Megyn Kelly Hits it out of the park

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Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

A fine example of what happens when people vote with their emotions instead of their minds. White guilt.

I have a lot of friends who voted for him the first time around. One of them is a really close friend. She told me she voted for him because he would be the first african american President. I tried to understand her and asked her if the world should allow Leaders based upon skin color.. she said well, no but America owes this to the Black Community. It is an instilled guilt among liberals. She's not liberal but she's not Conservative either. She is a true Independent uniformed voter.

The touchy feelies have been programmed for years by Hollywood and television. They've bought the white guilt message hook line and sinker. For people who say color, sex ,creed etc doesn't matter they have no problem using those very reasons to decide who to vote for. We have a long list of so called victims to go through before they can vote for the most competent person for the job.
Is it a woman's turn to be president or a homosexual's ? I lost track .
Impressive as this list is, proving that the worst hypocrites are Democrats, it is even more informative to look at the list of the richest Congress people and Senators.

These bastards have the nerve to bash Republicans as the 1%-ers???

It's the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. (No, I will not include the ic on the end of Democrat as there's nothing democratic about liberals)-- Having said that, Conservatives could show more compassion to the downtrodden. I lean pretty far left on matters of hunger- and the thing is, it shouldn't be a political issue but a humanitarian one. What's so hard about feeding hungry people? We give hundreds of billions to foreign nations but we biatch the most about social programs for our own fellow Americans. I can't get on board with that.

More compassion than WHO??

I have been involved with Habitat for Humanity since 1993, after Hurricane Andrew (yes, I have been witness to a couple anemic swings of hammer by Jimmy Carter) and I can say with being completely sure of speaking the truth, that all of my fellow volunteers were Republicans, with not a single Democrat in sight.


Democrats vote to force other people to handle that for them.
A fine example of what happens when people vote with their emotions instead of their minds. White guilt.

I have a lot of friends who voted for him the first time around. One of them is a really close friend. She told me she voted for him because he would be the first african american President. I tried to understand her and asked her if the world should allow Leaders based upon skin color.. she said well, no but America owes this to the Black Community. It is an instilled guilt among liberals. She's not liberal but she's not Conservative either. She is a true Independent uniformed voter.

The touchy feelies have been programmed for years by Hollywood and television. They've bought the white guilt message hook line and sinker. For people who say color, sex ,creed etc doesn't matter they have no problem using those very reasons to decide who to vote for. We have a long list of so called victims to go through before they can vote for the most competent person for the job.
Is it a woman's turn to be president or a homosexual's ? I lost track .

That's why I'm hoping Americans learned their lesson and won't allow the stupidity of the Left to dictate race or sex in regard to electing the next President. I cannot even understand that mindset.
I have a lot of friends who voted for him the first time around. One of them is a really close friend. She told me she voted for him because he would be the first african american President. I tried to understand her and asked her if the world should allow Leaders based upon skin color.. she said well, no but America owes this to the Black Community. It is an instilled guilt among liberals. She's not liberal but she's not Conservative either. She is a true Independent uniformed voter.

The touchy feelies have been programmed for years by Hollywood and television. They've bought the white guilt message hook line and sinker. For people who say color, sex ,creed etc doesn't matter they have no problem using those very reasons to decide who to vote for. We have a long list of so called victims to go through before they can vote for the most competent person for the job.
Is it a woman's turn to be president or a homosexual's ? I lost track .

That's why I'm hoping Americans learned their lesson and won't allow the stupidity of the Left to dictate race or sex in regard to electing the next President. I cannot even understand that mindset.

That's because you haven't been frightened enough to identify with victims nor do you feel the need to prostrate yourself for any misfortunes they may have endured.
The touchy feelies have been programmed for years by Hollywood and television. They've bought the white guilt message hook line and sinker. For people who say color, sex ,creed etc doesn't matter they have no problem using those very reasons to decide who to vote for. We have a long list of so called victims to go through before they can vote for the most competent person for the job.
Is it a woman's turn to be president or a homosexual's ? I lost track .

That's why I'm hoping Americans learned their lesson and won't allow the stupidity of the Left to dictate race or sex in regard to electing the next President. I cannot even understand that mindset.

That's because you haven't been frightened enough to identify with victims nor do you feel the need to prostrate yourself for any misfortunes they may have endured.

