Meghan McCain Endorses Mitt Romney For President

Meghan McCain is a silly child who owes Sarah Palin any name recognition which she enjoys

Why would Meghan McCain owe Caribou Barbie ANYTHING? Wasn't it McCain's daddy who plucked Caribou Barbie out of obscurity to begin with?

Because, by mentioning Palin's name she gets press or media coverage. Otherwise no one, particularly on the right, cares about what she might say.
And it's harder still to understand what anyone on the left would care about her utterances, except to the extent that they might sting the right.
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I think Mr Romney is pretty far to the left of the usual republican. He is right wing only in the fever swamps of Mass.

In order to win the nomination, he has to win primary elections all over the place.
IF you, or anyone else still believes that a candidate who is both staunchly socially and fiscally conservative, can be elected POTUS in this day and age, then you learned absolutely nothing from the 2008 election. Oh, and good luck with that candidate.

That is the only sort of candidate that I will support. That's why I voted for an Independent candidate in 2008 and in 3 of the 5 Presidential elections I've been able to vote in, overall.

I don't believe that the society will change based on an election. Only blood and dead bodies will actually create change in this country. Hopefully VERY SOON.

I can think of one dead body I'd like to see.
Her endorsement means nothing. I still think Romney is an excellent choice. Especially considering his experience at cleaning up financial messes and scandals.
Meghan McCain is a silly child who owes Sarah Palin any name recognition which she enjoys

meghan mccain owes her name recognition to sarah palin?

i do believe that's pretty bass ackwards...

sarah palin should be kissing meghan's dad's butt for the name recognition and wealth that SHE has...

Um Palin was the Governor of Alaska. She had name recognition to some degree or she would never have been consider for VP.
Who is Megan McCain anyway and why do I care what she thinks. She found a way to get some attention. I like Romney too but I am not famous and most people don't care what I think. Well Megan I not interested in your opinion either.
Meghan McCain is a silly child who owes Sarah Palin any name recognition which she enjoys

meghan mccain owes her name recognition to sarah palin?

i do believe that's pretty bass ackwards...

sarah palin should be kissing meghan's dad's butt for the name recognition and wealth that SHE has...

Jilian, I think you are way too smart to believe that, so why say it?
Are you referring to Meghan "Tits" McCain?


Wow, that picture's a bit too tranny for me.
Besides, Romney is a Mormon, and the "base" of the GOP has already shown they will never allow a Mormon to be on their ticket for POTUS.

The Magic of Mormonism clashing with the Magic of Fundamentalist Chritianity.

That should be a video game.
Who is Megan McCain anyway and why do I care what she thinks. She found a way to get some attention. I like Romney too but I am not famous and most people don't care what I think. Well Megan I not interested in your opinion either.
I've been wondering why John McCain has been so quiet since the 2008 election. I think he's using his daughter as a "sounding board" and looking to see if it's safe to be a RINO again.
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An endorsement by Ms. McCain will do nothing to convince conservatives that Romney shares their values. It’s all about fooling the middle. Obama is a die hard Socialist but he can come off as a left of center President to many. Romney is very Conservative yet can do the head fake from the right.

Meghan McCain's Endorsement May Solidify Mitt Romney's Status as Moderate - Yahoo! News

On Monday, Meghan McCain told Kennesaw State University that she wants Mitt Romney, not Sarah Palin, to be the next president.

As McCain explained, "My personal favorite right now is Mitt Romney. I like that he's not so radical. I like that he has really, really played his cards right, almost perfectly since the last election" (as reported by Marietta Daily Journal).

McCain's endorsement may be a double-edged sword for Romney. On the one hand, her endorsement is a boon because she chose him over her own father's running mate. And McCain enjoys a devoted following among independents, moderate Republicans and young voters, which could help him with crucial swing voters.

On the other hand, praise from a high-profile moderate like McCain could backfire on Romney as conservatives might take it as further evidence that he's too liberal for the Republican Party.

Other recent news stories suggest the conservative base's reservations about Romney: Mike Huckabee's attacks on "RomneyCare," David Axelrod's praise of Romney's health plan and Rick Santorum's attacks on Romney.

Last month, Huckabee began promoting his new book, A Simple Government. In his book, he criticized Romney's health plan, comparing it to "ObamaCare." According to Politico, Huckabee argued that if Romney wanted to be a serious contender for the GOP nomination, then he needed to admit that he was wrong and to see that as a lesson on why socialized medicine doesn't wor......

