Mega NINO forming!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

The graph I seen at shows it at 150 meters is getting close to 7c!:eek: This is fucking destroying 1997.

A monster nino bigger then 1997 is moving towards the surface! .75c is very possible in the giss and noaa data set if this occurs for 2015.

2014 will probably be within the top 3!

This will recover a lot of the warmers creditability...You can count on it as the super nina's were your run in the sun!.:badgrin:
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A hurricane or tropical storm hitting CA will be a major league disaster. The construction principles of seismic resistance and cyclone resistance are exactly opposite. A stronger nino means a more northerly path This also happened in the mid 1800s when Governor Stanford needed a boat to get to the state capital.
Even during a significant El Niño event, California hurricanes are still exceedingly unlikely and rare.

A strong El Niño will solve California's drought problems...

The graph I seen at shows it at 150 meters is getting close to 7c!:eek: This is fucking destroying 1997.

A monster nino bigger then 1997 is moving towards the surface! .75c is very possible in the giss and noaa data set if this occurs for 2015.

2014 will probably be within the top 3!

This will recover a lot of the warmers creditability...You can count on it as the super nina's were your run in the sun!.:badgrin:

You idiot.

It means when you have strong El Nino's, you have warmer temperatures.:D

Shit.....these people took swan dives out of the crib as infants.:up:
Only the truly primitive tribes could be pawned by watching the reorganizing of EXISTING ocean heat..
Just takes a shiny mirror and a couple matches to become a god in some cultures...
The AGW fascists see some opportunity in this......warmer temperatures from a naturally occurring phenomenon mean they can throw more bombs to support their makey-uppey crisis. God the America hating fuckers have no concern for sticking it to the poor......."FUCK THE POOR.....WE MUST STICK TO OUR NARRATIVE!!"
Even during a significant El Niño event, California hurricanes are still exceedingly unlikely and rare.

A strong El Niño will solve California's drought problems...

Well, it won't solve them, but it would alleviate them. Southern California is's hard to fix that!
So we get an El Nino event, and the temperatures are very significantly warmer than those of 2010, 2005, and 1998. What does that do to your cooling predicitons, Westwall?
Even during a significant El Niño event, California hurricanes are still exceedingly unlikely and rare.

A strong El Niño will solve California's drought problems...

Well, it won't solve them, but it would alleviate them. Southern California is's hard to fix that!

Well, yeah.

I meant return California to its normal lack of water, rather than the extreme lack of water we've been having lately.
So we get an El Nino event, and the temperatures are very significantly warmer than those of 2010, 2005, and 1998. What does that do to your cooling predicitons, Westwall?

Nothing. El Nino's are NATURAL! It will be nice to have a warmer winter next year. It was butt cold up here this spring. We are just now starting to prep the garden. The world gets warm and cold all the time. Not one of your claims is factual. There is no "increasing extreme weather". It simply doesn't exist.

You can post one of your fanciful "looky here, this storm is oh so bad and PROOF of globull warming" and I can post a storm from the past that was worse.

Facts are facts. And you have none.
Even during a significant El Niño event, California hurricanes are still exceedingly unlikely and rare.

A strong El Niño will solve California's drought problems...

Well, it won't solve them, but it would alleviate them. Southern California is's hard to fix that!

Well, yeah.

I meant return California to its normal lack of water, rather than the extreme lack of water we've been having lately.

Be thankful you're not in the midst of one of those multi century droughts that afflict California on a frequent basis. You guys have had it nice this last century!:lol:

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