Megyn Kelly headed to PMSNBC?

A woman can't be beautiful, sexy, intelligent and an effective newscaster?

Not all women look like Rachel Maddow. I'm pleased about that.

Men, and I use the term loosely, in the Democratic Party hate intelligent, attractive conservative women. Coulter, Palin and now Megan Kelly drive them to sceaming hissy fits.

Maybe there is something to the gay gene after all.
A woman can't be beautiful, sexy, intelligent and an effective newscaster?

Not all women look like Rachel Maddow. I'm pleased about that.

Men, and I use the term loosely, in the Democratic Party hate intelligent, attractive conservative women. Coulter, Palin and now Megan Kelly drive them to sceaming hissy fits.

Maybe there is something to the gay gene after all.

The left is werid, they only think only ugly women are intelilgent and attractive, like Pelosi and Janet Reno
A woman can't be beautiful, sexy, intelligent and an effective newscaster?

Not all women look like Rachel Maddow. I'm pleased about that.

Men, and I use the term loosely, in the Democratic Party hate intelligent, attractive conservative women. Coulter, Palin and now Megan Kelly drive them to sceaming hissy fits.

Maybe there is something to the gay gene after all.

The left is werid, they only think only ugly women are intelilgent and attractive, like Pelosi and Janet Reno

I'm pretty sure no one thinks Pelosi is attractive or intelligent.
Her being a successful attorney doesn't help the construct democrats want to make so they won't mention it. Odd that democrats think that obama's failed stint as editor of the Harvard Law Review was important but Kelly's successful performance as editor of Albany Law Review is unmentionable.

Is she running for president?
A woman can't be beautiful, sexy, intelligent and an effective newscaster?

Not all women look like Rachel Maddow. I'm pleased about that.

Men, and I use the term loosely, in the Democratic Party hate intelligent, attractive conservative women. Coulter, Palin and now Megan Kelly drive them to sceaming hissy fits.

Maybe there is something to the gay gene after all.

Megyn is certainly attractive. But Coulter, Palin? :lol: I wouldn't fuck them with YOUR -- and I do use the word loosely -- dick.
For the depressed and anal-retentives here, I got no problem with Megyn Kelly playing whore in the GQ photos or being on Fox News....UNTIL she showed her true colors....and I doubt she's at Fox News past the end of her current contract.....who needs the feminazi shit she spewed at Lou?
Suddenly the former Fox vixen has swerved left into Rachael Madcow territory with her rant about family breadwinners. First off, who can take a babe who poses for GQ seriously as a news commentator? :eusa_eh:


And she's used every inch of her raunchy sexpot appeal to get to the top tiers at Fox.

And then she starts screaming at LOU DOBBS about what constitutes a "family" and saying "gays" raise happy kids, but wait, it gets better/worse. She compares pillow-biters to blacks as a minority and for an example of her own racial-pervert comparison, says BARACK OBAMA is perfect example of a biracial marriage being a success. :eek:

Fox has done very well playing the "fair and balanced" card without really being balanced at all.....why should they be, given every other major news organization spews leftist talking points as "news". Fox News is where they are because of their right-leaning format. Megyn Kelly no longer belongs at Fox News.

Since Madcow can be pretty hard on the eyes, maybe they're looking for something that'll give viewers some relief.

Maybe Megyn can get a tramp-stamp shot for her next layout......Ol tingle-leg would demand she be hired and stay in his hotel room for Barry's impeachment hearings.
Maybe you should stick with trying to translate japanese, Loretta.

Maybe instead of pretending to pull people's eyes out (and of course never doing so) you should slip a bottle of Jameson's under your Minister's Black Veil (*literary reference alert!*) and take a little chill.

God put the curvy parts on women for a reason, and not everyone in the world is going to agree with you 110% of the time on 110% of the issues - and that's ok. Unclench the cheeks, cash in the diamonds that fall out, and have yourself a party. It'll be alright, kitty-cat.
Maybe you should stick with trying to translate japanese, Loretta.

Maybe instead of pretending to pull people's eyes out (and of course never doing so) you should slip a bottle of Jameson's under your Minister's Black Veil (*literary reference alert!*) and take a little chill.

God put the curvy parts on women for a reason, and not everyone in the world is going to agree with you 110% of the time on 110% of the issues - and that's ok. Unclench the cheeks, cash in the diamonds that fall out, and have yourself a party. It'll be alright, kitty-cat.

Sorry, you ain't gonna blow me.....not for all your life savings ($44.66) and that beater Celica ya how about you flit off to your next hummingbird feeder? :cuckoo:
Maybe you should stick with trying to translate japanese, Loretta.

Maybe instead of pretending to pull people's eyes out (and of course never doing so) you should slip a bottle of Jameson's under your Minister's Black Veil (*literary reference alert!*) and take a little chill.

God put the curvy parts on women for a reason, and not everyone in the world is going to agree with you 110% of the time on 110% of the issues - and that's ok. Unclench the cheeks, cash in the diamonds that fall out, and have yourself a party. It'll be alright, kitty-cat.

Sorry, you ain't gonna blow me.....:

Say what now? :confused:

You know, your meth lab isn't going to make any money if you keep using all the product yourself.
Liberals can't get over the fact that Fox permits dissent and liberal shows do not. "Former" Fox vixen? Really? When did she leave her show?

Watch and see, when Kelly (who is pregnant) goes on maternity leave, how long will it take liberals to say she was fired?

I agree. Fox permits dissent.

Hannity, Fox and Friends, Remember Beck?, Malkin, remember Brian and the Judge?, good ol Dick Morris etc etc

All have DIFFERENT views from the right.


Fox allows dissent? You actually said that. Wow.
Since Madcow can be pretty hard on the eyes, maybe they're looking for something that'll give viewers some relief.

Maybe Megyn can get a tramp-stamp shot for her next layout......Ol tingle-leg would demand she be hired and stay in his hotel room for Barry's impeachment hearings.

I wonder if Dick Morris tried to suck her toes?

See, this can go back and forth all day but in the end, we win. The right has her beccuase she is hot, not because of anything coming from her mouth. (so to speak).
See, this can go back and forth all day but in the end, we win. The right has her beccuase she is hot, not because of anything coming from her mouth. (so to speak).
That was true until she tried to go Thelma & Louise on ol Lou Dobbs....

Megyn forgot you don't shit where ya eat.
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In this morning's America Live with Megyn Kelly, she never said a thing about moving to MSNBC. Did democrats make that up too?

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