Megyn Kelly Hits it out of the park

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More news from the Fox News scandal factory?


More news from the Fox News TRUTH factory. .... haaaaa :lmao:

Source for a thread is not really that important - the body of the OP is either true or false, that's why it's all about the discussion and not the article.

What if the OP had written it?

What if I had written it?

The problem is when people show up in a thread just to trash the source, you end up with NO discussion.

There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.

Wow, it's always fun to watch you guys spin conspiracy theories about why Benghazi happened when the people who did it, including the joker we just caught, have said it was over the video.

Actually, the person just caught said the opposite.
Egypt: About 3,000 demonstrators, many of them from the ultraconservative Salafist movement

About 600 Muslim protestors in Athens tried to march on the U. S. Embassy
In Tunis, on September 14, protesters entered the compound of the U.S. embassy
On September 17, up to 500 protesters
some U.S. officials, speaking under anonymity, said that they believed the Benghazi attack was coordinated and planned in advance, and not prompted by the film.

Wikki is a joke, a leftist leaning rag but let's go with their numbers.. That's also a joke. We now know for an absolute FACT that this was a well planned out attack by Al Qaeda.. so you can cling to that propaganda all you like. It is simply a lie.

What do you based "Well-Planned" on? Well Planned would indicate they knew Stevens would be there that day and assassinated him.

Not that he was locked in a room and died from smoke inhalation, which is what happened to the poor guy.

Are you serious??? HONESTLY?? That is not what happened. That man was tortured and beaten.

That propaganda comes from here:
According to a CBS News/AP story, posted on the Internet (September 12, 2012, 10:37 AM), US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens died of “severe asphyxia,” sometimes referred to as smoke inhalation. It was reported to the media by a Libyan doctor, but was not an official autopsy report. In spite of this unofficial report, most Americans believe the ambassador was murdered.

To date, no official cause of death has been released. The results of an autopsy done on Stevens’ body after it was returned to the United States, has not been made public. In spite of that, rumors still persist that Stevens was tortured and raped before and after his death.

An Internet Autopsy: How did Ambassador Stevens Die?

Oh, there were rumors? Tortured and raped? Really? Most people believe?

Someone call Scully and Mulder


There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.

Wow, it's always fun to watch you guys spin conspiracy theories about why Benghazi happened when the people who did it, including the joker we just caught, have said it was over the video.

Actually, the person just caught said the opposite.

Can we get a reliable link as to what he said? I really haven't heard.

There was only one protest on 9/11, and the attack at Benghazi. So one could say that the story that Rice and Obama was pushing may indeed lead to more protests. None of the protests involved the use of mortors and as far as I know resulted in no other deaths. You could just as well post where abortion clinc protests happened in and around 9/11 it would be just as relevant.

Benghazi happened because we let our ambassador return to a country we had just bombed the crap out of. In my opinion, it happened over our gun running to Syria. What is clear is it didn't happen because of a video.

Wow, it's always fun to watch you guys spin conspiracy theories about why Benghazi happened when the people who did it, including the joker we just caught, have said it was over the video.

Actually, the person just caught said the opposite.

Uh, no, he didn't.

Benghazi Suspect Says Attacks Were Instigated by Anti-Islam Internet Video | The Daily Banter

What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.
What do you based "Well-Planned" on? Well Planned would indicate they knew Stevens would be there that day and assassinated him.

Not that he was locked in a room and died from smoke inhalation, which is what happened to the poor guy.

Are you serious??? HONESTLY?? That is not what happened. That man was tortured and beaten.

That propaganda comes from here:
According to a CBS News/AP story, posted on the Internet (September 12, 2012, 10:37 AM), US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens died of “severe asphyxia,” sometimes referred to as smoke inhalation. It was reported to the media by a Libyan doctor, but was not an official autopsy report. In spite of this unofficial report, most Americans believe the ambassador was murdered.

To date, no official cause of death has been released. The results of an autopsy done on Stevens’ body after it was returned to the United States, has not been made public. In spite of that, rumors still persist that Stevens was tortured and raped before and after his death.

An Internet Autopsy: How did Ambassador Stevens Die?

Oh, there were rumors? Tortured and raped? Really? Most people believe?

Someone call Scully and Mulder


The point is, this Administration will not allow the official death certificate to be released. WHY???
Fox News is Conservatives Happy Place.

What does that have to do with her commentary??

i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.

IF what you say is true.., where can i go to get the truth ?

