Megyn Kelly Hits it out of the park

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Let's start with number 2-- Show us the proof of the massive riots in the Middle East and Benghazi with proof that the video caused it and was to blame for 4 American deaths.


Okay, let's start with a map.


All the blue dots are places where there were riots over the video.

And here's a list of all the places where they had riots.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup. Nothing to see here.

There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.
i remember reading oN kennedy when he said he never listen to much to the CIA or took to heart what the military had to say... we have time and time again been told that the video
story that was told on the news programs came from the CIA they believed that was what caused the attack... the president did want kennedy wouldn't do, they listen to the CIA before they got all the information... big mistake on their part... if you have notice the administration has stop answering anything until they get better intel ... the problem with the right and fox news is they feel the story about the video was done on purpose when it was clearly intel given to them by the Cia and they ran with it... they have admitted that the story was wrong... why Isa and fox news keeps pushing it serves only one reason... to try and sway this 2014 election by keeping a non'story in the press ... republicans have nothing else they can run on to keep their job ... so they smear them in the press by saying there's some thing they did and we got to get to the bottom of it when there isn't a bottom to get too... its a dead horse the right keeps beating for political gain and nothing more...
That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..

I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?
2) That video really did cause massive riots in the Middle East. Including Benghazi. Sorry.

Let's start with number 2-- Show us the proof of the massive riots in the Middle East and Benghazi with proof that the video caused it and was to blame for 4 American deaths.


Okay, let's start with a map.


All the blue dots are places where there were riots over the video.

And here's a list of all the places where they had riots.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup. Nothing to see here.

Most of those riots were after this administration made sure the Muslim world knew it was there. Prior to them trying to blame Benghazi on it, by the way even the administration admits that not to be the case, sure there were riots then.
What does that have to do with her commentary??

i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.

I guess you think the lefties are going to save you? I guess you think the Democrats will chose you over the 1%ers? You do realize most of the 1%ers are Democrats right?

Then why did the 1%ers spend billions trying to get rid of Obama.

Frankly, Romney was about as close to the 1%er dream candidate as you could have.

A guy who bragged how he liked to fire people and thought Corporations were people.

the 1%ers thought he was dreamy.

the rest of us thought he was some weird Mormon Robot.
Show me in the Constitution where it gives a President "wide" latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced. We have a Judicial branch of government who is delegated the power of interpretation..The Separation of Powers exists for this very reason.


When I was a young, dumb College Conservative, I think I spewed some nonsense like this to a Political Science Professor, and he said I had a "Slot Machine" view of how the constitution works.

We have 200 years of precedence of executive power, going all the way back to George Washington.

If the Republicans in Congress want to stop what Obama is doing, they need to bring it to the court of public opinion and make their case why this is a bad thing. This would require them to come up with policies of their own and not just wait until Obama does something so they know what they are against.

I asked you to link in the Constitution where it gives the President these wide powers.. I want to see it.

so what you are implying that there isn't any thing that allows a president to give a executive order you want to waste our time to post it here for you to read... how about you go and read it for yourself on the excutive brance... then come back here and tell us he's violating the constution
"The very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."-

Liberal Law Professor: Obama ‘The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid’

All factual but I'm certain this liberal Professor will now become the new hate racist.

I don't see how Obama is any different from any other president with regards to HOW he does things.

To me, the real problems of a presidency occur when they do NOTHING.

"Nothing" is very hard to actually notice - like a wide-receiver with very few catches; you don't really notice till you see the score at the end of the game.

So you will be OK when a president starts doing the same types of things only ones that you don't agree with. Every president has to go through congress. You have to negotiate to get things done. We live in a representative government and when the president bypasses that representation it is a slap to the face of every citizen in the United States. Just because you don't agree with your neighbor does not mean that he should not have a voice.
Show me in the Constitution where it gives a President "wide" latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced. We have a Judicial branch of government who is delegated the power of interpretation..The Separation of Powers exists for this very reason.


When I was a young, dumb College Conservative, I think I spewed some nonsense like this to a Political Science Professor, and he said I had a "Slot Machine" view of how the constitution works.

We have 200 years of precedence of executive power, going all the way back to George Washington.

