Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
There's that sour grapes we've learned to expect from trumpanzees.

No sour grapes at all from my corner of the universe. Bod Michelle was unreal in helping to put together the Invictus Games in America.

She freaking rocked her ass off to pull it together, endorse it, appear at it. Man oh man I can't heap enough praises on her. But many to this day don't know what she did.
Of course they want Obama to attend.

Far better than the Orange Pretender.

Before you make an ass of yourself Jake you have to understand that Michelle and I mean this with all my heart was freaking awesome in not only supporting the Invictus Games but helped promote them out of this galaxy. I was so jaw dropped at what she did and to this day I have no idea why people weren't screaming her praises to the sky.Not even D's were cheering what she did. I found that so odd because I personally believe it was in her heart to do this with all the wounded servicemen and women.

But it was not.

Harry is inviting them as friends. Understand this. As President and First Lady they were not invited to the Royal Wedding because of security. As this wedding is to proceed it has nothing to do with politics but security.

This is not a slight to the Trumps.
I am never an ass, which Trump is almost always. Yes, this is a royal snub to the Orange Pretender.

Harry is inviting the Obamas because of their personal relationship AND because Harry believes the Obamas represent what is good with America.

Oh so William and Kate did not ask the Obama's to attend their wedding because they hated them?

William and Kate refused to invite the Obamas because of politics?

Are you certain you want to walk this road with me?
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.

Maybe this has slipped your mind but ---- not only are you not the President, you're actually pretending to be a Canadian on this board, remember?

That would make the Queen your monarch, like it or lump it. Not that that has diddly-poutine to do with this wedding and who's on the friggin' guest list, eh?

Back off. He's a great poster and from all his posts I say he really is what he says he is.

Actually I buy your Canadianness way more than I buy his. All he has is Blue Jays stats. He's overplaying it, always has been. Not sure I can think of anybody so desperately trying to pass as something he's not.

Also I've caught him using US spelling. And his punctuation is flawless --- that alone tells me he can''t be Canadian. :rofl:

Wow, you have a fascination with me. You work for the RCMP or one of their cross-border pals or something? NYPD maybe?

What do you mean my punctuation is flawless so I can't be a Canadian? You don't think we a decent education system or something?

I've explained all that need to be explained. Everyone knows I'm Canadian and most know my battle with the apparatus. To make sure I get even further into the bad books of the anti-American Canadian Comrades, I tell the world I won't bow for the Royals. In fact, if not for the French Revolution, the British commoner might still be searching for liberty.

Sure sure, of course you are hoser. And I myself happen to be the Queen of Belgium, eh? I just don't put it in my screen name in a desperate attempt to sell it, nor do I pepper every post with "and I'm the Queen of Belgium you know, no shit really I am".

Pogo back off. You really need to back off.
I hope Trump leaves them both off the guest list for his next wedding.
Maybe this has slipped your mind but ---- not only are you not the President, you're actually pretending to be a Canadian on this board, remember?

That would make the Queen your monarch, like it or lump it. Not that that has diddly-poutine to do with this wedding and who's on the friggin' guest list, eh?

Back off. He's a great poster and from all his posts I say he really is what he says he is.

Actually I buy your Canadianness way more than I buy his. All he has is Blue Jays stats. He's overplaying it, always has been. Not sure I can think of anybody so desperately trying to pass as something he's not.

Also I've caught him using US spelling. And his punctuation is flawless --- that alone tells me he can''t be Canadian. :rofl:

Wow, you have a fascination with me. You work for the RCMP or one of their cross-border pals or something? NYPD maybe?

What do you mean my punctuation is flawless so I can't be a Canadian? You don't think we a decent education system or something?

I've explained all that need to be explained. Everyone knows I'm Canadian and most know my battle with the apparatus. To make sure I get even further into the bad books of the anti-American Canadian Comrades, I tell the world I won't bow for the Royals. In fact, if not for the French Revolution, the British commoner might still be searching for liberty.

Sure sure, of course you are hoser. And I myself happen to be the Queen of Belgium, eh? I just don't put it in my screen name in a desperate attempt to sell it, nor do I pepper every post with "and I'm the Queen of Belgium you know, no shit really I am".

Pogo back off. You really need to back off.

Wait -- you're telling ME what I "need" to do? :lmao:

You remember that troll poster that was here, since pinked, named Nutz? The one who had that bizarro angle of bashing everything Canadian for whatever reason? He must have thought it a unique angle from which to troll.

Whelp, this guy looks like Nutz with a new twist on that angle, pretending to be Canadian for the purpose of bashing Canadians. Every post he makes be like,

"You know, as a Canadian who is a Canadian, I'd like to discuss in copious detail the latest issue in US politics, since they're so much superior to Canadian ones. By the way did I mention I'm Canadian?"​

You don't see me endlessly crowing about being a North Carolinian for the purpose of trashing North Carolina, and I don't see you endlessly crowing about being an Ontarian for the purpose of trashing Ontario. It's an obsession with him. I sniffed it out from the beginning. A nose for phony.

The other day I grilled him on his "own" history. Mind you this is a non-Canadian quizzing a purported Canadian on Canadian history. He didn't know what Le Grand Dérangement was, he didn't seem to know John Macdonald's connection to residential schools, he couldn't even spell his name right. All he did was babble on and on about the batting lineup for the Tronno Blue Jays of 25 years ago, which I take to mean he owns a sports book.

Yeah, the smell of phony is strong in this one. As I said, he's trying WAY too hard to play a role he thinks he's getting away with.
Of course they want Obama to attend.

Far better than the Orange Pretender.

