Megyn Kelly Hits it out of the park

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Not one liberal in this thread has addressed her comments.. Just snide insults, which is almost in every single response throughout this forum now. Liberals now believe debate skills is coming to a thread and flaming it because they can get away with it here now, no moderation what so ever- So their answers are nothing but insults, mocking. It has nothing to do with facts or debate.

Well let's see why that is Lady.

Anytime a "liberal" posts a video of Rachel Maddow's show making good solid points about policy, here is the response.

"Madcow is a stupid liberal dyke who doesn't know anything (Despite being a Rhodes Scholar and Stanford grad)."

Jon Stewart:

"He is a stupid comedic hack who refuses to acknowledge the truth"

And I put it a lot nicer than others do. So what goes around, comes around. Don't insult points we make because they don't agree with YOUR narrative.

So even though I didn't watch it, I can accurately guess what was said with a response.

- President Obama is 100% responsible for the crisis in Iraq because he withdrew troops!

Well it was actually Bush in 2008 who made the agreement to withdraw all troop by the end of 2011. A fact neglected by the right. They didn't want US troops to be arrested and tried by Iraqi courts and they wouldn't budge on that. So we pull out completely.

- The required mentioning of Beghazi, IRS, and Fast and furious.

Again, just because you think there is a conspiracy or a scandal doesn't mean there is one.

- Impeach Obama!

Despite your attempts, there is nothing you can impeach Obama on. In fact, you were trying to impeach him since he took office in 2009.
and you do???
Bwa hahahahahahaha
That's the funnest thing you've ever said... like you of all posters have intefrity:lol::lol::lol:

Actually, I debate on this forum every single day liberal.. and post new topics continuously.. Just about every liberal comes to my threads and flames it.. I fire back.. You see, none of you intimidate me what so ever. I don't put up with your BULLSHIT pathetic foam fest.

I think you don't understand the concept of "Debate".

Debate means you look at what the other guy says and then counter it with arguments.

All you do is scream about how liberals are being mean to you because they don't accept your somewhat mean-spirited worldview.

You don't have the first clue. When I am personally attacked, I RETURN FIRE- You're damn right.. And I don't scream about liberals. I tell the FACTS. They swarm threads and flame.. that's it. Now if you want to continue to lie, be my guest and show me where all I do is "scream " about liberals being mean to me. Link it.
Not one liberal in this thread has addressed her comments.. Just snide insults, which is almost in every single response throughout this forum now. Liberals now believe debate skills is coming to a thread and flaming it because they can get away with it here now, no moderation what so ever- So their answers are nothing but insults, mocking. It has nothing to do with facts or debate.

Well let's see why that is Lady.

Anytime a "liberal" posts a video of Rachel Maddow's show making good solid points about policy, here is the response.

"Madcow is a stupid liberal dyke who doesn't know anything (Despite being a Rhodes Scholar and Stanford grad)."

Jon Stewart:

"He is a stupid comedic hack who refuses to acknowledge the truth"

And I put it a lot nicer than others do. So what goes around, comes around. Don't insult points we make because they don't agree with YOUR narrative.

So even though I didn't watch it, I can accurately guess what was said with a response.

- President Obama is 100% responsible for the crisis in Iraq because he withdrew troops!

Well it was actually Bush in 2008 who made the agreement to withdraw all troop by the end of 2011. A fact neglected by the right. They didn't want US troops to be arrested and tried by Iraqi courts and they wouldn't budge on that. So we pull out completely.

- The required mentioning of Beghazi, IRS, and Fast and furious.

Again, just because you think there is a conspiracy or a scandal doesn't mean there is one.

- Impeach Obama!

Despite your attempts, there is nothing you can impeach Obama on. In fact, you were trying to impeach him since he took office in 2009.

I was???? Where? Link it.

I agree with you.. these are not SCANDALS, they are criminal acts. Harry Reid will not preside over and control the Senate much longer and so the obstruction and protection of Obama is almost over. The truth will come out, just like it did with his lies on Obamacare, Benghazi..
Not one liberal in this thread has addressed her comments.. Just snide insults, which is almost in every single response throughout this forum now. Liberals now believe debate skills is coming to a thread and flaming it because they can get away with it here now, no moderation what so ever- So their answers are nothing but insults, mocking. It has nothing to do with facts or debate.

when you see her comments, comments that have been hashed over and over on the web time and time again where her point of view is biased and well, not throughly look at by a non-biased comentators, then its pretty much a waste of time ... especially when fox news is involved ... its like beating that dead horse some more...
Fox News is Conservatives Happy Place.

What does that have to do with her commentary??

i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.
If you could give up your "core values" so easily, then you never really had them in the first place and likely still don't the way you can defend the indefensible, which is liberalism.
Not much of a counter-point: "yea, I agree...."