You're right. I've never been a victim. Always a fighter. < winks >
The intellectually bankrupt leftists are hell bent on destroying Megan Kelly, because they have absolutely no one even approaching her caliber, after the shemale Rachel Maddow flamed out several months ago.
The intellectually bankrupt leftists are hell bent on destroying Megan Kelly, because they have absolutely no one even approaching her caliber, after the shemale Rachel Maddow flamed out several months ago.

Megyn Kelly and Brett Baier are the only two Journalists at Fox I trust and listen to. Both have immense integrity. Liberals hate her because she's beautiful and intelligent, she doesn't mince words , she reports the facts.
Fox News is Conservatives Happy Place.

What does that have to do with her commentary??

i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.
Let me guess: Six years ago your boss told you to fuck off out the door and never come back b/c you were a worthless waste of space. Something like that right?
Now you can't get a decent job b/c every 'McJob' you get you get fired from.
So of course you have moved over to the LIB way of thinking.
Poor baby. Life taught you you didn't deserve a trophy just for showing up after all.
Another time and place and you wouldn't even get the "scraps".
That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..

I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?

No it does not. You obviously do not work in the insurance business. Many are not able to find doctors they need and many are suffering now because of lack of doctors accepting the insurance they are providing. Insurance does not equal care. Also free health care doesn’t really matter unless everyone can get it. Lastly the health care is not free and just because insurance has to provide the coverage they don’t have to provide for every treatment. You are walking around with a blind fold on only paying attention and liberal news sources, 90% of news sources, don’t cover the problems with the ACA. The true solution would be to have had government clinics and hospitals where anyone can get free treatment and let private insurance remain private. Oh wait that already existed and that does not serve the liberals true goal of equality. My bad I was thinking that we need real world solutions not fake ones that can keep Democrats getting votes.

What are yammering on and on about? I really can't tell by anything that you have written.

Free insurance? Who mentioned that? I'm a liberal, eh? Maybe YOU have the blindfold on?

Wait, you want the government to run the hospitals? Why not just regulate it so that it doesn't suck like everything else the government does?

What kind of conservative are you?
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

Such an amateur that he handled Hillary Clinton, a bull dog when it comes to debate, with the ease of a matador? You guys (twice) seriously underestimated Obama, you still have not learned.

Obama was not a suit - he didn't have people in his ear feeding him crap (a la GW Bush) and when he unveiled his plan to get Bin Laden, ass-hats like Bill O'Riely said that he did not have the balls to do it, how'd that work out?

This notion that Obama was in over his head is complete hogwash. He sets out to do something, most of the time he gets it done, leaving Republicans to whine about him "violating the constitution" or pleading with whomever will listen that "no one is safe!!!"

Well, which is it? Does Obama do TOO MUCH or not enough? It cannot be both ways - as much as your AM radio wants you to believe that.
I disagree vehemently about Obama being a liar and the whole thing about "you can keep your insurance/doctor" was contingent upon someones plan being an actual policy that could have been compliant with the ACA.

Some policies did not offer enough coverage to be salvaged.

The ACA has NO CAP and cannot be canceled due to illness. A lot of folks who were sick with cancer would have been dropped if not for the new law.

Moreover, illnesses like cancer can end up being incredibly expensive. Up in the millions. A cap of 1-2 million means no more insurance - ever. The new law provides these people with care when this happens.

Homeland security? It's a way to make people not so afraid to spend money on airline tickets, but how much good do they really do in comparison to how much they trample our civil liberties?

No it does not. You obviously do not work in the insurance business. Many are not able to find doctors they need and many are suffering now because of lack of doctors accepting the insurance they are providing. Insurance does not equal care. Also free health care doesn’t really matter unless everyone can get it. Lastly the health care is not free and just because insurance has to provide the coverage they don’t have to provide for every treatment. You are walking around with a blind fold on only paying attention and liberal news sources, 90% of news sources, don’t cover the problems with the ACA. The true solution would be to have had government clinics and hospitals where anyone can get free treatment and let private insurance remain private. Oh wait that already existed and that does not serve the liberals true goal of equality. My bad I was thinking that we need real world solutions not fake ones that can keep Democrats getting votes.

What are yammering on and on about? I really can't tell by anything that you have written.

