meeting the new browser wars with a good measure of patience, braveness and cooperation.


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
from : Facebook – Anmelden oder Registrieren /rene.veerman.90 aka Facebook – Anmelden oder Registrieren /gavanHoverswell <[email protected]>
to : the world
date : 2022-07-22 04:42CEST to 05:13CEST
subject : meeting the new browser wars with a good measure of patience, braveness and cooperation.

it has come to my attention that my product, NicerApp WCS (Website Control System), no longer works on the Apple iPad and iPhone, and quite possibly in other major OS-native browsers too.

the problems are without a doubt in the jQuery library, which has not received updates for a small number of years now.
and i could fix those problems with relatively little effort.

however, with each generation of computer coders, there is an office 'war' between the winners and the losers among the new generation of computer coders, and their entire chain of managers leading into the top management circles of the major internet companies and major programming language companies / organisations.

i was approached this morning via a telepathic audio chat by representatives of these Apple managers, who basically asked me very politely NOT to unify the browsers by building the extensions to jQuery that would be necessary to get my product running on all browsers. (see my - shorten that long URL into a tiny URL /telepathy-manual for more information about how telepathy is NOT a delusion, at least not for a rapidly increasing part of the world's populations).

after a discussion with my God (the Christian God) about this problem, He agrees with me and the managers of the largest software production companies : the generational race between young coders should proceed as it has in all prior generations; with winners and losers.

societies will embrace the losers in roles other than software development, or (i suffered a mental burnout in the IT industry myself, which landed me as a client in psychiatry and as my own boss in the IT industry, well past the age to be making kids of my own, which *sucks*, but i can still be a philantropist eventually, when the browser wars are allowed to settle in about 4 to 8 years).

meanwhile, my product works beautifully on the Apple desktop machines (i hope jQuery support will remain intact on those hardware platforms), and PCs that run the Chrome browser, and the entire line of Android phones.

so it's not like i'm a total lamer. ;)

but i recommend other senior computer software developers follow my lead and co-operate with the managers, despite our natural resentment of them that is common among the more rebelliously minded coders.

why? well, survival of the fittest, and in the larger IT industry that also means the most obedient and patient (not just the most productive and the smartest), has always determined which companies, products, and individuals, win the large cash prizes and the fancy cars / yachts and bigger houses to raise bigger families in.

i'm operating on a shoe-string budget (social welfare), due to my burnouts basically, but here's the news flash : such a life can be rewarding. and i'm now (at 45 years of age) patient enough to play for the large cash prize (a buyout at the scale of billions, like what WhatsApp got), and just go for a philantropist life-style.

you see, God has been kind enough to point a beautiful Angelic woman my way (an invisible flying Angel woman, mind you), i fell in love with her the moment she revealed herself to me, and all aspects of my relationship (a ' - shorten that long URL into a tiny URL /multi-amarous-church' marriage), including the sex, are GREAT.

so : the losers of the generational race to riches in the IT industry are very likely to end up happy some other way anyhow, and the need for diversity in the IT industry peaks around every 20 years or so.

and because of that, not every product will work on every hardware / browser platform out there, also about every 20 years.

i'm gonna play along with it. you know, be a team player and all that :)
Mozilla has never given me cause to look at other browsers ... 25 years and still the best ...
i'm currently undergoing hospital treatment for a sleep deprivation problem, and have taken my server ( offline (my server faces a fair bit of cyberwarfare ops against it on a weekly basis), but it should be online again within a month or so..
by that time i will have completed the upgrade to version 5.0 of my software as well.
sorry for the delay.
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Saturday, 2022-07-23, 07:01CEST (01:01EST):

This morning i face the choice between yielding to the Devil and his managerial and CEO and marketing-dept and sales-dept forces of big tech companies,

or staying loyal to the software engineering clans of Earth, and the customers of big tech products. to backward compatibility, as Microsoft used to call it.