My problem with this type of piece, is that it uses a scatter-gun approach: too many issues to take the time to look at them closely.

When I hear some of the same issues that I know have already been debunked, it diminishes the possibility of the ones I don't really know about, ACTUALLY having a ring of truth.

Good morning, LGS!

:) Good morning Cabbie.. Well you could start with the first one? :smiliehug:

I actually have gotten some good stuff from FOX. They are the ones that changed my mind about the Tayvon Martin case. At first I was on Tayvon's side until I listened to FOX interview an eyewitness.

I don't really believe that Obama is as good or as bad as people say. I actually think that Obama did not do enough to end the war on drugs.

Furthermore, the government should NOT hand out subsidies UNLESS it comes with a price cap. That's right, any thing subsidized or mandated to purchase should be capped, otherwise, it should be called by Its rightful name - extortion.

Obama should have worked harder to reform the judicial system and made more of an effort to change how this country deals with its ENORMOUS drug problem.

Everything else is just a band-aid.
Not much of a counter-point: "yea, I agree...."

My problem with this type of piece, is that it uses a scatter-gun approach: too many issues to take the time to look at them closely.

When I hear some of the same issues that I know have already been debunked, it diminishes the possibility of the ones I don't really know about, ACTUALLY having a ring of truth.

Good morning, LGS!

:) Good morning Cabbie.. Well you could start with the first one? :smiliehug:

why??? its a waste of time
"The very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."-

Liberal Law Professor: Obama ‘The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid’

All factual but I'm certain this liberal Professor will now become the new hate racist.

I don't see how Obama is any different from any other president with regards to HOW he does things.

To me, the real problems of a presidency occur when they do NOTHING.

"Nothing" is very hard to actually notice - like a wide-receiver with very few catches; you don't really notice till you see the score at the end of the game.
Not much of a counter-point: "yea, I agree...."

My problem with this type of piece, is that it uses a scatter-gun approach: too many issues to take the time to look at them closely.

When I hear some of the same issues that I know have already been debunked, it diminishes the possibility of the ones I don't really know about, ACTUALLY having a ring of truth.

Good morning, LGS!

:) Good morning Cabbie.. Well you could start with the first one? :smiliehug:

I actually have gotten some good stuff from FOX. They are the ones that changed my mind about the Tayvon Martin case. At first I was on Tayvon's side until I listened to FOX interview an eyewitness.

I don't really believe that Obama is as good or as bad as people say. I actually think that Obama did not do enough to end the war on drugs.

Furthermore, the government should NOT hand out subsidies UNLESS it comes with a price cap. That's right, any thing subsidized or mandated to purchase should be capped, otherwise, it should be called by Its rightful name - extortion.

Obama should have worked harder to reform the judicial system and made more of an effort to change how this country deals with its ENORMOUS drug problem.

Everything else is just a band-aid.

I agree on subsidies.

I don't think you have too many people now who are concerned with the drug problem in this nation. It's gotten lost in so many other issues facing our country. When it personally touches your family it becomes a headline in your own life. One of my cousin's children died about two years ago. He was stabbed to death in a drug deal. I never even knew he was mixed up and in to drugs. He was only 15. Drugs destroy families and lives.
2) That video really did cause massive riots in the Middle East. Including Benghazi. Sorry.

Let's start with number 2-- Show us the proof of the massive riots in the Middle East and Benghazi with proof that the video caused it and was to blame for 4 American deaths.


Okay, let's start with a map.


All the blue dots are places where there were riots over the video.

And here's a list of all the places where they had riots.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup. Nothing to see here.

There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.
"The very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."-

Liberal Law Professor: Obama ‘The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid’

All factual but I'm certain this liberal Professor will now become the new hate racist.

I don't see how Obama is any different from any other president with regards to HOW he does things.

To me, the real problems of a presidency occur when they do NOTHING.

"Nothing" is very hard to actually notice - like a wide-receiver with very few catches; you don't really notice till you see the score at the end of the game.

He and George Bush are alike.. but neither are like other Presidents. They both went outside the US Constitution and trashed it by legislating from the Executive Branch.
Egypt: About 3,000 demonstrators, many of them from the ultraconservative Salafist movement

About 600 Muslim protestors in Athens tried to march on the U. S. Embassy
In Tunis, on September 14, protesters entered the compound of the U.S. embassy
On September 17, up to 500 protesters
some U.S. officials, speaking under anonymity, said that they believed the Benghazi attack was coordinated and planned in advance, and not prompted by the film.

Wikki is a joke, a leftist leaning rag but let's go with their numbers.. That's also a joke. We now know for an absolute FACT that this was a well planned out attack by Al Qaeda.. so you can cling to that propaganda all you like. It is simply a lie.