Free insurance? Who mentioned that? I'm a liberal, eh? Maybe YOU have the blindfold on?

Wait, you want the government to run the hospitals? Why not just regulate it so that it doesn't suck like everything else the government does?

What kind of conservative are you?

It is not about suck or don't suck. It is about letting private remain private. I’m the type of conservative that does believe some things are needed to be provided just not to the point of trying to provide equality. I’m ok with government run/funded hospital and clinics for those that need it. I’m not for government taking over private health insurance and destroying it to try and make everything equal.
Obama was nothing more than a State Senator/ community agitator when he ran for president. had a couple years in D.C. as US Senator and spent the next two running for the White House. In way over his head. Amateur.

Such an amateur that he handled Hillary Clinton, a bull dog when it comes to debate, with the ease of a matador? You guys (twice) seriously underestimated Obama, you still have not learned.

Obama was not a suit - he didn't have people in his ear feeding him crap (a la GW Bush) and when he unveiled his plan to get Bin Laden, ass-hats like Bill O'Riely said that he did not have the balls to do it, how'd that work out?

This notion that Obama was in over his head is complete hogwash. He sets out to do something, most of the time he gets it done, leaving Republicans to whine about him "violating the constitution" or pleading with whomever will listen that "no one is safe!!!"

Well, which is it? Does Obama do TOO MUCH or not enough? It cannot be both ways - as much as your AM radio wants you to believe that.

Yes let us all praise the wonderful Obama. Thank you for the disasters you leave in your wake. Thanks for failing at everything you do with the exception of golf and vacations. Yes the economy is great haven&#8217;t you heard. The border is great haven&#8217;t you heard. The foreign policy is going so well to the point that the New York Times just to try to cover him had to write a praise piece saying his strategy in Syria is paying off even though that was actually the work of Russia build on a blunder by Kerry. Yes great president indeed. Hooray for us and our great times in which most everybody in this nation save 7% is worse off than when he took office. Maybe we should go ahead and set a day aside now to celebrate the president with the worst record in history. Hooray.
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If there were riots in places indicated by the map, over THE video, it only proves that the genetically and intellectually deficient, bat-shit crazy idiots who worship and revere a child molesting pedophile terrorist as their prophet are genetically and intellectually deficient and bat-shit crazy idiots all over the map.

And the world.

If your god and your prophet are so meagre, weak, incompetent, stupid and thin skinned that you are ready to kill for their non-existent honor, over a video, you are hopelessly stupid and hopelessly lost to the rational world.

Christians didn't give up killing in the name of their magic sky man all that long ago.


If there were riots in places indicated by the map, over THE video, it only proves that the genetically and intellectually deficient, bat-shit crazy idiots who worship and revere a child molesting pedophile terrorist as their prophet are genetically and intellectually deficient and bat-shit crazy idiots all over the map.

And the world.

If your god and your prophet are so meagre, weak, incompetent, stupid and thin skinned that you are ready to kill for their non-existent honor, over a video, you are hopelessly stupid and hopelessly lost to the rational world.

Christians didn't give up killing in the name of their magic sky man all that long ago.


The difference is that the one on the left isn't killing those who don't believe in the bible. The one on the right is...........

Get it..............................

The one on the left is HOT..........

The one on the left needs to put on her burka..

If there were riots in places indicated by the map, over THE video, it only proves that the genetically and intellectually deficient, bat-shit crazy idiots who worship and revere a child molesting pedophile terrorist as their prophet are genetically and intellectually deficient and bat-shit crazy idiots all over the map.

And the world.

If your god and your prophet are so meagre, weak, incompetent, stupid and thin skinned that you are ready to kill for their non-existent honor, over a video, you are hopelessly stupid and hopelessly lost to the rational world.

Christians didn't give up killing in the name of their magic sky man all that long ago.


The difference is that the one on the left isn't killing those who don't believe in the bible. The one on the right is...........

Get it..............................
You should have thanked him for the softball. :lol:
Christians didn't give up killing in the name of their magic sky man all that long ago.


The difference is that the one on the left isn't killing those who don't believe in the bible. The one on the right is...........

Get it..............................
You should have thanked him for the softball. :lol:

And this bullshit picture came from JoeBlow who claims to be a "conservative?

Why am I not stunned?

Oh that's right, because JoeBlow is a bed wetting libtard! Silly me!!

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