Megyn Kelly Lied About Trump University Rating..It Has Received An A Rating

She better pray Trump doesn't make President. I'm sure there's behind the scenes actions a President could use to squash a news anchor if he got it into his mind to do so. Trump doesn't seem the forgiving type. Quite the opposite, I think that pimple is going to fester with age and will get squashed one way or another if a President Trump desired it.

God, what a WONDERFUL set of character traits to be looking for in a President: petty and vindictive and, when faced with the duties and responsibilities of running the country, focusing on "squashing" a reporter for personal revenge.

You've definitely sold me on how FANTASTICALLY Presidential Donald Trump is! Screw that whole Islamic terrorism, nuclear threat, illegal immigration bullshit; what really matters is having a President who knows how to coddle his own ego!

We've been seeing much worse from Obama, beginning with destroying Joe The Plumber and anyone else that gets in his way.....using the IRS to attack anyone who donates to Republicans.

You really don't have any right to criticize.

Excuse me?

I'm not even sure where to start breaking down what's wrong with this horseshit post. It should require a rewriting of the laws of physics to pack this much fail into such a tiny collection of letters.

Let's start at the bottom. I have every right to criticize that any other human being in this country has. It's called "The First Amendment". Do please attempt to recall that the name is "Bill of Rights", not "Bill of Suggestions" while you're having your little Trump-gasm, okay?

Second, what in the holy blue blazes does Obama have to do with this conversation? If you're planning to in any way, shape, or form accuse me of being an Obama supporter, I suggest you stop, pull your head out of Trump's ass, think about who you're talking to, and then thank God you're not close enough for me to kick you in the nads for an insult that egregious.

Third, that whole "he did it first" line of argument doesn't even work on the playground, which is where most of us left it when we grew up. It's not surprising that worshipers of a schoolyard bully would argue like children the way he does, but that doesn't mean I'm not still going to point out how ridiculous and puerile it is.
You post was literally dripping with irony.
Everything you people get caught doing, your primary defense is always that somebody else did it before, as if that is an excuse for breaking the law.

And this has zip to do with freedom of speech and everything to do with ethics and honest reporting. Journalists still have a responsibility to tell the truth, or they face not only legal action but a total loss of credibility with the public. Walter Cronkite and his like are long gone, and has been replaced with liberals who specialize in yellow journalism. Honest reporting is essential. Once they go too far they often get the pink-slips they so greatly deserve. If you want to find out about this, read about the Dan Rather scandal.

The only thing protecting Ms Kelly is the fact that she was hired by Rodger Ailes to be his hatchet-man...or woman. Candy Crowley lost her job because she lost her viewers due to a lack of credibility. Being labeled a liar isn't a resume enhancement, unless you want to work at MSNBC, and even there people have been fired for pissing people off.
Kelly wasn't lying. His school's rating of D- had NOT returned to an A, as Trump claimed. I heard the debate and what both Kelly and Trump said. She had the facts correct.
When she said "That was not made public" she was being honest. Then she saw the fax from Trump headquarters, she claimed she didn't have time to set the record straight, which would have taken 10 seconds.

That is deceptive to the core.

I guess it's up to who you are willing to believe, a journalist who is a paid hack for the establishment or the Republican front-runner.
Megyn Kelly pulled a Candy Crowley last night:

"Megyn Kelly said of the school, which has become a talking point for Mr. Trump’s opponents, “The rating from the Better Business Bureau was a D-minus. That’s the last publicly available rating.”

Mr. Trump replied, “It was elevated to an A.”

Ms. Kelly argued with Mr. Trump, saying, “That’s never been publicly available.”

Then she proceeded to shush both Mr. Trump and Mr. Rubio, who was clearly delighted that Ms. Kelly was doing his bidding, as he’s made Trump University the centerpiece of his knocks on Mr. Trump.

She said, “Let me just set the record straight and then you can have at it.”