I actually agree with you on the all of the above as well except that both Dubya and Obama have and did usurp the US Constitution. No where in the Constitution is the President given the power to write and make his own laws.. that's tyrannical.

Except that our system allows the executive branch wide latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced.

Congress refuses to do it's job. This is the least productive congress in the last 50 years in terms of laws passed. So you are really surprised when the executive and the courts step into the breech?
I'll withdraw that comment because I can't find anything on it.. I don't even know if I believe this guy is actually not some kind of fall guy. It's taken two years for this Administration to arrest anyone at all.
The reason liberals reply in the fashion they do is because they are lame ducks just like their president. Even the SCOTUS calls them on their bullshit. All they got left is picking on Fox News. Which is where we started. They don't think rationally, no one should have such an irrational hatred of a news station. It's just not normal. :)
Are you serious??? HONESTLY?? That is not what happened. That man was tortured and beaten.

That propaganda comes from here:
According to a CBS News/AP story, posted on the Internet (September 12, 2012, 10:37 AM), US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens died of “severe asphyxia,” sometimes referred to as smoke inhalation. It was reported to the media by a Libyan doctor, but was not an official autopsy report. In spite of this unofficial report, most Americans believe the ambassador was murdered.

To date, no official cause of death has been released. The results of an autopsy done on Stevens’ body after it was returned to the United States, has not been made public. In spite of that, rumors still persist that Stevens was tortured and raped before and after his death.

An Internet Autopsy: How did Ambassador Stevens Die?

Oh, there were rumors? Tortured and raped? Really? Most people believe?

Someone call Scully and Mulder


The point is, this Administration will not allow the official death certificate to be released. WHY???

I do not believe the rumors of rape and torture.

As for the death certificate, releasing it would not "solve" anything.

Supporters of the Benghazi scandal would not believe it was real ... just like Obamy's BC.

I actually agree with you on the all of the above as well except that both Dubya and Obama have and did usurp the US Constitution. No where in the Constitution is the President given the power to write and make his own laws.. that's tyrannical.

Except that our system allows the executive branch wide latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced.

Congress refuses to do it's job. This is the least productive congress in the last 50 years in terms of laws passed. So you are really surprised when the executive and the courts step into the breech?

Show me in the Constitution where it gives a President "wide" latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced. We have a Judicial branch of government who is delegated the power of interpretation..The Separation of Powers exists for this very reason.
What does that have to do with her commentary??

i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.

IF what you say is true.., where can i go to get the truth ?

YOu can do what I do. You can read a little bit of everything.

I read left wing sources, I read right wing sources.

But here was the real eye-opener for me on Conservative Social Issues. When Mike Huckabee looked like he was going to win the GOP nomination for a week and a half, how quickly the Conservative Media turned on the guy.

Apparently, if you don't think Jesus was for tax cuts for rich people, they don't care what you think about Abortion or Gay Marriage.
The reason liberals reply in the fashion they do is because they are lame ducks just like their president. Even the SCOTUS calls them on their bullshit. All they got left is picking on Fox News. Which is where we started. They don't think rationally, no one should have such an irrational hatred of a news station. It's just not normal. :)

Well, the exact same thing could be held true for the entire "liberal media."

No news outlet is completely biased; it would give itself zero credibility if it was.

I actually agree with you on the all of the above as well except that both Dubya and Obama have and did usurp the US Constitution. No where in the Constitution is the President given the power to write and make his own laws.. that's tyrannical.

Except that our system allows the executive branch wide latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced.

Congress refuses to do it's job. This is the least productive congress in the last 50 years in terms of laws passed. So you are really surprised when the executive and the courts step into the breech?

Show me in the Constitution where it gives a President "wide" latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced. We have a Judicial branch of government who is delegated the power of interpretation..The Separation of Powers exists for this very reason.


When I was a young, dumb College Conservative, I think I spewed some nonsense like this to a Political Science Professor, and he said I had a "Slot Machine" view of how the constitution works.

We have 200 years of precedence of executive power, going all the way back to George Washington.

If the Republicans in Congress want to stop what Obama is doing, they need to bring it to the court of public opinion and make their case why this is a bad thing. This would require them to come up with policies of their own and not just wait until Obama does something so they know what they are against.
Oh, there were rumors? Tortured and raped? Really? Most people believe?

Someone call Scully and Mulder


The point is, this Administration will not allow the official death certificate to be released. WHY???

