Megyn Kelly Hits it out of the park

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Twenty richest american’s 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans
If you look at families then 75% are Democrat. But the point is both parties are really for the rich. The question is do you want those rich to have a big government to help them or not?
1. Bill Gates Democrat
2. Warren Buffet Democrat
3. Larry Ellison Democrat
4. Charles Koch Republican
5. David Koch Republican
6. Christy Walton Democrat
7. Jim Walton Republican
8. Alice Walton Republican
9. Michael Bloomberg Democrat
10. S. Robson Walton Republican
11. Sergery Brin Democrat
12. Larry Page Democrat
13. Sheldon Alderson Republican
14. George Soros Democrat
15. Michael Dell Republican
16. Steve Balmer Democrat
17. Paul Allen Democrat
18. Jeff Bezos Democrat
19. Anne Cox Chambers Democrat
20. John Paulson Republican

Impressive as this list is, proving that the worst hypocrites are Democrats, it is even more informative to look at the list of the richest Congress people and Senators.

These bastards have the nerve to bash Republicans as the 1%-ers???

It's the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. (No, I will not include the ic on the end of Democrat as there's nothing democratic about liberals)-- Having said that, Conservatives could show more compassion to the downtrodden. I lean pretty far left on matters of hunger- and the thing is, it shouldn't be a political issue but a humanitarian one. What's so hard about feeding hungry people? We give hundreds of billions to foreign nations but we biatch the most about social programs for our own fellow Americans. I can't get on board with that.

Nothing is wrong with feeding people and providing for those in need. But we are well beyond that and are instead in the practice of trying to provide a better life style. But we are talking about trying to provide wealth redistribution. I would have no problem with food handouts or even having limits on food stamps. But it is different to provide someone a helping hand when they are down and try to help them get back on their feet, than to subsidize someone not wanting to work.
Impressive as this list is, proving that the worst hypocrites are Democrats, it is even more informative to look at the list of the richest Congress people and Senators.

These bastards have the nerve to bash Republicans as the 1%-ers???

It's the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. (No, I will not include the ic on the end of Democrat as there's nothing democratic about liberals)-- Having said that, Conservatives could show more compassion to the downtrodden. I lean pretty far left on matters of hunger- and the thing is, it shouldn't be a political issue but a humanitarian one. What's so hard about feeding hungry people? We give hundreds of billions to foreign nations but we biatch the most about social programs for our own fellow Americans. I can't get on board with that.

Nothing is wrong with feeding people and providing for those in need. But we are well beyond that and are instead in the practice of trying to provide a better life style. But we are talking about trying to provide wealth redistribution. I would have no problem with food handouts or even having limits on food stamps. But it is different to provide someone a helping hand when they are down and try to help them get back on their feet, than to subsidize someone not wanting to work.

Totally agree..
That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..

I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?

It was a bald faced in your face lie.

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," President Barack Obama said -- many times -- of his landmark new law.
But the promise was impossible to keep.
So this fall, as cancellation letters were going out to approximately 4 million Americans, the public realized Obama’s breezy assurances were wrong.
Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology.
For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013.
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact
That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..

I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?

It was a bald faced in your face lie.

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," President Barack Obama said -- many times -- of his landmark new law.
But the promise was impossible to keep.
So this fall, as cancellation letters were going out to approximately 4 million Americans, the public realized Obama’s breezy assurances were wrong.
Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology.
For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013.
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact

There are lies and then there are damn lies. This was a damn lie, no doubt about it. I know Cabbie.. He has great integrity. I think perhaps he didn't know all of the facts?
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

A fine example of what happens when people vote with their emotions instead of their minds. White guilt.
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

I just read a piece that Muddy posted on that.. He is disinterested and even says as much to one of his Aides at the WH .. very glaring piece about this boy President who loves the parties and movie stars, etc..
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

And still beat both McCain and Romney.


Not even close.

Will you ever get over it?
Twenty richest american’s 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans
If you look at families then 75% are Democrat. But the point is both parties are really for the rich. The question is do you want those rich to have a big government to help them or not?
1. Bill Gates Democrat
2. Warren Buffet Democrat
3. Larry Ellison Democrat
4. Charles Koch Republican
5. David Koch Republican
6. Christy Walton Democrat
7. Jim Walton Republican
8. Alice Walton Republican
9. Michael Bloomberg Democrat
10. S. Robson Walton Republican
11. Sergery Brin Democrat
12. Larry Page Democrat
13. Sheldon Alderson Republican
14. George Soros Democrat
15. Michael Dell Republican
16. Steve Balmer Democrat
17. Paul Allen Democrat
18. Jeff Bezos Democrat
19. Anne Cox Chambers Democrat
20. John Paulson Republican

Impressive as this list is, proving that the worst hypocrites are Democrats, it is even more informative to look at the list of the richest Congress people and Senators.