At this point, Ms. Kelly walked through the substance of the case, noting that there were 5,000 plaintiffs, and all the rest, even comparing Mr. Trump to Bernie Madoff and putting on screen an incendiary quote from the judge that certified the class action case for the Ninth Circuit. All of this is fine, if a bit over the top in its detail, considering that no other candidate was subjected to this kind of produced set piece (Mr. Trump also got the TV-clip mashup treatment that he missed when he skipped the last Fox debate).

But the problem is two-fold. First, Ms. Kelly appointed herself fact-checker here, exactly as Ms. Crowley had done four years ago. By correcting Mr. Trump in saying, “That’s never been publicly available,” she is no longer simply refereeing but awarding points, as well. Second, she’s wrong. And she had to have known it.
Just three days earlier, NBC News ran an extensive exploration of the “ratings” question. It was a fact-check piece based on Mr. Trump making the same “A Rating” claim on Meet the Press. In a story headlined “Better Business Bureau: Trump Right on ‘A’ Rating — Mostly,” NBC concluded that the rating did indeed fluctuate, as he indicated at the debate.

The story reads, “In fact, according to the rating agency, Trump appears to have undersold things—at times in the past, his ‘university’ had an A-plus rating.” It goes on to say, “But it’s not all good news for the Republican front-runner. The BBB’s ratings are ‘dynamic’ and are based on a constantly shifting algorithm, meaning they’re changing all the time. And over the years, the company’s rating had fallen as far as D-minus—an assessment Trump chose not to mention Sunday.”

Yet Ms. Kelly said that the “A Rating” had “never been publicly available.”

Naturally, the campaigns of Mr. Trump’s rivals ate it up. Just as predictably, the media quickly applauded Ms. Kelly’s acumen.

“Megyn Kelly is Donald Trump’s toughest adversary in GOP debate,” opined CNNMoney‎, while the Huffington Post wrote, “Fox News host Megyn Kelly may as well have been on the debate stage at Thursday’s Republican presidential debate in Detroit, because she wiped the floor with real estate mogul Donald Trump.” Salon delighted in how “Trump’s arch-nemesis strikes back” and “went for the jugular.”

But the question remains: Should debate moderators really be “wiping the floor” and “going for the jugular” with candidates? Even when—especially when—they’re wrong on the facts?"

Megyn Kelly 2016 Is Candy Crowley 2012

You lie.

Sorry to piss on your cornflakes, but the BBB gave it an A rating 3 days before last week's debate. Megyn Kelly tried to cover it up and then changed the subject. Marco Rubio is spreading this lie, that Trump University still had a D- Rating, online and during speeches as well. If you look online, you discover that most of the claims it received a D- Rating are pure gossip.

To be quick and to the point, Trump University is a real estate school, nothing more. It doesn't claim to be a accredited university program. It is designed to help people learn ways of exploring ideas to make money in real estate. As with any other self-help program, there are no guarantees. It's up to you to get your own capital to invest and also up to you to do the work. It's not like a company sponsored training program where you are offered a job after completion, neither does it put you in touch with companies to get a job. It is purely entrepreneur in nature. Far as I know, nobody has a company that pays a wage so you can make your own investments.

I've never attended a public school that promised a job. Even military schools were no guarantee that you would be offered a job if you didn't finish with a passing grade. The lawsuit is designed to harass Trump.....nothing more. They hoped he would settle for cash. He refused. Many of the people that took the course may have thought it was a way to meet Trump, and they may have been disappointed if he didn't show up. This is like a woman who has sex with a celebrity hoping they would marry them. Figure the odds.

Um, the Better Business Bureau didn't rate it anything three days before the debate. They released a statement saying that they don't issue ratings to businesses that are defunct.

Better Business Bureau denies sending Trump fax in middle of debate; see statement | BizPac Review

So what you're saying is Megyn Kelly is lying still, because there is currently no rating.

However, she claimed that the rating was D-, yet it also was rated A......which she purposely ignored. So she was cultivating false impressions.

Nuff said.