If the Republicans in Congress want to stop what Obama is doing, they need to bring it to the court of public opinion and make their case why this is a bad thing. This would require them to come up with policies of their own and not just wait until Obama does something so they know what they are against.

I asked you to link in the Constitution where it gives the President these wide powers.. I want to see it.

I gave you an answer.

I'm sorry you were too stupid to understand it.
2) That video really did cause massive riots in the Middle East. Including Benghazi. Sorry.

Let's start with number 2-- Show us the proof of the massive riots in the Middle East and Benghazi with proof that the video caused it and was to blame for 4 American deaths.


Okay, let's start with a map.


All the blue dots are places where there were riots over the video.

And here's a list of all the places where they had riots.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yup. Nothing to see here.

If there were riots in places indicated by the map, over THE video, it only proves that the genetically and intellectually deficient, bat-shit crazy idiots who worship and revere a child molesting pedophile terrorist as their prophet are genetically and intellectually deficient and bat-shit crazy idiots all over the map.

And the world.

If your god and your prophet are so meagre, weak, incompetent, stupid and thin skinned that you are ready to kill for their non-existent honor, over a video, you are hopelessly stupid and hopelessly lost to the rational world.
i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.

I guess you think the lefties are going to save you? I guess you think the Democrats will chose you over the 1%ers? You do realize most of the 1%ers are Democrats right?

Then why did the 1%ers spend billions trying to get rid of Obama.

Frankly, Romney was about as close to the 1%er dream candidate as you could have.

A guy who bragged how he liked to fire people and thought Corporations were people.

the 1%ers thought he was dreamy.

the rest of us thought he was some weird Mormon Robot.

Twenty richest american’s 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans
If you look at families then 75% are Democrat. But the point is both parties are really for the rich. The question is do you want those rich to have a big government to help them or not?
1. Bill Gates Democrat
2. Warren Buffet Democrat
3. Larry Ellison Democrat
4. Charles Koch Republican
5. David Koch Republican
6. Christy Walton Democrat
7. Jim Walton Republican
8. Alice Walton Republican
9. Michael Bloomberg Democrat
10. S. Robson Walton Republican
11. Sergery Brin Democrat
12. Larry Page Democrat
13. Sheldon Alderson Republican
14. George Soros Democrat
15. Michael Dell Republican
16. Steve Balmer Democrat
17. Paul Allen Democrat
18. Jeff Bezos Democrat
19. Anne Cox Chambers Democrat
20. John Paulson Republican

When I was a young, dumb College Conservative, I think I spewed some nonsense like this to a Political Science Professor, and he said I had a "Slot Machine" view of how the constitution works.

We have 200 years of precedence of executive power, going all the way back to George Washington.

If the Republicans in Congress want to stop what Obama is doing, they need to bring it to the court of public opinion and make their case why this is a bad thing. This would require them to come up with policies of their own and not just wait until Obama does something so they know what they are against.

I asked you to link in the Constitution where it gives the President these wide powers.. I want to see it.

so what you are implying that there isn't any thing that allows a president to give a executive order you want to waste our time to post it here for you to read... how about you go and read it for yourself on the excutive brance... then come back here and tell us he's violating the constution

The executive order was never meant to allow the president to bypass congress and create laws. It was meant to allow the president to explain how he intended to implement a law.
That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..

I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?

It's captured on video that he said it..

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact

White House knew millions could not keep plans under Obamacare

There are soo many verifiable links that Obama knew when he said it, it was a damn lie.. You can choose to open your eyes and see the truth or you can remain with your eyes closed.
House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review Online.

Top Dem Admits: 'We Knew' | National Review Online

Here's what always amazes me about liberals.. even when shown the facts they refuse to accept the truth.
I guess you think the lefties are going to save you? I guess you think the Democrats will chose you over the 1%ers? You do realize most of the 1%ers are Democrats right?

Then why did the 1%ers spend billions trying to get rid of Obama.

Frankly, Romney was about as close to the 1%er dream candidate as you could have.

A guy who bragged how he liked to fire people and thought Corporations were people.

the 1%ers thought he was dreamy.

the rest of us thought he was some weird Mormon Robot.

