Meet The Taliban 5 Obama ‘Swapped For Bo Bergdahl’ & The Haqqani Network They Paid A Ransom To


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In the midst of a war with terrorists, releasing enemy leaders and key Intel-holding prisoners for no reason is tantamount to 'TREASON'; yet, that is what President Barak Obama did.

Obama had slowly, quietly been emptying out the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay by releasing terrorists in an attempt to keep a campaign promise, circumventing on his own the legislative process that refused to close GITMO. The Taliban 5, however, were the biggest named terrorists in Gitmo - 'Rock Stars' - Key Leaders and Operatives within the US' enemy, the Taliban. Obama could not simply release them as he had been doing with the other prisoners. They were too high profile.

Obama's problem was solved when an Islamic Extremist / Taliban-Sympathizer and deserter - Bo Bergdahl - was captured by the Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. Although the Naqqani Network demanded to be PAID for Bergdahl's release, Obama lied to the American people, claiming the Haqqani Network had demanded the release of the Taliban 5 ... then did just that.

The Prisoner Swap’s Dilemma

"There is no question, though, that the five people released from Guantanamo in exchange for Bergdahl—Mohammed Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa—are bad guys.

  • Not part of Al Qaeda, the 5 were TALIBAN, top Taliban Leaders and key personnel of the enemy the US was fighting in Afghanistan, .
"Each man played a governance role within the Taliban. Fazl, for example, was its deputy minister of defense; Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security in Qalat; Wasiq, the former deputy minister of intelligence; Nori, the senior commander in Mazar-i-Sharif; and Khairkhwa, Taliban governor of Herat Province. In other words, these men weren’t simply arbitrary terrorists who had set off IEDs or blew up bridges."

  • In the on-going war in Afghanistan, the capture of these 5 Taliban Commanders / Leaders was HUGE.
"Fazi implicated in the murder of thousands of Shiites in northern Afghanistan during the Taliban reign. When asked about the murders, [Fazl]…did not express any regret and stated that they did what they needed to do to establish their ideal state.” American intelligence also believes that Fazl was involved in the 1998 killing of Iranian diplomats in Afghanistan. Wasiq and Nori, according to American intelligence records, are also deeply implicated in mass slaughters as well as torture."

"Nabi worked closely with his brother-in-law, Malim Jan, also known as “the butcher of Khowst” because of his role in massacring some 300 people there. The records show that he was believed to have worked hand-in-hand with Al-Qaeda, and was considered a high risk who was likely to pose a threat to American interests."

"Khairkhwa primarily played roles in meetings between the Taliban and Iranian intelligence. Intelligence records also suggest that he may have been involved in Afghanistan’s illegal drug trade."

  • His Intel knowledge was extremely important.
"The future of the men considered to be top Taliban officials was a key sticking point in earlier negotiations with the Taliban under Obama, but the terrorist group that held Bergdahl was extremely loosely connected to the Taliban."

The group that captured and held Bergdahl was the Haqqani Network. This group, though affiliated with the Taliban, did not like the Taliban, and these 5 mean meant nothing to their operations."

"The Haqqani network (Pashto: د حقاني شبکې‎) is an Afghan guerilla insurgent group using asymmetric warfare to fight against US-led NATO forces and the government of Afghanistan. Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin Haqqani lead the group. The group is based in Afghanistan, where it operates."

"The Haqqani Netwrok was affiliated and grew up with Al Qaeida. Following the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and the subsequent overthrow of the Taliban government, the Haqqanis fled to the bordering Pakistani tribal regions and regrouped to fight against coalition forces across the border."

Again, although loosely associated with the Taliban they did not like the Taliban.

The Haqqani Network was known to use kidnapping and ransom to fund their terrorist operations:
-- “They also receive funds from extortion, kidnappings and smuggling operations throughout eastern Afghanistan.[4] In an interview a former Haqqani commander called the extortion "the most important source of funding for the Haqqanis."

Bergdahl? Wow, must be a really slow day.

No Man Left behind?
- Bergdahl DESERTED - he left the US behind, believing he could join the cause of the Taliban with whom he sympathized. Instead he was captured, kept chained to a bed for months, and was finally ransomed.
-- It is important to note that Bergdahl was not tortured, decapitated on the internet, or killed in any other way. This is important because RANSOM was how the Haqqani Network continued to fund their operations. 'Prisoner Swaps' didn't 'pay the bills'. Bergdahl was not part of a prisoner swap. As per their MO, again, the Haqqani Network demanded sash - they got cash.
-- Also, in a prisoner swap, aren't prisoners SWAPPED? The Taliban 5 were not released to the Haqqani Network in exchange for Begdahl. They were released in in the hell does that help the Haqqani Network and the funding of their operations? IT DOESN'T!

If the US would have left Bergdahl in their hands it would not have been 'leaving a man behind'. Bergdahl abandoned his brothers in arms and his country. Several of his brethren died looking for him.

Their lives and the money the Haqqani Network received for his release was more than he was worth by themselves. The Taliban 5 being released as part of the Prisoner Swap story was over the top - damn-near treason while the US was at war.
If Obama literally tried as hard as he could have to fuck over the USA, he couldn't have done any worse.

He is such a political hack.
HOw long till Berghbdal has memorials of him all over the south ?

Oh wait . Bowe didn't kill 100,000s of American troops . So no statues for him!
If Obama literally tried as hard as he could have to fuck over the USA, he couldn't have done any worse.

He is such a political hack.

Yes, how dare he bring a pow home ! What a monster !!!

I thought you righties were pro troop?
Bergdahl should have been placed in handcuffs Courts Martialed upon his release by the Haqqani Network. Instead, Obama didn't just 'pardon' him, Obama rushed in and declared the deserter to be a hero, complete with award ceremony.

..but as Iamwhatiseem stated, "Yeah but Trump pardoned a sheriff guy".

HOw long till Berghbdal has memorials of him all over the south ?Oh wait . Bowe didn't kill 100,000s of American troops . So no statues for him!

No, but just like Obama did, though, Bergdahl sided with America's enemies.
Susan Rice said Berghdal "served with honor and distinction". Libtards.
Susan Rice said Berghdal "served with honor and distinction". Libtards.
She (and Hillary and Barry) also said the Benghazi Terrorist attack was a protest over a video....

Liars lie. Go figure.
Lakota is giggling. No wonder the slave owner redskins were too stupid to have a single word for wheel before normal people showed up to the Americas.
You righties have defended Confederates on a daily basis. Confederates! These people took up arms against the United States and killed thousands and thousands of American soldiers. These are facts.

So you have no right to complain about Obama getting both back.
You righties have the funding Confederates on a daily basis. Confederates! These people took up arms against the United States and killed thousands and thousands of American soldiers. These are facts.

So you have no right to complain about Obama getting both back.
A civil war - a nation divided over beliefs about how the country should run - is completely different from Islamic Extremist who want to completely destroy the United States and a US President who supported them.

BTW, that was a piss-poor attempt to distract from Obama's 'treason'.
You righties have the funding Confederates on a daily basis. Confederates! These people took up arms against the United States and killed thousands and thousands of American soldiers. These are facts.

So you have no right to complain about Obama getting both back.
A civil war - a nation divided over beliefs about how the country should run - is completely different from Islamic Extremist who want to completely destroy the United States and a US President who supported them.

BTW, that was a piss-poor attempt to distract from Obama's 'treason'.

Keep putting all the lipstick on that pig . Guys like Robert E Lee were the textbook definition of traitor.

Bowe is a weirdo who was KNOWN to wander off . You want to court Martial? Go ahead .

His sins are nothing compared to those of the confederates .

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