Megyn Kelly headed to PMSNBC?

The right has her beccuase she is hot, not because of anything coming from her mouth. (so to speak).

Really? Not because she has accomplished more in her life already than you ever will? Not because of that? Not because she is smarter, more talented, and more accomplished than you? No, couldn't be that. :eusa_whistle:

Do you feel small enough yet?
Liberals can't get over the fact that Fox permits dissent and liberal shows do not. "Former" Fox vixen? Really? When did she leave her show?

Watch and see, when Kelly (who is pregnant) goes on maternity leave, how long will it take liberals to say she was fired?

I agree. Fox permits dissent.

Hannity, Fox and Friends, Remember Beck?, Malkin, remember Brian and the Judge?, good ol Dick Morris etc etc
Fox allows dissent? You actually said that. Wow.

Remember Juan Williams, Bob Beckel? Alan Colmes? Kirsten Powers? Shepard Smith?
Mara Liasson? Bill Schulz? Susan Estrich?
Since Madcow can be pretty hard on the eyes, maybe they're looking for something that'll give viewers some relief.

Maybe Megyn can get a tramp-stamp shot for her next layout......Ol tingle-leg would demand she be hired and stay in his hotel room for Barry's impeachment hearings.

I wonder if Dick Morris tried to suck her toes?

See, this can go back and forth all day but in the end, we win. The right has her beccuase she is hot, not because of anything coming from her mouth. (so to speak).
in 07 I started watching FOXNEWS largely because of her. The first time I saw her, which was around that time, I thought she was absolutely stunning. I could barely stand what she said, but I loved watching her say it.

Her good looks aside, she's actually a smart cookie. She gives great analysis usually void of rabid uber-partisan BS....usually.

I have to give her her props, not just physically, but mentally.
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (The Five) is another one.....refers to herself as "the first lady of San Francisco"....for being married to that sissy mayor after her stint as a Victoria's Secret model.... WTF over? These are failed actresses who no more deserve to be famous millionaires than your ordinary pipe-fitter.

Failed actress?
She has a Law Degree and worked as a District Attorney in California.

I'm no fan of the woman but she went to Stanford for Christ's sake. She's not idiot.
In this morning's America Live with Megyn Kelly, she never said a thing about moving to MSNBC. Did democrats make that up too?

The person who started this thread is a right-winger I think. He just didn't like that she stood up for woman's rights. Because that's what right-wingers do...they turn on each other at the slightest bit of disagreement. That is why their party is going away...
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (The Five) is another one.....refers to herself as "the first lady of San Francisco"....for being married to that sissy mayor after her stint as a Victoria's Secret model.... WTF over? These are failed actresses who no more deserve to be famous millionaires than your ordinary pipe-fitter.

Both of them have law degrees just like that moron you put in the wh.
Suddenly the former Fox vixen has swerved left into Rachael Madcow territory with her rant about family breadwinners.

And your complete lack of understanding of her point is what's driving the last of the educated people away from the right wing.

At some point you all will need to understand that your myopic view is not the way the rest of the world thinks. Not even educated Republican women.
I wonder if Dick Morris tried to suck her toes?

See, this can go back and forth all day but in the end, we win. The right has her beccuase she is hot, not because of anything coming from her mouth. (so to speak).

That was true until she tried to go Thelma & Louise on ol Lou Dobbs....

Megyn forgot you don't shit where ya eat.

:lol: Lou Dobbs is the one who was forced out of CNN for being a birther & representing other nonsense agendas as factual news. Lou Dobbs was a founding CNN member, but he has been way overboard since 9/11.

Megyn has reported on facts many times that go against Fox News agenda & never been reprimanded. Because unlike Glenn Beck, she is a lawyer & her positions are based in fact, not agenda based fictions. Megyn correctly mentioned that children from single parent homes do not fair as well. But that is not to be confused with dual parent households with working mothers whose children fare just as well as traditional dual parent households with stay at home moms.
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I find it very interesting that she's being bashed over selling sex appeal, since that's kinda the purpose of all the "info bimbos" on Fox.
Both of them have law degrees just like that moron you put in the wh.

I put that muslim queer in the WH? seriously?
Funny to see both Kelly and Van Sustern jump the idiots on fux for their incredibly stupid anti-woman remarks but no ... neither of them have a place in serious, fact based journalism at MSNBC.

I'm not so sure. Jobs at Fox require the on-air personnel to read the lines written by others and approved by top management. They may not stray from the talking point of he day if we are to believe the comments of those who left Fox service in the past (Search "Outfoxed" on Google)

Both women may aspire to a career in Journalism and recognize Fox is more or less on par with a soap opera, than a news organization. Maybe they are fed up and would like to be taken seriously.
Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (The Five) is another one.....refers to herself as "the first lady of San Francisco"....for being married to that sissy mayor after her stint as a Victoria's Secret model.... WTF over? These are failed actresses who no more deserve to be famous millionaires than your ordinary pipe-fitter.

Both of them have law degrees just like that moron you put in the wh.

Megyn Kelly graduated from Albany Law School (113 in the latest USNWR rankings) and Kimberly Guilfoyle graduated from USF Law (106). You can get in to those schools today as long as you have a pulse, and they both attended at a time when admissions standards were far more lax than they are today.
Yeah... Megyn Kelly graduated from Albany Law School (113 in the latest USNWR rankings) and Kimberly Guilfoyle graduated from USF Law (106). You can get in to those schools today as long as you have a pulse, and they both attended at a time when admissions standards were far more lax than they are today.

Megyn Kelly graduated from Syracuse University in New York & Albany Law School. Kelly covered the Supreme Court for 3 years & practiced law for nine years at Jones Day. She first worked as an associate in the Chicago office of Bickel & Brewer LLP, during which time she co-wrote an article for the American Bar Association's journal Litigation entitled "The Conflicting Roles of Lawyer as Director." While at Jones Day, Kelly served as an attorney for credit bureau Experian.
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In this morning's America Live with Megyn Kelly, she never said a thing about moving to MSNBC. Did democrats make that up too?

The person who started this thread is a right-winger I think. He just didn't like that she stood up for woman's rights. Because that's what right-wingers do...they turn on each other at the slightest bit of disagreement. That is why their party is going away...

Rather that then cover for a certain someone no matter what the crime....
I find that abhorrent.....but typical.
I find it really entertaining that all you Conservatives are jumping into the thread claiming that "liberals" are attacking Megyn Kelly without bothering to actually read the OP.
Fox has done very well playing the "fair and balanced" card without really being balanced at all.....why should they be, given every other major news organization spews leftist talking points as "news". Fox News is where they are because of their right-leaning format.

Why do you want your news to "lean"? Do you want to be lied to? A fair & balanced debate is having Dobbs present his side & Kelly to present her side in a real debate where they can call each-other on their bullshit. If you want a slanted monolog go elsewhere. I thought that working mom debate was an excellent segment & dispelled mythical beliefs & political bullshit.

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