Meet the rabbi bringing Judaism to Saudi Arabia

Wow I didn’t know you knew Chaim Weizmann personally and since he died almost 70 years ago that would make you very old indeed.. Irosie would find this very humorous as do I since you claim the lands as Arab lands even though Arabia would be the proper area where the arabs might lay claim and all the other lands that they have taken over over the last thousand plus years should be handed back . As usual Surada you continue to tell half truths…

Chaim Weizmann tried to forcibly expell the rest of the Palestinians to Saudi Arabia in 1950.. He approached Ibn Saud and ARAMCO.
We’re you bored was no one talking to you…This thread was dead but since you opened a can of worms… You are wrong you said they took Palestine last time I looked before it was split up and divided Palestine consisted of Jordan the West Bank Gaza and of course modern state of Israel.. The Jews occupy or live in a very small area of this land but the arabs control the vast majority of it.So the Jews have acknowledged their Arab brothers by allowing them to live in much of their biblical lands . The Arab brethren on the other hand have not and will not acknowledge their brothers the Jews to live in one inch of the land that the arabs have occupied unjustly all this time..

She knows everything just ask her.
Chaim Weizmann tried to forcibly expell the rest of the Palestinians to Saudi Arabia in 1950.. He approached Ibn Saud and ARAMCO.
Whether this is true or not means very little. The bottom line is that Israel which has a majority of Jews still accepted people of different faiths such as christians, Baha’i and Muslims which make up at least 22 per cent of the states population… These people have many rights just like the Jews do… Now Israel is not perfect but still when compared to the Arab states she Is heaven on earth as Arab states do not allow or want minorities esp of Jewish descent in their countries…. How many Jews live in Palestinian areas of control I can count them on my one hand.. Surada who continues to lie and tell half truths tries to hide these facts and is just mad because the Saudias have the audacity to allow a handful of Jews to come into their territory … oh the Calimity the woe it will cause just as Sunni andSurada fume What hypocrites they are…This thread proves keeping an even playing field that people like Surada and Sunni talk out of both sides of their mouth and do not want to share and share alike they just want everything their own way…So the Jews being the canary in the coal mine is a litimus test for everyone els as once the Jews are removed then who is next….hmmmm…and is there truly any room for anyone else who thinks and lives differently then the Surada andSunnisof the world something to definitely think about….
Whether this is true or not means very little. The bottom line is that Israel which has a majority of Jews still accepted people of different faiths such as christians, Baha’i and Muslims which make up at least 22 per cent of the states population… These people have many rights just like the Jews do…

Now Israel is not perfect but still when compared to the Arab states she Is heaven on earth as Arab states do not allow or want minorities esp of Jewish descent in their countries…. How many Jews live in Palestinian areas of control I can count them on my one hand.. Surada who continues to lie and tell half truths tries to hide these facts and is just mad because the Saudias have the audacity to allow a handful of Jews to come into their territory … oh the Calimity the woe it will cause just as Sunni andSurada fume What hypocrites they are…This thread proves keeping an even playing field that people like Surada and Sunni talk out of both sides of their mouth and do not want to share and share alike they just want everything their own way…So the Jews being the canary in the coal mine is a litimus test for everyone els as once the Jews are removed then who is next….hmmmm…and is there truly any room for anyone else who thinks and lives differently then the Surada andSunnisof the world something to definitely think about….

Have you lived anywhere in the Arab or are you just parroting what you have been told?

Absolutely. They destroyed 67 Druze villages when they took it. Read Moshe Dayan or Martin Van Cleveld.. The Israelis don't have any right to Shaaba Farms or the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Absolutely. They destroyed 67 Druze villages when they took it. Read Moshe Dayan or Martin Van Cleveld.. The Israelis don't have any right to Shaaba Farms or the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Tell that to the Jewish tribe of Manasseh where that land was deeded to them over several thousand years ago…
Have you lived anywhere in the Arab or are you just parroting what you have been told?

Parots are long lived and are able to recall word for word what they were taught.. Otherbirds like you can only mimic a parrot but will never have its breath of knowledge or abilities… Afterall birds of a feather flock together…. wink Wink…
Allowing a zionist Rabbi to step even one foot onto Saudi land is a huge mistake that will have dire consequences down the road. ....

Absolutely. They destroyed 67 Druze villages when they took it. Read Moshe Dayan or Martin Van Cleveld.. The Israelis don't have any right to Shaaba Farms or the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Syria should never have attacked. You don't give captured land back, especially when it gives you the high ground. But then you're just an armchair quarterback with no military knowledge at all.
Parots are long lived and are able to recall word for word what they were taught.. Otherbirds like you can only mimic a parrot but will never have its breath of knowledge or abilities… Afterall birds of a feather flock together…. wink Wink…

The Israelis want to insert themselves in Arabia because they see wealth in the new supercity.

NEOM, Saudi Arabia's $500 Billion Mega City - YouTube

Syria should never have attacked. You don't give captured land back, especially when it gives you the high ground. But then you're just an armchair quarterback with no military knowledge at all.

They didn't attack.. The Israelis bombed Egypt AFTER Nasser called for a conference to resolve the issue of the Straits of Tiran and while Egypt's seasoned troops (70,000) were deployed in Yemen.

Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld disagree with you.. Plus, its against the law to colonize occupied territory.
They didn't attack.. The Israelis bombed Egypt AFTER Nasser called for a conference to resolve the issue of the Straits of Tiran and while Egypt's seasoned troops (70,000) were deployed in Yemen.

In fact, Syrian forces did enter Israel and attack Israel military and civilians, in 1948, 1967, and 1972...
The Israelis want to insert themselves in Arabia because they see wealth in the new supercity.

NEOM, Saudi Arabia's $500 Billion Mega City - YouTube

They didn't attack.. The Israelis bombed Egypt AFTER Nasser called for a conference to resolve the issue of the Straits of Tiran and while Egypt's seasoned troops (70,000) were deployed in Yemen.

Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld disagree with you.. Plus, its against the law to colonize occupied territory.

They did attack and they got their asses kicked. You fight and lose. Call Assad, tell him to man up and take it back.

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