Meghan McCain Calls Julian Assange a 'Cyber Terrorist' During Heated Fight with Pamela Anderson


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
How Psych Operations works. Like for an example. They uses the conservative's new outlets to do the dirty work for the liberal media. They knows that the Liberals are for free speech. And so the liberal media cannot speak against Assange. And so that is when the Global Elites brings in the conservatives media to speak against Assange. Making it seems as if the conservatives are the ones trying to silence free speech. The conservative's new media saves the day for the liberal news media, which it will make the conservatives as the enemy of the Constitution. The Left were trying their best to stop Pres.Trump from meeting with Farrakhan in the White House. By accusing Farrakhan of being antisemitic. But they couldn't say it publicly. Or else that it will show the nation that they are the ones that are trying to stop a Black man from speaking to the President. And so that is when they sends in the conservative's news outlets to do their dirty work, like Fox news to stop them from meeting. If Farrakhan would of have met with the President. That it will bring in more Blacks to start paying close attention to what is going on. But the Global Elites wants what they has been doing, to stay in the shadows. And so that they cannot have the Blacks to see how manipulative the rulers of this nation are. That the Blacks will start getting involve in politics and they will start voting for the right person like Pres.Trump into office. Instead of letting the media like "The View" or the Rappers to decide for them.

Here is a nice little show that the Psych Ops has put on for the public

The View after the cohost labeled alleged hacker Julian Assange a “cyber terrorist.”

“When you visited him, he was allegedly kicked out of the Ecuadorian Embassy because he was defecating everywhere and creating messes,” McCain said to Anderson, who fired back saying, “No, that’s a smear campaign.”

“There was video,” McCain responded.

“What would you do if you were locked in a prison for six years?” Anderson, 52, asked.

“I wouldn’t be a cyber terrorist, which he is,” McCain said back, to which Anderson fired back, “He’s not a cyber terrorist.”
Meghan McCain Calls Julian Assange a 'Cyber Terrorist' During Heated Fight with Pamela Anderson

It's sad when we call those who expose government corruption terrorists. Maybe brain cancer runs in the family.
Meghan McCain had bad parental guidance and Pam Anderson's brain was scrambled by swallowing too many oversized tongue depressors, Let's call it a tie
Cows at the trough....
You're being a little harsh on Pam there daddio. If Pam and Meghan were both at the trough, most self respecting perverts would fantasize being behind Pam. There's no similarity at all.

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