Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists

Why don't you guys just be proud of who you are instead of trying to deny it. If you want to be racists, fine, but being lying racists makes you look that much worse.


Nobody wants the Trumps except the alt-right whackjobs and the rest of his bugwit followers and Putin. Oh and Guatemala. So Trump has Putin, nazis, and Guatemala.

All the world loves the Obamas. Except of course Putin, nazis, and Guatemala.
Nobody wants the Trumps except the alt-right whackjobs and the rest of his bugwit followers and Putin. Oh and Guatemala. So Trump has Putin, nazis, and Guatemala.

All the world loves the Obamas. Except of course Putin, nazis, and Guatemala.
What about Hillary? Sky Screamers? Vagina Suits? Fat girls with megaphones?
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists

Why don't you guys just be proud of who you are instead of trying to deny it. If you want to be racists, fine, but being lying racists makes you look that much worse.



How long ago was that?

Cuz this was just last year:

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters


Ivanka Trump shares heartwarming family fishing trip pictures—and a Confederate flag

If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists

Why don't you guys just be proud of who you are instead of trying to deny it. If you want to be racists, fine, but being lying racists makes you look that much worse.



How long ago was that?

Cuz this was just last year:

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters
mmm... KKK grand dragon endorses Hillary Clinton for president
Of course they want Obama to attend.

Far better than the Orange Pretender.

Before you make an ass of yourself Jake you have to understand that Michelle and I mean this with all my heart was freaking awesome in not only supporting the Invictus Games but helped promote them out of this galaxy. I was so jaw dropped at what she did and to this day I have no idea why people weren't screaming her praises to the sky.Not even D's were cheering what she did. I found that so odd because I personally believe it was in her heart to do this with all the wounded servicemen and women.

But it was not.

Harry is inviting them as friends. Understand this. As President and First Lady they were not invited to the Royal Wedding because of security. As this wedding is to proceed it has nothing to do with politics but security.

This is not a slight to the Trumps.
I am never an ass, which Trump is almost always. Yes, this is a royal snub to the Orange Pretender.

Harry is inviting the Obamas because of their personal relationship AND because Harry believes the Obamas represent what is good with America.
Obama hates:
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists

Why don't you guys just be proud of who you are instead of trying to deny it. If you want to be racists, fine, but being lying racists makes you look that much worse.



It’s also true that Robert Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and helped establish the hate group’s chapter in Sophia, West Virginia.

However, in 1952 Byrd avowed that “After about a year, I became disinterested [in the KKK], quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization,” and throughout his long political career (he served for 57 years in the United States Congress) he repeatedly apologized for his involvement with the KKK:

“I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

In 2010, even the NAACP released a statement honoring Senator Byrd and mourning his passing:

The NAACP is saddened by the passing of United States Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd, the longest serving member of congress was first elected to the U.S. House from [West Virginia] in 1952 and was elected Senator in 1958. Byrd passed away this morning at the age of 92.

“Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,” stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. “Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

“Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation,” stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. “Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed.”
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.

I really could not care less. I don't care how it turns out or who gets their shorts in a knot.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
Trump was handed $millions by his father.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
Trump was handed $millions by his father.

And that is relevant how?
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
Trump was handed $millions by his father.

and turned it into billions

your point?
Of course they want Obama to attend.

Far better than the Orange Pretender.

Before you make an ass of yourself Jake you have to understand that Michelle and I mean this with all my heart was freaking awesome in not only supporting the Invictus Games but helped promote them out of this galaxy. I was so jaw dropped at what she did and to this day I have no idea why people weren't screaming her praises to the sky.Not even D's were cheering what she did. I found that so odd because I personally believe it was in her heart to do this with all the wounded servicemen and women.

But it was not.

Harry is inviting them as friends. Understand this. As President and First Lady they were not invited to the Royal Wedding because of security. As this wedding is to proceed it has nothing to do with politics but security.

This is not a slight to the Trumps.
I am never an ass, which Trump is almost always. Yes, this is a royal snub to the Orange Pretender.

Harry is inviting the Obamas because of their personal relationship AND because Harry believes the Obamas represent what is good with America.
Obama hates:
Not True. It's Republicans that hate America. That's why they are trying to turn it into Russia.
If I'm Trump, I don't even accept such an invitation anyways. I would proudly announce, "I'm an American, we don't believe in the monarchy or bowing to other citizens because of their birthright. We believe you work hard and EARN your rewards in life".

This could be a great opportunity to make inroads into a broader voter base. I have nothing against the Royals and their traditions, but I wouldn't want any part of it if I were the president. It's a reminder of just what the Obamas represent, like Hillary, they believe they are Royalty and expect to be treated as such. I'm sure if Trump is invited he will go, but I know I wouldn't. Appears some in England wisely understand how bad it looks if they invite the Obamas instead.

Maybe the convenient meeting of the Prince and a woman from Hollywood is appealing to some, such as CNN and other global cheerleaders, but to the average American who believes in the Constitution and equality of men, this is an institution of fossils for which American Patriots fought for their independence from.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reportedly want Obamas at their wedding

What a royal headache.

The British government is in a tizzy that Prince Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama to their spring wedding, according to The Sun. The government fears that President Trump will take it as a snub, according to a report Tuesday.

“Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” The Sun reported, citing a senior government official. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”

The relationship between Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has been a rocky one, with the leaders lashing out at one another during a number of controversies.

Most recently, May chastised Trump, calling him “wrong” for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British group in November.

And while the prince bonded with the Obamas during the Invictus Games in September in Toronto, his bride-to-be referred to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign as “divisive” and “misogynistic.”

The Sun reported that May could have the final word on whether the president will be on the guest list for the May 19 wedding.
Trump was handed $millions by his father.

Sure would like to see a valid link confirming this :bsflag:
They don't want Trump.

Because Trump is a racist.

They don't want racists at their wedding.

Probably won't be very many Republicans at all.

You know why.

The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

It's silly to pretend the reason doesn't exist.
The blessed couple is 1 1/2 white. Obama a mulatto. What bizarre reasoning.
That doesn't have anything to do with Republicans being racist.

The KKK lives in the GOP.

The Aryan Nation lives in the GOP.

The Alt White lives in the GOP.

White Nationalists live in the GOP.

"Good People" according to Trump.

Regardless of who started these organizations a hundred years ago, we know who they belong to today.

Trump bombshell: There were fine people among Nazis, white supremacists

Why don't you guys just be proud of who you are instead of trying to deny it. If you want to be racists, fine, but being lying racists makes you look that much worse.



How long ago was that?

Cuz this was just last year:

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters
mmm... KKK grand dragon endorses Hillary Clinton for president
Did you read your link? It's hilarious:

But Clinton wasn’t always Quigg’s choice.

He supported Trump as recently as September, tweeting that Trump was “the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK!”

Now, Quigg cites a litany of reasons why his support for Trump has waned.

“We don’t like his hair. We think it’s a toupee,” Quigg said. “He won’t do what he says he will do. He says he’s going to build a 20-foot high fence along the border with Mexico and make them pay. How’s he going to do that?”


Dukes isn't crazy. He's a racist, like Trump.

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