What do you based "Well-Planned" on? Well Planned would indicate they knew Stevens would be there that day and assassinated him.

Not that he was locked in a room and died from smoke inhalation, which is what happened to the poor guy.
Let's start with number 2-- Show us the proof of the massive riots in the Middle East and Benghazi with proof that the video caused it and was to blame for 4 American deaths.


Okay, let's start with a map.


All the blue dots are places where there were riots over the video.

And here's a list of all the places where they had riots.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup. Nothing to see here.

There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.

I believe that also.. there's a lot of evidence that points to that fact and that Christopher Stevens was actually a CIA operative overseeing it, like many in the State Dept using it as a cover.
Not much of a counter-point: "yea, I agree...."

My problem with this type of piece, is that it uses a scatter-gun approach: too many issues to take the time to look at them closely.

When I hear some of the same issues that I know have already been debunked, it diminishes the possibility of the ones I don't really know about, ACTUALLY having a ring of truth.

Good morning, LGS!

:) Good morning Cabbie.. Well you could start with the first one? :smiliehug:

why??? its a waste of time

Billy, please stick to the thread, if you cannot, you might want to go find another thread.


I'm certain you have an opinion about what the video had to say, you did watch it, correct? I thought it was long on opinion and short on actual scandals.

If you think the whole thing was BS, fine - tell us why.

Dismissing it out of hand just because its FOX is a conversation killer.

Tell us WHY it's wrong.
Egypt: About 3,000 demonstrators, many of them from the ultraconservative Salafist movement

About 600 Muslim protestors in Athens tried to march on the U. S. Embassy
In Tunis, on September 14, protesters entered the compound of the U.S. embassy
On September 17, up to 500 protesters
some U.S. officials, speaking under anonymity, said that they believed the Benghazi attack was coordinated and planned in advance, and not prompted by the film.

Wikki is a joke, a leftist leaning rag but let's go with their numbers.. That's also a joke. We now know for an absolute FACT that this was a well planned out attack by Al Qaeda.. so you can cling to that propaganda all you like. It is simply a lie.

What do you based "Well-Planned" on? Well Planned would indicate they knew Stevens would be there that day and assassinated him.

Not that he was locked in a room and died from smoke inhalation, which is what happened to the poor guy.

Are you serious??? HONESTLY?? That is not what happened. That man was tortured and beaten.

That propaganda comes from here:
According to a CBS News/AP story, posted on the Internet (September 12, 2012, 10:37 AM), US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens died of “severe asphyxia,” sometimes referred to as smoke inhalation. It was reported to the media by a Libyan doctor, but was not an official autopsy report. In spite of this unofficial report, most Americans believe the ambassador was murdered.

To date, no official cause of death has been released. The results of an autopsy done on Stevens’ body after it was returned to the United States, has not been made public. In spite of that, rumors still persist that Stevens was tortured and raped before and after his death.

An Internet Autopsy: How did Ambassador Stevens Die?
"The very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."-

Liberal Law Professor: Obama ‘The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid’

All factual but I'm certain this liberal Professor will now become the new hate racist.

I don't see how Obama is any different from any other president with regards to HOW he does things.

To me, the real problems of a presidency occur when they do NOTHING.

"Nothing" is very hard to actually notice - like a wide-receiver with very few catches; you don't really notice till you see the score at the end of the game.

He and George Bush are alike.. but neither are like other Presidents. They both went outside the US Constitution and trashed it by legislating from the Executive Branch.

I really don't believe that either went outside of the constitution. I would say our country has. It violates the constitution every time we wrongfully arrest someone. Every time we violate their rights with an illegal search of their cell phone or car.

We violate the constitution when we believe certain people over others or when we give "special rights" to minorities over whites, etc.

People have a convoluted view of matters of real importance in this country.

There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.

Wow, it's always fun to watch you guys spin conspiracy theories about why Benghazi happened when the people who did it, including the joker we just caught, have said it was over the video.
I don't see how Obama is any different from any other president with regards to HOW he does things.

To me, the real problems of a presidency occur when they do NOTHING.

"Nothing" is very hard to actually notice - like a wide-receiver with very few catches; you don't really notice till you see the score at the end of the game.

He and George Bush are alike.. but neither are like other Presidents. They both went outside the US Constitution and trashed it by legislating from the Executive Branch.

I really don't believe that either went outside of the constitution. I would say our country has. It violates the constitution every time we wrongfully arrest someone. Every time we violate their rights with an illegal search of their cell phone or car.

We violate the constitution when we believe certain people over others or when we give "special rights" to minorities over whites, etc.

People have a convoluted view of matters of real importance in this country.

I actually agree with you on the all of the above as well except that both Dubya and Obama have and did usurp the US Constitution. No where in the Constitution is the President given the power to write and make his own laws.. that's tyrannical.
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