Twenty richest american’s 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans
If you look at families then 75% are Democrat. But the point is both parties are really for the rich. The question is do you want those rich to have a big government to help them or not?
1. Bill Gates Democrat
2. Warren Buffet Democrat
3. Larry Ellison Democrat
4. Charles Koch Republican
5. David Koch Republican
6. Christy Walton Democrat
7. Jim Walton Republican
8. Alice Walton Republican
9. Michael Bloomberg Democrat
10. S. Robson Walton Republican
11. Sergery Brin Democrat
12. Larry Page Democrat
13. Sheldon Alderson Republican
14. George Soros Democrat
15. Michael Dell Republican
16. Steve Balmer Democrat
17. Paul Allen Democrat
18. Jeff Bezos Democrat
19. Anne Cox Chambers Democrat
20. John Paulson Republican

Impressive as this list is, proving that the worst hypocrites are Democrats, it is even more informative to look at the list of the richest Congress people and Senators.

These bastards have the nerve to bash Republicans as the 1%-ers???
That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..

I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?

No it does not. You obviously do not work in the insurance business. Many are not able to find doctors they need and many are suffering now because of lack of doctors accepting the insurance they are providing. Insurance does not equal care. Also free health care doesn’t really matter unless everyone can get it. Lastly the health care is not free and just because insurance has to provide the coverage they don’t have to provide for every treatment. You are walking around with a blind fold on only paying attention and liberal news sources, 90% of news sources, don’t cover the problems with the ACA. The true solution would be to have had government clinics and hospitals where anyone can get free treatment and let private insurance remain private. Oh wait that already existed and that does not serve the liberals true goal of equality. My bad I was thinking that we need real world solutions not fake ones that can keep Democrats getting votes.
Then why did the 1%ers spend billions trying to get rid of Obama.

Frankly, Romney was about as close to the 1%er dream candidate as you could have.

A guy who bragged how he liked to fire people and thought Corporations were people.

the 1%ers thought he was dreamy.

the rest of us thought he was some weird Mormon Robot.

Twenty richest american’s 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans
If you look at families then 75% are Democrat. But the point is both parties are really for the rich. The question is do you want those rich to have a big government to help them or not?
1. Bill Gates Democrat
2. Warren Buffet Democrat
3. Larry Ellison Democrat
4. Charles Koch Republican
5. David Koch Republican
6. Christy Walton Democrat
7. Jim Walton Republican
8. Alice Walton Republican
9. Michael Bloomberg Democrat
10. S. Robson Walton Republican
11. Sergery Brin Democrat
12. Larry Page Democrat
13. Sheldon Alderson Republican
14. George Soros Democrat
15. Michael Dell Republican
16. Steve Balmer Democrat
17. Paul Allen Democrat
18. Jeff Bezos Democrat
19. Anne Cox Chambers Democrat
20. John Paulson Republican

Impressive as this list is, proving that the worst hypocrites are Democrats, it is even more informative to look at the list of the richest Congress people and Senators.

These bastards have the nerve to bash Republicans as the 1%-ers???

It's the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. (No, I will not include the ic on the end of Democrat as there's nothing democratic about liberals)-- Having said that, Conservatives could show more compassion to the downtrodden. I lean pretty far left on matters of hunger- and the thing is, it shouldn't be a political issue but a humanitarian one. What's so hard about feeding hungry people? We give hundreds of billions to foreign nations but we biatch the most about social programs for our own fellow Americans. I can't get on board with that.
i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.

I guess you think the lefties are going to save you? I guess you think the Democrats will chose you over the 1%ers? You do realize most of the 1%ers are Democrats right?

Then why did the 1%ers spend billions trying to get rid of Obama.

Frankly, Romney was about as close to the 1%er dream candidate as you could have.

A guy who bragged how he liked to fire people and thought Corporations were people.

the 1%ers thought he was dreamy.

the rest of us thought he was some weird Mormon Robot.

Oh and by the way I was not for Romney as he was to liberal for my taste as well. You forget unlike Democrats we do not follow all republicans blindly. Many of us believe in small government and just because a candidate in republican does not mean they are for small government. See Bush. As for corporations, they are run by people. No different than a nation is people. Without people a corporation does not exist. Without people nations do not exist.
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