These bastards have the nerve to bash Republicans as the 1%-ers???

It's the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. (No, I will not include the ic on the end of Democrat as there's nothing democratic about liberals)-- Having said that, Conservatives could show more compassion to the downtrodden. I lean pretty far left on matters of hunger- and the thing is, it shouldn't be a political issue but a humanitarian one. What's so hard about feeding hungry people? We give hundreds of billions to foreign nations but we biatch the most about social programs for our own fellow Americans. I can't get on board with that.

More compassion than WHO??

I have been involved with Habitat for Humanity since 1993, after Hurricane Andrew (yes, I have been witness to a couple anemic swings of hammer by Jimmy Carter) and I can say with being completely sure of speaking the truth, that all of my fellow volunteers were Republicans, with not a single Democrat in sight.

Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

A fine example of what happens when people vote with their emotions instead of their minds. White guilt.

I have a lot of friends who voted for him the first time around. One of them is a really close friend. She told me she voted for him because he would be the first african american President. I tried to understand her and asked her if the world should allow Leaders based upon skin color.. she said well, no but America owes this to the Black Community. It is an instilled guilt among liberals. She's not liberal but she's not Conservative either. She is a true Independent uniformed voter.
What do you based "Well-Planned" on? Well Planned would indicate they knew Stevens would be there that day and assassinated him.

Not that he was locked in a room and died from smoke inhalation, which is what happened to the poor guy.

Are you serious??? HONESTLY?? That is not what happened. That man was tortured and beaten.

That propaganda comes from here:
According to a CBS News/AP story, posted on the Internet (September 12, 2012, 10:37 AM), US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens died of “severe asphyxia,” sometimes referred to as smoke inhalation. It was reported to the media by a Libyan doctor, but was not an official autopsy report. In spite of this unofficial report, most Americans believe the ambassador was murdered.

To date, no official cause of death has been released. The results of an autopsy done on Stevens’ body after it was returned to the United States, has not been made public. In spite of that, rumors still persist that Stevens was tortured and raped before and after his death.

An Internet Autopsy: How did Ambassador Stevens Die?

Oh, there were rumors? Tortured and raped? Really? Most people believe?

Someone call Scully and Mulder


Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

A fine example of what happens when people vote with their emotions instead of their minds. White guilt.

I have a lot of friends who voted for him the first time around. One of them is a really close friend. She told me she voted for him because he would be the first african american President. I tried to understand her and asked her if the world should allow Leaders based upon skin color.. she said well, no but America owes this to the Black Community. It is an instilled guilt among liberals. She's not liberal but she's not Conservative either. She is a true Independent uniformed voter.

You have no friends.
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

And still beat both McCain and Romney.


Not even close.

Will you ever get over it?

Does not prove any merit for Obama.

Proves the utter and undeniable stupidity of the dolts who voted for him.

Especially the stupidity of those dolts who voted for him TWICE.
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

And still beat both McCain and Romney.


Not even close.

Will you ever get over it?

We heard it loud and clear when Republicans asked him to sit down and discuss the issues to come to some agreement.. HIS COMMENT, " I WON."
A fine example of what happens when people vote with their emotions instead of their minds. White guilt.

I have a lot of friends who voted for him the first time around. One of them is a really close friend. She told me she voted for him because he would be the first african american President. I tried to understand her and asked her if the world should allow Leaders based upon skin color.. she said well, no but America owes this to the Black Community. It is an instilled guilt among liberals. She's not liberal but she's not Conservative either. She is a true Independent uniformed voter.

You have no friends.

People have managed to stay away from personal insults in this thread.. Don't come in to this thread with your twisted tampon and start shit.
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

And still beat both McCain and Romney.


Not even close.

Will you ever get over it?

Will you and your ilk ever get over the presidential election results of 2000?
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

And still beat both McCain and Romney.


Not even close.

Will you ever get over it?

Sadly all the damage and carnage that is going to be left behind by this mistake will take decades to get over. People that don’t know what a treasury bond is have no idea what bad shape we are in. I honestly believe entities are already not buying enough of our debt which I believe is the real reason we have not stopped printing money and in a round-about way monetizing our debt. But someday we have to stop printing money. We can’t print forever and when we do stop is when the wheels could very well come off and cause a crash the likes of has never been seen. All crashes before were private crashes in which the government could come in and save us. The next one will be the government itself so who will save us then. Plus those that don’t follow money closely also do not realize that Europe is still in trouble and there were waves yesterday that were a really bad sign.
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