Meghan McCain: Idea Of Gingrich Becoming Our Nominee Makes My Stomach Turn

By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

Who cares what she has to say...Her insignificant presence in the public arena is merely tolerated.
It IS rather amusing to think that the opinion of the daughter of McCain might matter in connection with the GOP nomination.

Is what makes her stomach turn an indicator of someone who would be bad for the party/nation? Or is it perhaps a sign of the direction the party should head?
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Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.
What experience, exactly, does she have?

She’s a fellow republican, expressing her opinion – if republicans refuse to vote for Gingrich, how are you going to get the many democrats needed to elect him?
She's a next-to-nobody whom dumbfuck socialists wouldn't give two shits about what fell out of her mouth, were it not for her washed up old geezer father.
It IS rather amusing to think that the opinion of the daughter of McCain might matter to a conservative.

What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.
It IS rather amusing to think that the opinion of the daughter of McCain might matter to a conservative.

What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.

What has she said about her dad's candidacy in retrospect?

Hearing that would help me decide whether I'd want to listen to anything else she had to say.
All the Constitution does is provide the "specifications" to build the citizenry to specs, so the citizenry runs smoothly. If you do not follow the manufacturers 'specifications' in building that fine engine for your Ferrari, the engine will seize up if it even starts at all. The framers EXPECTED the citizenry to be intelligent enough to understand that they follow the Constitution, not attempt to alter the Constitution. The Constitution of the USA was designed to be followed by EVERYONE so that POLARIZATION problem would not erupt & divide the country as what had happened with the countries in Europe.

Oh and it makes my stomach turn to imagine Obama getting reelected.

Yep, me too. We are dealing with incompatible Ideologies, we all need to start facing that.
It IS rather amusing to think that the opinion of the daughter of McCain might matter to a conservative.

What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.

What has she said about her dad's candidacy in retrospect?

Hearing that would help me decide whether I'd want to listen to anything else she had to say.
Why should anyone care what she had to say, one way or the other, any more than any other brain dead celebutard?
It IS rather amusing to think that the opinion of the daughter of McCain might matter to a conservative.

What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.

Well damn, with friends like her, does Bachman need enemies?

[ame=]Meghan McCain: Bachmann a "Poor Man's Sarah Palin" - YouTube[/ame]
It IS rather amusing to think that the opinion of the daughter of McCain might matter to a conservative.

What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.

Don't fall for that shit. Not at all. Don't forget daddy was a Goldwater boy. You know, the dude who adored Margaret Sanger with his wife. They actually backed Planned Parenthood.

Kiss my ass they were conservatives.

ETA: McCain was a Barry boy
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By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

If you can support obama you can support getrich if you can support obama without supporting getrich then you are a racist.
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

What do you expect coming from a daughter of a loser? Now the RNC is supporting a guy to run against Barack Obama--that couldn't even beat John McCain in 2008-aka her dad-:cuckoo: The biggest endorsement EVER of Newt Gingrich to me--is that Republicans kicked him out of the house during the Clinton years. He stepped on a lot of toes to cut the budget--including Republicans--4 years of a balanced budget and left us with a projected surplus budget.

Go NEWT--2012
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So Meghan is a douche bag completely for the left. Wow. Screw her.

She's just trying to attack her daddy's opponents. Newt Gingrich probably had to wrestle with Mr. Military BIG spending man--John McCain-- back in the day to bring this country to a balanced budget for 4 years--and she as a typical B.S. partisan is still pissed about it. IOW--she's a Romney gal.
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By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

What do you expect coming from a daughter of a loser? Now the RNC is supporting a guy to run against Barack Obama--that couldn't even beat John McCain in 2008-aka her dad-:cuckoo: The biggest endorsement EVER of Newt Gingrich to me--is that Republicans kicked him out of the house during the Clinton years. He stepped on a lot of toes to cut the budget--including Republicans--4 years of a balanced budget and left us with a projected surplus budget.

Go NEWT--2012

Well let's shake it up. I'm sick to death of the Rockefeller Republican teams.

If I go with Newt, and I think I might, count on a win. I never lose a game I play.

Now most won't remember this moment. I do. And I adore Newt for it. Connie Chung sucker punched his mom in an interview. It was at that time one of the most disgusting moments in political tv.

Newt laid a smack down on Connie like you never seen. He fought back.

Yeah, I could run with Newt.
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What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.

What has she said about her dad's candidacy in retrospect?

Hearing that would help me decide whether I'd want to listen to anything else she had to say.
Why should anyone care what she had to say, one way or the other, any more than any other brain dead celebutard?

Well, that is a very good question. And yet I admit to some curiosity about how she rates a man who is the poster boy for picking a candidate for the worst of reasons.

Well ... almost the worst of reasons. The worst reasons I remember seeing for my party to pick a nominee.

The reasons Obama was picked as his party's nominee were worse.
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So Meghan is a douche bag completely for the left. Wow. Screw her.

She's just trying to attack her daddy's opponents. Newt Gingrich probably had to wrestle with Mr. Military BIG spending man--John McCain-- back in the day to bring this country to a balanced budget for 4 years--and she as a typical B.S. partisan is still pissed about it. IOW--she's a Romney gal.

Well he got her her new job. MSNBC. Says it all. What a douche.
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

Funny, Millions of Conservatives and Republicans Stomachs Turned when they heard McCain had won the Nomination.

Newt is 10 times the leader McCain ever could be. Probably to many Skeletons in the closet to win an Election, but that does not change the Facts. He would be a fine President, Decisive, Intelligent, Bold, and Determined.

To bad really, If he was A Democrat he could win, the press would give him a pass, but no Republican with all his Baggage has a chance, the Liberal Press will Saturate the Market 24/7 with Negative stories and his Message will be drowned out.
What has she said about her dad's candidacy in retrospect?

Hearing that would help me decide whether I'd want to listen to anything else she had to say.
Why should anyone care what she had to say, one way or the other, any more than any other brain dead celebutard?

Well, that is a very good question. And yet I admit to some curiosity about how she rates a man who is the poster boy for picking a candidate for the worst of reasons.

Well ... almost the worst of reasons. The worst reasons I remember seeing for my party to pick a nominee.

The reasons Obama was picked as his party's nominee were worse.

Good thing you can't hear me scream up here :D I make 14 point bucks run away from chicky does that are in heat.

Come on that's saying something when I run out the back door after hearing something Obama has said again.

Meghan has to be the most brain dead bitch from hell with the exception of a doppleganger called Joy Behar.

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