I do not believe the rumors of rape and torture.

As for the death certificate, releasing it would not "solve" anything.

Supporters of the Benghazi scandal would not believe it was real ... just like Obamy's BC.

That's actually true. I know I wouldn't believe anything released by this Administration who threatens and uses its power to silence so many, including Border Agents now. Did you see the hearing where John McCain told one of the heads of Homeland Security, "You Sir have overstepped your authority in telling me I cannot visit a detention center in my own state. You better get fixed TODAY, do you understand me?" And the Admin lackey said yes. They know they are trampling all over the Constitution.. but there's so much to hide. When you have a President who looks in to the camera and promises people dying from cancer they can keep their doctor- over and over and over, KNOWING all along he was lying about it, how do you expect anyone to trust this man?? This man is a known liar.. it's what he does. Megyn Kelly is spot on.. He has lost the trust of the American people and the polls reflect it, every poll..
Except that our system allows the executive branch wide latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced.

Congress refuses to do it's job. This is the least productive congress in the last 50 years in terms of laws passed. So you are really surprised when the executive and the courts step into the breech?

Show me in the Constitution where it gives a President "wide" latitude in how laws are interpreted and enforced. We have a Judicial branch of government who is delegated the power of interpretation..The Separation of Powers exists for this very reason.


When I was a young, dumb College Conservative, I think I spewed some nonsense like this to a Political Science Professor, and he said I had a "Slot Machine" view of how the constitution works.

We have 200 years of precedence of executive power, going all the way back to George Washington.

If the Republicans in Congress want to stop what Obama is doing, they need to bring it to the court of public opinion and make their case why this is a bad thing. This would require them to come up with policies of their own and not just wait until Obama does something so they know what they are against.

I asked you to link in the Constitution where it gives the President these wide powers.. I want to see it.
Remember back when the enhanced intterogration techniques was all the rage? Remember how it was hurting the image of the USA and the left wing was very happy to point it out to the world, just in case they missed it? You know like the video deal they had to point out to the world to make sure everyone knew Benghazi was the USA's fault.

But you do remember the torture complaints and how it was turning people into terrorists. So what does Obama do? Escalate the drone program to the point where we are bombing Americans in sovereign ally countries. Blowing up Cafes killing all to get one or two people, the rest, oops, they shouldn't have been on the same planet as the terrorist we want to kill. Of course the left just looks the other way. No talk of how killing those innocent people effect the view of America in the world. No talk of how Obama's polices have ISIS turning back years of sacrifice by the US. NO protect the king that is all that matters.

Okay, you are kind of all over the map here on your argument.

so let's try to nail this down.

1) The reason why liberals were against torturing prisoners (No, I'm not going to use euphamisms and say that's okay, then) is because a) We signed treaties saying we wouldn't do that shit, and b) it doesn't work. Even John McCain admitted as much.

2) That video really did cause massive riots in the Middle East. Including Benghazi. Sorry.

3) Drone strikes. Hmmm. Well, I guess I would be more upset if our "Sovereign Allies", namely Yemen and Pakistan, weren't playing both ends against the middle in these matters. Bin Laden was living comfortably in Pakistan with his three wives, and our "Sovereign Ally" didn't notice he was right down the block from their version of West Point. Really?

4) ISIS is winning because the guy your boy Bush put into power, Maliki, screwed it up. He kept his military weak, he alienated the Sunnis and Kurds. How is that Obama's fault again?

Here's the bigger question. Why after the Neo-Cons were wrong about everything concerning Iran, is anyone listening to them today?

The reason why liberals were against torturing prisoners... We signed treaties saying we wouldn't do that shit... it doesn't work. Even John McCain admitted as much.

oooh really ? then why did he say, "they broke me" ?

enhanced interrogation works, when done properly. :up:
Fox News is Conservatives Happy Place.

What does that have to do with her commentary??

i would have to respect her intelligence before I even cared about her commentary.

You see, i used to be one of you Right-Wingers, until my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas 6 years ago this week.

And it's easy to live in the Fox News/Talk Radio bubble where you get to have your own facts, parcelled out to you by the 1%ers to keep you hating the gays, the minorities, the liberals or anyone else who is probably in the same boat you are, just trying to get by on the scraps they let us have.

I guess you think the lefties are going to save you? I guess you think the Democrats will chose you over the 1%ers? You do realize most of the 1%ers are Democrats right?
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