Read more above
Meghan McCain is a silly child who owes Sarah Palin any name recognition which she enjoys

And her dad. She really is your basic "nothing" if you ask me. But she does have a following probably and so the Stepford posters will go for it. I do like Romney also but want to hear more about the MA healthcare system and why he felt that would not cost the taxpayer's any money, before I throw my support to him AGAIN!!! :lol:
Gee, the daughter of a Senator endorses some candidate for office.

Ok this lady is politicly active, however, within the ranks of the Republican party is she is radioactive. Out in Mass, Romney is shedding a tear for the corpse of his hopes for higher office.

@VanYnak, why do you think the republican base does not like Mormons? Out here in the west they are a large part of the republican base.

Because Romney was the right choice for the GOP in 2008. He actually HAD business experience and as our economy was tanking, McCain openly admitted that economics was not his strong suit. Yet, right there on the ballot is where McCain landed......right along with Caribou Barbie....

First, why do you care what Meghan McCain thinks? Did you not use the above pic of her as an avatar for a while to mock her?
Second, why should anyone listen to you as to who the "right" candidate for the GOP was?
Third, what economic experience did Obama have? How have his policies worked out?
Yahoo NEWS has become as big a joke as that silly little girl, Megan McCain.

Why this is news ANYWAY...who gives a SHIT who she endorses.:lol:
We have a bunch of village idiots here also.
Someone please tell me what makes this woman, the daughter of a politician that lost the last election, someone that the voters listen to.
No one with a brain cares about Ms. McCain.
Gee, the daughter of a Senator endorses some candidate for office.

Ok this lady is politicly active, however, within the ranks of the Republican party is she is radioactive. Out in Mass, Romney is shedding a tear for the corpse of his hopes for higher office.

@VanYnak, why do you think the republican base does not like Mormons? Out here in the west they are a large part of the republican base.

Because Romney was the right choice for the GOP in 2008. He actually HAD business experience and as our economy was tanking, McCain openly admitted that economics was not his strong suit. Yet, right there on the ballot is where McCain landed......right along with Caribou Barbie....

First, why do you care what Meghan McCain thinks? Did you not use the above pic of her as an avatar for a while to mock her?
Second, why should anyone listen to you as to who the "right" candidate for the GOP was?
Third, what economic experience did Obama have? How have his policies worked out?

First? It is just more comic relief from and for the "right". It's rather fun to watch and see just how fractured the GOP has become. Just look at your field of candidates. If I didn't know any better, I'd say all of you are on Obama's 2012 campaign payroll already.

Second? No one SHOULD listen to me. It is my opinion, and I throw things out there for discussion purposes. Why did you listen to me?

Third? Only what college and what his days in the Illinois Senate taught him. Which policies in particular, are you asking about?
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Because Romney was the right choice for the GOP in 2008. He actually HAD business experience and as our economy was tanking, McCain openly admitted that economics was not his strong suit. Yet, right there on the ballot is where McCain landed......right along with Caribou Barbie....

First, why do you care what Meghan McCain thinks? Did you not use the above pic of her as an avatar for a while to mock her?
Second, why should anyone listen to you as to who the "right" candidate for the GOP was?
Third, what economic experience did Obama have? How have his policies worked out?

First? It is just more comic relief from and for the "right". It's rather fun to watch and see just how fractured the GOP has become. Just look at your field of candidates. If I didn't know any better, I'd say all of you are on Obama's 2012 campaign payroll already.

Second? No one SHOULD listen to me. It is my opinion, and I throw things out there for discussion purposes. Why did you listen to me?

Third? Only what college and what his days in the Illinois Senate tuaght him. Which policies in particular, are you asking about?

lol, because we don't care about what Megan McCain says, that means the Gop is FRACTURED?

keep dreaming.
You all should be worrying about your own party, you took a Historic ass whipping this last election and I believe you will get another one in the next.:lol:
Megan has been tapped by the MSM as the voice of the new progressive conservative movement. what ever the hell that is.
She is the go to warm body for stupid opinions .
Megan has been tapped by the MSM as the voice of the new progressive conservative movement. what ever the hell that is.
She is the go to warm body for stupid opinions .

yep, her and her dad should just go join the Democrat-Progressive-Commie party.
Neither would be missed.

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