Megyn Kelly headed to PMSNBC?


Jun 1, 2013
Suddenly the former Fox vixen has swerved left into Rachael Madcow territory with her rant about family breadwinners. First off, who can take a babe who poses for GQ seriously as a news commentator? :eusa_eh:


And she's used every inch of her raunchy sexpot appeal to get to the top tiers at Fox.

And then she starts screaming at LOU DOBBS about what constitutes a "family" and saying "gays" raise happy kids, but wait, it gets better/worse. She compares pillow-biters to blacks as a minority and for an example of her own racial-pervert comparison, says BARACK OBAMA is perfect example of a biracial marriage being a success. :eek:

Fox has done very well playing the "fair and balanced" card without really being balanced at all.....why should they be, given every other major news organization spews leftist talking points as "news". Fox News is where they are because of their right-leaning format. Megyn Kelly no longer belongs at Fox News.
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Democrats have said that Megyn Kelly no longer belongs at Fox news. That decision should be enough.
Funny to see both Kelly and Van Sustern jump the idiots on fux for their incredibly stupid anti-woman remarks but no ... neither of them have a place in serious, fact based journalism at MSNBC.
Liberals can't get over the fact that Fox permits dissent and liberal shows do not. "Former" Fox vixen? Really? When did she leave her show?

Watch and see, when Kelly (who is pregnant) goes on maternity leave, how long will it take liberals to say she was fired?
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (The Five) is another one.....refers to herself as "the first lady of San Francisco"....for being married to that sissy mayor after her stint as a Victoria's Secret model.... WTF over? These are failed actresses who no more deserve to be famous millionaires than your ordinary pipe-fitter.
Suddenly the former Fox vixen has swerved left into Rachael Madcow territory with her rant about family breadwinners. First off, who can take a babe who poses for GQ seriously as a news commentator? :eusa_eh:


And she's used every inch of her raunchy sexpot appeal to get to the top tiers at Fox.

And then she starts screaming at LOU DOBBS about what constitutes a "family" and saying "gays" raise happy kids, but wait, it gets better/worse. She compares pillow-biters to blacks as a minority and for an example of her own racial-pervert comparison, says BARACK OBAMA is perfect example of a biracial marriage being a success. :eek:

Fox has done very well playing the "fair and balanced" card without really being balanced at all.....why should they be, given every other major news organization spews leftist talking points as "news". Fox News is where they are because of their right-leaning format. Megyn Kelly no longer belongs at Fox News.
I love it!!


:D :D:D
Funny to see both Kelly and Van Sustern jump the idiots on fux for their incredibly stupid anti-woman remarks but no ... neither of them have a place in serious, fact based journalism at MSNBC.
Van Susteran, in particular is faking the funk. She's just towing the FOXNEWS company line, for the most part.

Megyn is somewhat of a true believer, she's a RWer, just a tad bit more moderate than the radicals on that channel.
Her being a successful attorney doesn't help the construct democrats want to make so they won't mention it. Odd that democrats think that obama's failed stint as editor of the Harvard Law Review was important but Kelly's successful performance as editor of Albany Law Review is unmentionable.
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (The Five) is another one.....refers to herself as "the first lady of San Francisco"....for being married to that sissy mayor after her stint as a Victoria's Secret model.... WTF over? These are failed actresses who no more deserve to be famous millionaires than your ordinary pipe-fitter.

Ah, the true liberal angst comes out. The more someone else earns the less there is to go around for the rest of us, or so the low information losers have been programmed.
Suddenly the former Fox vixen has swerved left into Rachael Madcow territory with her rant about family breadwinners. First off, who can take a babe who poses for GQ seriously as a news commentator? :eusa_eh:


And she's used every inch of her raunchy sexpot appeal to get to the top tiers at Fox.

And then she starts screaming at LOU DOBBS about what constitutes a "family" and saying "gays" raise happy kids, but wait, it gets better/worse. She compares pillow-biters to blacks as a minority and for an example of her own racial-pervert comparison, says BARACK OBAMA is perfect example of a biracial marriage being a success. :eek:

Fox has done very well playing the "fair and balanced" card without really being balanced at all.....why should they be, given every other major news organization spews leftist talking points as "news". Fox News is where they are because of their right-leaning format. Megyn Kelly no longer belongs at Fox News.

great photoshop kid
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (The Five) is another one.....refers to herself as "the first lady of San Francisco"....for being married to that sissy mayor after her stint as a Victoria's Secret model.... WTF over? These are failed actresses who no more deserve to be famous millionaires than your ordinary pipe-fitter.

Failed actress?
She has a Law Degree and worked as a District Attorney in California.
I don't watch cable TV but I heard the interview she did on the Howard Stern radio show a while back. No dimbulb Megyn Kelly. No cue cards, no teleprompters. Judge for yourself.

[ame=]Howard Stern and Megyn Kelly discuss breasts, penises & Republican litmus tests about Fox News - YouTube[/ame]

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