost family members...
Why Sunni are you afraid that they will uncover their hidden secret past where large swaths of what is now known as Saudi’ Arabia were once jewish and they might find out the true origin of the crescent moon and such that Islam has taken for their own...
There isn't any secret hidden past you nitwit. ... :cuckoo:
The Quran talks about Muhammad interacting with the Israeli tribes that lived on lands that today are part of Saudi Arabia.
As for the Crescent moon & Star symbol seen on several muslim country's flags and mosques. It was popularized by the Ottoman empire when Turkey basically ruled the entire Middle East.
In modern times the Crescent moon & Star has been associated with Islam, in much the same way the pagan Christmas tree is now associated with Christianity.
The symbol has nothing to do with Islam, and is not found in the Quran.
Although it remains popular in some countries, the majority of Muslim scholars totally reject the symbols use on a Mosque as unIslamic. ... :cool:
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Why Sunni are you afraid that they will uncover their hidden secret past where large swaths of what is now known as Saudi’ Arabia were once jewish and they might find out the true origin of the crescent moon and such that Islam has taken for their own...
There isn't any secret hidden past you nitwit. ... :cuckoo:
The Quran talks about Muhammad interacting with the Israeli tribes that lived on lands that today are part of Saudi Arabia.
As for the Crescent moon & Star symbol seen on some muslim country's flags and mosques. It was popularized by the Ottoman empire when Turkey basically ruled the entire Middle East.
In modern times the Crescent moon & Star has been associated with Islam, in much the same way the pagan Christmas tree is now associated with Christianity.
The symbol has nothing to do with Islam, and is not found in the Quran.
Although it remains popular in some countries, the majority of Muslim scholars totally reject the symbols use on a Mosque. ... :cool:
Finally you have come out from behind your sun glasses for all to see you in all your glory... I noticed you still haven’t answered the question but are still willing to call me a nitwit . Are you speaking about yourself from past experience or it is just a favourite of yours to use when trying to cover up how far you have strayed from the road you don’t want the rabbi or any Jew to travel down....hmmmm...
Why Sunni are you afraid that they will uncover their hidden secret past where large swaths of what is now known as Saudi’ Arabia were once jewish and they might find out the true origin of the crescent moon and such that Islam has taken for their own...

So now you are laying claim to Saudi Arabia. Most of the Jews returned to Jericho where they came from.
No native Jewish community remains in the Arabian kingdom, which sits less than 11 miles from Israel and can even be seen from high ground around Eilat.

I learn the most interesting things here.

Then what is Sunni are you afraid that they will welcome back their long lost brothers the Jews after all the descendants of Abraham were not just Ishmael and Isaac as Abraham had 6 more sons that more then likely settled in what is now Saudi’s Arabia.. What’s the matter you prefer war and hatred to reconciliation between long lost family members...

They haven't acknowledged their Arab half brothers since 1920.. They are just look for an opportunity in the new supercity Neom..The Rabbi isn't actually in Riyadh yet..

They took Palestine, Shaaba Farms , the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.. They should stay there.
They haven't acknowledged their Arab half brothers since 1920.. They are just look for an opportunity in the new supercity Neom..The Rabbi isn't actually in Riyadh yet..

They took Palestine, Shaaba Farms , the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.. They should stay there.
We’re you bored was no one talking to you…This thread was dead but since you opened a can of worms… You are wrong you said they took Palestine last time I looked before it was split up and divided Palestine consisted of Jordan the West Bank Gaza and of course modern state of Israel.. The Jews occupy or live in a very small area of this land but the arabs control the vast majority of it.So the Jews have acknowledged their Arab brothers by allowing them to live in much of their biblical lands . The Arab brethren on the other hand have not and will not acknowledge their brothers the Jews to live in one inch of the land that the arabs have occupied unjustly all this time..
So now you are laying claim to Saudi Arabia. Most of the Jews returned to Jericho where they came from.
They didn’t return anywhere they were forcibly removed by one means or another so they didn’t have a choice in the matter…
We’re you bored was no one talking to you…This thread was dead but since you opened a can of worms… You are wrong you said they took Palestine last time I looked before it was split up and divided Palestine consisted of Jordan the West Bank Gaza and of course modern state of Israel.. The Jews occupy or live in a very small area of this land but the arabs control the vast majority of it.So the Jews have acknowledged their Arab brothers by allowing them to live in much of their biblical lands . The Arab brethren on the other hand have not and will not acknowledge their brothers the Jews to live in one inch of the land that the arabs have occupied unjustly all this time..

I know Chaim Weizmann wanted it all. But, they were given Arab lands to have a small state.

Read the Palestine Papers, Avalon Project at Yale law school. They had been a tiny minority in Palestine for nearly 2,000 years.

Overview of Palestine's demographics from the 1st century to the Mandate Era
Year Jews Christians Muslims Total
1st c. Majority – – ~2,500
4th c. Majority Minority – >1st c.[1][2]
5th c. Minority Majority – >1st c.
6th c. Minority Majority –
7th c. Minority Majority –
8th c. Minority Majority Minority
9th c. Minority Majority Minority
10th c. Minority Majority Minority
11th c. Minority Majority Minority
End 12th c. Minority Minority Majority >225
14th c. Minority Minority Majority 150
1533–1539 5 6 145 157
1690–1691 2 11 219 232
1800 7 22 246 275
1890 43 57 432 532
1914 94 70 525 689
1922 84 71 589 752
1931 175 89 760 1,033
1947 630 143 1,181 1,970
Estimates by Sergio DellaPergola (2001), drawing on the work of Bachi (1975). Figures in thousands.[3]
The demographic history of Palestine refers to the study of the historical population of the region of Palestine, which approximately corresponds to modern Israel and the
I know Chaim Weizmann wanted it all. But, they were given Arab lands to have a small state.

Read the Palestine Papers, Avalon Project at Yale law school. They had been a tiny minority in Palestine for nearly 2,000 years.
Wow I didn’t know you knew Chaim Weizmann personally and since he died almost 70 years ago that would make you very old indeed.. Irosie would find this very humorous as do I since you claim the lands as Arab lands even though Arabia would be the proper area where the arabs might lay claim and all the other lands that they have taken over over the last thousand plus years should be handed back . As usual Surada you continue to tell half truths…

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