Meghan McCain: Idea Of Gingrich Becoming Our Nominee Makes My Stomach Turn

If anyone comes at you quoting Meghan McCain run like hell. No decent conservative would have anything to do with her.
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

Funny, Millions of Conservatives and Republicans Stomachs Turned when they heard McCain had won the Nomination.

Newt is 10 times the leader McCain ever could be. Probably to many Skeletons in the closet to win an Election, but that does not change the Facts. He would be a fine President, Decisive, Intelligent, Bold, and Determined.

To bad really, If he was A Democrat he could win, the press would give him a pass, but no Republican with all his Baggage has a chance, the Liberal Press will Saturate the Market 24/7 with Negative stories and his Message will be drowned out.

If he was a dem, Fox would leave him alone? With his past, Fox would leave him alone? Fox is the number one rated station out there and would DESTROY him if he was a dem and I have a feeling you agree.
Yeah. I can't believe people are taking Meghan McCain seriously.

What experience, exactly, does she have?

It seems like she has a lot of experience when she says things the republicans like.

Well R's might like her, but conservatives don't.

I really had to struggle with her father's heroism vs what an asshole he is now.And then I had to school myself in McCain's legacy of being beholden to Goldwater.

I connect dots.

And when I realized Goldwater was a Sanger fan.....

hello this is no conservative when maggie and barry were buddies and he invested in her planned parenthood project.

Funny, Millions of Conservatives and Republicans Stomachs Turned when they heard McCain had won the Nomination.

Newt is 10 times the leader McCain ever could be. Probably to many Skeletons in the closet to win an Election, but that does not change the Facts. He would be a fine President, Decisive, Intelligent, Bold, and Determined.

To bad really, If he was A Democrat he could win, the press would give him a pass, but no Republican with all his Baggage has a chance, the Liberal Press will Saturate the Market 24/7 with Negative stories and his Message will be drowned out.

If he was a dem, Fox would leave him alone? With his past, Fox would leave him alone? Fox is the number one rated station out there and would DESTROY him if he was a dem and I have a feeling you agree.


Oh for crying out loud, everyone has a past. Somewhere in the 80's I was doing a table dance to Pee Wee Herman over tequila for heaven's sake. Doesn't mean you are the person you are now.

Although I still think I could do it :D

If you gave me a chair up to the table. hehehehe. keeeeeeeeeding.:badgrin:

For me, I just want a leader. A good leader. Not a teleprompter leader. We're in a dangerous time.

I'm worried.
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

Megan McCain attack on Gingrich--:badgrin::badgrin:--meaning another endorsement for Newt Gingrich--:badgrin::badgrin:
Megan McCain?? Realllly?? That fat tub of lard goes on The View whining and bitching about every conservative known to mankind. She's about as conservative as Olympia Snowjob!
Yeah. I can't believe people are taking Meghan McCain seriously.

What experience, exactly, does she have?

What "experience" do you have? Guess we shouldn't take you seriously. :eusa_whistle:

Since when is the News media taking me seriously?

my personal experiences are too much to go into on here. you can evaluate my ideas on their own merits. I don't mind. They are bigger than I am.

And how is that different than Ms. Mccain? You can evaluate her ideas on their own merits without resorting to ad hominem shots.
Yeah. I can't believe people are taking Meghan McCain seriously.

What experience, exactly, does she have?

What "experience" do you have? Guess we shouldn't take you seriously. :eusa_whistle:

When you are going for her, please don't even embarrass yourself on this.

Hey though if you want to put up qualifications on a political scale. Show me.

Because political or not I can put you thru a wall baby. I am.

Show me what you've got.
What "experience" do you have? Guess we shouldn't take you seriously. :eusa_whistle:

Since when is the News media taking me seriously?

my personal experiences are too much to go into on here. you can evaluate my ideas on their own merits. I don't mind. They are bigger than I am.

And how is that different than Ms. Mccain? You can evaluate her ideas on their own merits without resorting to ad hominem shots.

Well I guess someone has to break you the bad news.

She's an idiot.

She's one dumb fuck who thinks she's a champ because her daddy is someone important in the beltway.

But she's a fucking moron.
Megan McCain?? Realllly?? That fat tub of lard goes on The View whining and bitching about every conservative known to mankind. She's about as conservative as Olympia Snowjob!

I love you.

You get this meghan bitch from hell." What a lot of people don't understand is the McCains were Goldwater wannabes but Goldwater and his wife were the best friends of Margaret Sanger.

They are Rocky republicans.And Meghan can go to hell and back. She's as disgusting to me as David Frum.

Come January watch what I put up. It's time these people got taken out.
For those that don't know Barry Goldwater and his wife were huge supporters of Maggie Sanger.

They were and always will be Rocky Republicans.
Aye carumba I'm on a food networking site sick as a dog on the mighty Q again and I just realised no one will get it.

Margaret Sanger sp have mercy old maggie was the first proponent of abortion. The Goldwaters not only backed her, but Mrs. Goldwater promoted PP.
Well, no problem Meggie. Listening to what you have to say makes my stomach turn.

Like I care what some snot nosed kid has to say.

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