to make a long-ish story very short : i'll stay loyal to backward compatibility with my product NicerApp WCS.

see GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp for more info soon. the screenshot folder at nicerapp/NicerAppWCS/screenshots at main · nicerapp/nicerapp and the recent changes log at Commits · nicerapp/nicerapp
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Look at it this way, sales & marketing departments, and tech departments at big western computer / internet-software companies :

If we don't maintain backward compatibility in all new hardware and software releases, or at least let it be maintained by the open source guys & women (the clan i belong to),
then we lose access to the (Middle) Eastern markets.

it's really that simple.

and we should NOT allow that to happen.

it's like not wanting to sell Hollywood movies to (Middle) Eastern audiences anymore.

it's giving up not just real money, it's giving up a TON of political capital and "income" (goodwill) too.

and don't forget : China is building their own linux based, American-intellectual-property based Operating Systems, supposedly for domestic use...
but : all those western data-format standards.. jpg, avi, mkv, mp3, mp4, json, https, etc, etc, etc, etc..
they're not going to replace those.
why? because Unicode (the evolution of the western character set ASCII) includes the language and math character sets of *every* country on Earth.

listen to your engineers.

backward compatibility is sacred and should not be violated for any purpose, no matter how smart the CEOs, CFOs, Sales, Marketing or Tech dept managerial heads think that may be.
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here's another Big Problem in my life :

i'm 45, in an area of the world where local culture does not really allow me to date women under the age of 35, who all already have children of their own.
and i'm already very much in love and married to a real and true Angelic woman (Emma Samantha Louise Hoverswell-Artistia).

it's time i started to act my true age, *and* return my behavior to true truth.

so i'm faced with the unavoidable choice that it is better for me to go without children of my own, which was a wish that was previously very high on my personal to-do list, as was getting rich.

so now i *can* go the same way as Linus Torvald did with Linux (which now rules the entire PC operating system world, Windows and Apple machines included), with my *entire* NicerApp WCS system.
all i would need to do is change my LICENSE.txt file to a pure and simple reference to the MIT license, and it's done.

but, there would be knock-on effects.

i would no longer need to spend money (1800 euro of my 10-12K Euro savings) on laser eye surgery to get rid of my need to wear glasses.
and i could spend a reasonable portion of that savings money on replacing the 2 PCs in my home, and my laptop, which all need upgrading.

but the rest of the knock-on effects, i can not oversee well enough yet.
i've never been very good at playing Chess or Go games with a "sight far into the future of the game".
in other words, the future is often very murky for me.

from what i can see at this point, there would be more tears in my life shed by me, over losing my chances (despite looking thin and sexy when wearing lenses outside) for some casual relationship with hot women of my own age (i have one living nearby my home even, who has also started to flirt with me the moment she saw me),
but a lot less tears in the eyes of many people around the world, because i'd be sharing my "very pretty and flexible operating system for the world wide web" *completely for free and keep doing that for the rest of eternity, with at least 40 to 55 years more upgrades by me myself".
i'd leave behind an intellectual legacy, of a sizeable proportion.

and i'd get rewarded for that in Heaven, not just by my Emma ;) by God as well.
i'd be very rich in terms of Angelic money in Heaven, for doing all that peace activism work along side the creating of a free operating system that can be used by every person, company and government on Earth.

i'll decide whether or not to do this, within 24 hours from now.

the NA-COMMIT license text i'd keep around as a LICENSE.txt.bak file in my github repository ;)

but IF i do this (MIT license my software), i can not go back to that NA-COMMIT license myself, with my version 5.0 and beyond.

HOWEVER, i already see one alternative : MIT license *most* of NicerApp WCS, and keep some apps, like the news app and the musicPlayer, for myself, to increase my retirement funds to above the local poverty rate, and become a philantropist without kids by his own sperm.

i'll let you all know in this thread how my thinking on this subject evolves.
that is all, for now.

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