Mega NINO forming!

Only the truly primitive tribes could be pawned by watching the reorganizing of EXISTING ocean heat..
Just takes a shiny mirror and a couple matches to become a god in some cultures...

So we get an El Nino event, and the temperatures are very significantly warmer than those of 2010, 2005, and 1998. What does that do to your cooling predicitons, Westwall?

Nothing. El Nino's are NATURAL! It will be nice to have a warmer winter next year. It was butt cold up here this spring. We are just now starting to prep the garden. The world gets warm and cold all the time. Not one of your claims is factual. There is no "increasing extreme weather". It simply doesn't exist.

You can post one of your fanciful "looky here, this storm is oh so bad and PROOF of globull warming" and I can post a storm from the past that was worse.

Facts are facts. And you have none.
Plus they deny the consequences of the facts they do bring up. A colder North Atlantic forces hurricane eastward like the one that took out the Armada in 1588. A warmer northern Pacific forces hurricanes westward. Check the latitude of east pac hurricane strikes during previous ninos and ninas. Either CA is at major tropical storm risk this fall or the nino prediction is way off.

The graph I seen at shows it at 150 meters is getting close to 7c!:eek: This is fucking destroying 1997.

A monster nino bigger then 1997 is moving towards the surface! .75c is very possible in the giss and noaa data set if this occurs for 2015.

2014 will probably be within the top 3!

This will recover a lot of the warmers creditability...You can count on it as the super nina's were your run in the sun!.:badgrin:

El nino is not caused by AGW. The warmers lost their credibility when they emailed each other to lie through omission of a thousand years of data. Their loss of credibility had zippo to do with what mother nature hath wrought. Nay, it was man's unthinkable downgrading of the scientific community through false data to yield a desired result, which is the opposite of the scientific method in which the outcome is determined by the data and not the other way around. :muahaha:

Only the truly primitive tribes could be pawned by watching the reorganizing of EXISTING ocean heat..
Just takes a shiny mirror and a couple matches to become a god in some cultures...

Just as you all got excited when the warm ocean surface waters were subducted? Got it.
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Only the truly primitive tribes could be pawned by watching the reorganizing of EXISTING ocean heat..
Just takes a shiny mirror and a couple matches to become a god in some cultures...

Just as you got all excited when the warm ocean surface waters were subducted? Got it.

Actually, we don't really get excited about too many things. That's for hysterical envirowhackaloons. We are quite happy to OBSERVE the natural world and record what is happening. Then, when we have enough information, we will act in a way that is least damaging to all concerned.
Only the truly primitive tribes could be pawned by watching the reorganizing of EXISTING ocean heat..
Just takes a shiny mirror and a couple matches to become a god in some cultures...

Just as you all got excited when the warm ocean surface waters were subducted? Got it.

Difference there is that NEW heat from the surface radiation budget SHOULD HAVE been taken out of circulation by the "subduction". What YOURE all gaga about is just redistribution of Hotspots and cooler waters.. Unless you do think the ocean is gonna barf up volumes of warm water that it snacked on 2002,
Hopefully this kills lots of people so Old Rocks and the Warmer Cult can do their hand-wringing If only we stopped AGW bullshit Act
What I find most interesting about AGW arguments are :

The reduction of CFC emissions into the atmosphere did heal the ozonosphere and if the global warming "scientists" had passed physical science for business majors they would have used that fact to predict a decline or at least a slow down in warming as the level of atmospheric CFC declined.

In the same class they would have learned CO2 and H2O in combination with heat alternates state back and forth to carbolic acid (COOH) and oxygen (O2) and then back to cause more rapid ice pack melt due to frictional heat causing acid creation.

both arguments can be used to defend a slow warming of the planet but ain't.
So we get an El Nino event, and the temperatures are very significantly warmer than those of 2010, 2005, and 1998. What does that do to your cooling predicitons, Westwall?

Who the fuck said it was cooling?
The deniers, as if you didn't know. We went through this on another thread and you were shown the many deniers who were claiming we've been cooling for at least 15 years.

Here is your MessiahRushie claiming the planet is cooling:

November 14, 2012
RUSH: Okay, so Obama is now talking about global warming and how it's getting warmer now than anybody thought ten years ago. It's an abject lie. The planet is cooling.
What I find most interesting about AGW arguments are :

The reduction of CFC emissions into the atmosphere did heal the ozonosphere and if the global warming "scientists" had passed physical science for business majors they would have used that fact to predict a decline or at least a slow down in warming as the level of atmospheric CFC declined.

In the same class they would have learned CO2 and H2O in combination with heat alternates state back and forth to carbolic acid (COOH) and oxygen (O2) and then back to cause more rapid ice pack melt due to frictional heat causing acid creation.

both arguments can be used to defend a slow warming of the planet but ain't.

What the hell are you smoking:cuckoo:
Yes, but the drought in California is the result of AGW and a Super el nino will end the drought, an el nino would be good for California, lots of moisture.

Of course the last El Nino was not predicted before it happened, it was theorized and named after the fact.

either way, if it happens or does not happen its obvious that the Green Energy save the Earth people are insane at best.
Actually any number of your sainted long term proxy studies DO SAY that the millenial trend has been a slight trend down.. Nobody argues for ANY significant cooling over the past 15 yrs, because that hasnt happened...Thats a hairthin slice of a 10000 yr trend....
Shit man, where I live it's either flood or famine...don't think things will change much during my lifetime. Cold in da winter, hot in da summer...The usual...
Yes, but the drought in California is the result of AGW and a Super el nino will end the drought, an el nino would be good for California, lots of moisture.

Of course the last El Nino was not predicted before it happened, it was theorized and named after the fact.

either way, if it happens or does not happen its obvious that the Green Energy save the Earth people are insane at best.

Would you care to put that into English.
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So we get an El Nino event, and the temperatures are very significantly warmer than those of 2010, 2005, and 1998. What does that do to your cooling predicitons, Westwall?

It points out natural variability. The long term warming continues on....the earth is, after all exiting an ice age....the long term warming is broken by unpredictable cooling periods and stalls and then on to warmer temps...with or without mankind's presence.

If a natural event can turn on the warming after a nearly 20 year flat period, then it is evident that the warming leading up to the flat period could have also been the result of natural variability. There still exists no evidence that man is responsible for any warming outside of models. The hypothesis failed yet again with the flat period while CO2 merrily increased.
What I find most interesting about AGW arguments are :

The reduction of CFC emissions into the atmosphere did heal the ozonosphere and if the global warming "scientists" had passed physical science for business majors they would have used that fact to predict a decline or at least a slow down in warming as the level of atmospheric CFC declined.

Actually, it didn't. The ozone holes are still there north and south depending on the season...growing larger in the winter and smaller in the summer just as anyone who knows why ozone is there in the first place would predict. The whole ozone scare was a hoax just as AGW is.
This maybe enough if it turns out to pass cap & trade through congress and get the show on the road!

Do you really think cap and trade is the right way to go, matt?

IN principle I see how the system could work but I do not believe it will work

I suspect this will be a way the masters can sell themselves INDULGENCES to continue to pollute the world with impunity while charging US for their right to do so.

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