Meet the rabbi bringing Judaism to Saudi Arabia

The Israelis want to insert themselves in Arabia because they see wealth in the new supercity.

NEOM, Saudi Arabia's $500 Billion Mega City - YouTube

They didn't attack.. The Israelis bombed Egypt AFTER Nasser called for a conference to resolve the issue of the Straits of Tiran and while Egypt's seasoned troops (70,000) were deployed in Yemen.

Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld disagree with you.. Plus, its against the law to colonize occupied territory.

Hardly….As usual you miss the bigger picture( Of course I didn’t miss your anti Semitic attack against Jews for portraying them as money grUbers and greedy)But I digress it is a two way street .It is in Saudi Arabia’s interest to entice Israel to do business with it not just because of the innovations Israelis are expert at that can help Saudi’s Arabia become a stronger nation economically and betterment for their people but because Israel offers the Saudi’ s another route to move their oil that bypasses the Persian gulf and the threat of Iran… Israel has the port facilities, the pipeline and the location close to Europe to make this feasible for the Saudi’s to compete with Russia in selling their product there all they have to do is build their own pipeline
overland and connect it to the Israeli pipeline ensuring them of this… It isa win win situation not just for the SaudistheIsraelis and the whole region as well not to mention the Europeanswho can be weaned off their dependency of Russia….I know it just hurts both Surada and Sunni to know that the world moves on past their petty gripes and will leave their ilk in the dust wondering how come they missed the boat and the new prosperity that will come out of it… Sour grapes( Gripes) indeed and welcome to the New City or way of doing things…Wink wink nudge nudge…

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