Before you make an ass of yourself Jake you have to understand that Michelle and I mean this with all my heart was freaking awesome in not only supporting the Invictus Games but helped promote them out of this galaxy. I was so jaw dropped at what she did and to this day I have no idea why people weren't screaming her praises to the sky.Not even D's were cheering what she did. I found that so odd because I personally believe it was in her heart to do this with all the wounded servicemen and women.

But it was not.

Harry is inviting them as friends. Understand this. As President and First Lady they were not invited to the Royal Wedding because of security. As this wedding is to proceed it has nothing to do with politics but security.

This is not a slight to the Trumps.
I am never an ass, which Trump is almost always. Yes, this is a royal snub to the Orange Pretender.

Harry is inviting the Obamas because of their personal relationship AND because Harry believes the Obamas represent what is good with America.

Oh so William and Kate did not ask the Obama's to attend their wedding because they hated them?

William and Kate refused to invite the Obamas because of politics?

Are you certain you want to walk this road with me?
Fallacy of false extrapolation. We are talking about Harry and his gal, and they despise the Trump, and the like the Obamas. Tis what is. td, I have walked every road with you to the end, and I have always come out fine. Harry thinks the Trump is trash.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
Back off. He's a great poster and from all his posts I say he really is what he says he is.

Actually I buy your Canadianness way more than I buy his. All he has is Blue Jays stats. He's overplaying it, always has been. Not sure I can think of anybody so desperately trying to pass as something he's not.

Also I've caught him using US spelling. And his punctuation is flawless --- that alone tells me he can''t be Canadian. :rofl:

Wow, you have a fascination with me. You work for the RCMP or one of their cross-border pals or something? NYPD maybe?

What do you mean my punctuation is flawless so I can't be a Canadian? You don't think we a decent education system or something?

I've explained all that need to be explained. Everyone knows I'm Canadian and most know my battle with the apparatus. To make sure I get even further into the bad books of the anti-American Canadian Comrades, I tell the world I won't bow for the Royals. In fact, if not for the French Revolution, the British commoner might still be searching for liberty.

Sure sure, of course you are hoser. And I myself happen to be the Queen of Belgium, eh? I just don't put it in my screen name in a desperate attempt to sell it, nor do I pepper every post with "and I'm the Queen of Belgium you know, no shit really I am".

Pogo back off. You really need to back off.

Wait -- you're telling ME what I "need" to do? :lmao:

You remember that troll poster that was here, since pinked, named Nutz? The one who had that bizarro angle of bashing everything Canadian for whatever reason? He must have thought it a unique angle from which to troll.

Whelp, this guy looks like Nutz with a new twist on that angle, pretending to be Canadian for the purpose of bashing Canadians. Every post he makes be like,

"You know, as a Canadian who is a Canadian, I'd like to discuss in copious detail the latest issue in US politics, since they're so much superior to Canadian ones. By the way did I mention I'm Canadian?"​

You don't see me endlessly crowing about being a North Carolinian for the purpose of trashing North Carolina, and I don't see you endlessly crowing about being an Ontarian for the purpose of trashing Ontario. It's an obsession with him. I sniffed it out from the beginning. A nose for phony.

The other day I grilled him on his "own" history. Mind you this is a non-Canadian quizzing a purported Canadian on Canadian history. He didn't know what Le Grand Dérangement was, he didn't seem to know John Macdonald's connection to residential schools, he couldn't even spell his name right. All he did was babble on and on about the batting lineup for the Tronno Blue Jays of 25 years ago, which I take to mean he owns a sports book.

Yeah, the smell of phony is strong in this one. As I said, he's trying WAY too hard to play a role he thinks he's getting away with.

Ok, so if you think I'm some sort of parody account of a fake Canadian, then just ignore me. You won't hurt my feelings I swear. The fact that you care so much might suggest something about your motives...

I'm aware of abuse from the TPS, OPP, RCMP and CSIS. I have knowledge of a great deal of abuses against not just Canadians, but more importantly American businesses. It was the latter which I called out which cost me a great deal.

Now, what do you see in the last few years. Uranium One out of Toronto being sold to Russia, which obtains 20% of U.S uranium. You see the passing of a fake dossier by Fusion GPS in Canada, by a former British spy who feels quite comfortable passing this on, this means it happened under the watch of the RCMP and CSIS. Plenty more, just in mainstream news.

$400M to GM to keep jobs in Ontario rather than head to Michigan and Ohio. Boeing being undermined by Bombardier. A comical response from Canada that a fair 1:1 ratio of public contracts is unacceptable for the purposes of the NAFTA negotiation, we want MORE of your tax dollars and jobs, not equal amounts (because we circumvent your system in ways you don't even realize). Then it's Norsat International being sold to China with high level access to classified satellite technology that the U.S military uses. This isn't me doing some "hey Canada sucks routine", this is me backing up abuses against America with facts and details.

Do I have a bone to pick with Canada? Of course. I know far more than the average citizen and they forced me to blow the whistle loudly. Am I some fake Canadian? No. If you had some problem with this nutz guy, that's your deal, I'm not that guy. I am excessively politically involved, and I want to see America succeed, hold abusive countries to account nd most of all, NOT become like these socialist, centralized systems that lack accountability or liberty.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists

Why don't you guys just be proud of who you are instead of trying to deny it. If you want to be racists, fine, but being lying racists makes you look that much worse.
I really don't believe it would be any skin off Trump's nose not to be invited. Bill Clinton strikes me as more the type who is where he should be all the time and when he's not, he's with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend.

As for the Obama's, I get feeling that they'll genuinely enjoy themselves.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists
The white people are supposed to hate other white people? Is that how your racist ideas go? And naturally, the black part hates them for their white racism.

Did you ever stop to think race plays no part in their thinking?
Trump didn't invite Harry to his wedding or any of the royal family? ;)

Harry and Obama are friends.... he just did a radio interview with him, that is going to air soon....I saw an excerpt from it....

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