Megachurch Choir Premiered ‘Make America Great Again’ Song Amidst Hymns for Donald Trump (Video)

Someone is actually denying that homosexuality is indeed linked with pedophilia! It's more democrat denial of the truth.
Lol now the right is singing religious hymns about an atheist who represents everything that Jesus spoke against
Make America saudi arabia of Christianity...A religious fascist state.

We were a Christian Nation and a blessed one at that until we turned against God. Now we are a burning, flooding, random murdering, cesspool...
When exactly did that happen?

I agree. back when we were a Christian nation, we mostly slaughtered Indians. Now that we are not, the drug dealers slaughter each other. We turned against god when the Indians were almost gone, and god has been pissed at us ever since.
Not one of the ^^^ usual phony Christians ^^^ cares that millions $$$ are wasted to build these enormous eyesores instead of what their god told them to do -

Like feed hungry children.

You "christians" are proud to be the opposite of what you say you are.

If "mega churches" and their ungodly preachers are what you believe is "American" and "patriotic", you have empty lives and couldn't be more wrong.


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Make America saudi arabia of Christianity...A religious fascist state.

Does that mean we can toss you off a rooftop?

RWNJs voted for trump because they knew Pence would get them the sharia law they want so bad, and what trump has always said - end the US Constitution.

If they could, they would exactly what the OP says - Make religion the new patriotism.

Fascism is here.

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Make America saudi arabia of Christianity...A religious fascist state.

Does that mean we can toss you off a rooftop?

RWNJs voted for trump because they knew Pence would get them the sharia law they want so bad, and what trump has always said - end the US Constitution.

If they could, they would exactly what the OP says - Make religion the new patriotism.

Fascism is here.

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Dude you're a tard.
You lefty fuks are the ones importing muslims.
Make America saudi arabia of Christianity...A religious fascist state.

We were a Christian Nation and a blessed one at that until we turned against God. Now we are a burning, flooding, random murdering, cesspool...

The Irish Ram

Why do you fake christians hate the US so much?

Because you're told to -- yeah, I get that, but you're just vile. You monsters are here every day, and you're always want to hurt others.

You hate children and babies and gays and women and vets and handicapped and elderly and anyone else you can kick and spit on.

All you seem to want is to destroy the country and replace with Fascism.

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Someone is actually denying that homosexuality is indeed linked with pedophilia! It's more democrat denial of the truth.

What's true is that you RWNJs just keep telling and retell ink the same lies until they magically become true.

Seriously, Tipsycatlover - How do you have the gall to say you're a doctor AND a lawyer AND a dog washer?


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Someone is actually denying that homosexuality is indeed linked with pedophilia! It's more democrat denial of the truth.

What's true is that you RWNJs just keep telling and retell ink the same lies until they magically become true.

Seriously, Tipsycatlover - How do you have the gall to say you're a doctor AND a lawyer AND a dog washer?


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Because you are a liar. You are proud of being a liar. You were no doubt raised to be a liar and found some protection in lying. Fact is, I never said those those things AT ALL. I am a RETIRED lawyer who had a second career in retirement as a dog groomer. I had an employee that washed the dogs. I was never a doctor you made it up and what's worse. I've corrected you numerous times but you need the lie. You need it. Have you ever sought counseling. This is obviously deeply seated, stemming from a troubled childhood no doubt. Did you lie to get out of trouble? Did you lie to hide from a hostile environment? What started you out as a liar. What benefit did you get from it originally?
This was just fine though.

So was this obama is tje alpha and omega!

Why is this? Is it because Trump is white?
Make America saudi arabia of Christianity...A religious fascist state.

We were a Christian Nation and a blessed one at that until we turned against God. Now we are a burning, flooding, random murdering, cesspool...

I bet you long for the civil war, days of slavery, back street abortions, the depression of 1929, WWI and WWII,
Nam war, the KKK, prohibition, etc, and who can forgot the Wild West Days fighting those Indians. Those were the Godly days.

This is earth. Our idea of it, not God's. He gave us a rose garden. We turned it into a garbage dump. But if you look at the human machinations you listed above, you'll see that God prevailed.
He never said shit wouldn't happen here. He said He'd get us through it. And He did.
He would have put an end to murdering children in the womb, but we kicked him out. We are on our own now, and it shows. Our grandchildren will be living in Hemisphere 1. It will go down hill rapidly after that.
Make America saudi arabia of Christianity...A religious fascist state.

We were a Christian Nation and a blessed one at that until we turned against God. Now we are a burning, flooding, random murdering, cesspool...
When exactly did that happen?

When we took Him out of our schools, banned Him from our government, our businesses, our lives, our children's lives. We elected a Muslim president who announced to the world that we were NO LONGER a Christian Nation, and you can work your way to Heaven...
And when God left, He took His blessings with Him. This country is a mere shell of it's former self.
Irish, you silly ass, there has been prayer in school during every algebra exam. LOL
Awesome. Enjoy on this great day 4th of July


“Let Me Out There, That is the Most Beautiful Music”

Last night, Donald Trump cost taxpayers’ at least $400,000 to headline the Celebrate Freedom Concert in Washington D.C. with anti-gay pastor Robert Jeffress.

The president utilized his first 4th of July speech in office to attack the media, praise the pastor who’s linked homosexuality to pedophilia and pander for the evangelical and veteran votes, but was also rewarded in song by the First Baptist Dallas Church choir.

Megachurch Choir Premiered ‘Make America Great Again’ Song Amidst Hymns for Donald Trump (Video)

Mr Jeffries needs to get back to preaching the gospel and shut up on the politics, IMO.

He is called to a much more important job and purpose than being a dancing monkey for a President.

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