Megyn Kelly Hits it out of the park

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The Liberal Brigade just denies the scandals and deflects everything as they always do.

The Scandals are real. I just posted a thread as the lawsuits against the IRS and Lerner continue. Those attacked for their beliefs are fighting back and they WILL FACE people like LERNER in a court room.

The process is long, as they drag the process out as long as possible. However, their LIES cannot be hid forever, and they will eventually get held accountable for their lies and abuse of power. Not by the GOP, buy by those who are defending themselves against the attacks the Liberal Brigade say do not exist.
Not one liberal in this thread has addressed her comments.. Just snide insults, which is almost in every single response throughout this forum now. Liberals now believe debate skills is coming to a thread and flaming it because they can get away with it here now, no moderation what so ever- So their answers are nothing but insults, mocking. It has nothing to do with facts or debate.
Remember back when the enhanced intterogration techniques was all the rage? Remember how it was hurting the image of the USA and the left wing was very happy to point it out to the world, just in case they missed it? You know like the video deal they had to point out to the world to make sure everyone knew Benghazi was the USA's fault.

But you do remember the torture complaints and how it was turning people into terrorists. So what does Obama do? Escalate the drone program to the point where we are bombing Americans in sovereign ally countries. Blowing up Cafes killing all to get one or two people, the rest, oops, they shouldn't have been on the same planet as the terrorist we want to kill. Of course the left just looks the other way. No talk of how killing those innocent people effect the view of America in the world. No talk of how Obama's polices have ISIS turning back years of sacrifice by the US. NO protect the king that is all that matters.
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