Megyn Kelly SAID at the debate, the LAST rating the BBB had on Trump University was for the year 2010, which was a D-, and there have been no further ratings of Trump University since.

politifact and many other factchecks have VERIFIED what she said, is true.


STARBUCKS got a D- from the BBB.


It Doesn’t Matter How The Better Business Bureau Graded Trump University


Soon after this exchange, Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly noted that Trump University’s latest publicly available grade from the BBB was, indeed, a D-. In fact, according to a BBB statement, the business’s grade had fluctuated between D- and A+ (it’s not currently rated). No matter how or when it got that D, or whether it was warranted, Trump’s claim that he didn’t care enough about the grade to do the work to get an A is completely believable.​
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.
I see Megyn has a new feminist/bulldyke hairdo. Now that she's popped out a few kids and started to hate men, how long till she joins the Rachell Maddow show?
You certainly are Mad.
This male scientist (me) responds naturally to a beautiful woman who is also smart.
And, boy, Megyn is a hottie!
That hairdo is attractive; shows off her beautiful angled face with intellectual confidence.
Smart guys love smart women ... unlike you.

Megyn can hold her own.

If she is calm and surreal she is just doing her job.

If she raises her voice, over gestures with her hands, or has a pen in her hand and moves her hands about - she is arguing at a personal level. If she talks while her guest is talking, she is "ticked".

Fox is a conservative news network for the most part, and she is tearing up Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a successful businessman, and not a he tells it how it is. If you watch Mr.Trump, he is straight forward with reporters also. He does not act like a puppet, he does not hold his "political tongue". So if he does not take crap off of reporters......why would he take Megyns schit? I would not either.

Because she is a lawyer, and a news host / ever you want to word it - does not give her the right to act like she does.

"I am beautiful and successful, and my husband is successful - thou all shall bow at my feet". Yeah......bull crap. Not me, and no woman flaunts her beauty, good looks and smile in front of me......treats me like a dog; and thinks I will just "take it." Wrong answer.

I like Megyn. I like people whom can think for their own. She is educated, and she displays leadership. But for some reason, when she has the female lawyers on her show; she sets back and listens, instead of being a lawyer and debating, or arguing the case. But then again, college degrees do still make some people ignorant and/or stupid.

Then again - the "debate" between her and Mr.trump, could be a pre-planned "ploy".

I liked her shoulder length hair the best.




On her show, the cameraman sometimes backs out and shows Megyn in full, to include her great legs.



Shadow 355
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Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.

A lawsuit does not mean that the plaintiffs are right.

A lawsuit does not mean that what the accusers claim is correct, OR they have evidence to substantiate their claim.

Attorneys do get into trouble for filing false, or frivolous lawsuits. Just like other professions - there are good and competent attorneys, and their are attorneys whom are ignorant and have no business practicing law.

State and Federal governments have lost cases before. And some have lost cases......because the lawsuit was "malicious", and / or without merit.

There is such a thing as "Witch hunting".

There is such a thing as politicians applying pressure to an adversary, opponent, or someone else.....for their own political gain, retaliation, or for personal reasons.

Lawsuits contain......litigation and a jury.....for a reason.

Shadow 355
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.
it was rated an A by the same people suing him, IN THE BEGINNING, because they did NOT KNOW they were being scammed by the scammer at the time....

and duh....that is why scams work, because the people being scammed are not aware that they are being scammed, until they know they have been scammed.

I listened to several of those citizens that were scammed, and this is what they said...
And, boy, Megyn is a hottie!


Megyns a stocking stuffer, but good looks does not give her the right to belittle or talk down to anyone.

And if some woman thinks her good looks would make me bend over backwards while she talks down and belittle me...... has another thing coming.

Shadow 355
true, that no one is guilty until proven guilty in a court of law on these kind of things...
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.
it was rated an A by the same people suing him, IN THE BEGINNING, because they did NOT KNOW they were being scammed by the scammer at the time....

and duh....that is why scams work, because the people being scammed are not aware that they are being scammed, until they know they have been scammed.

I listened to several of those citizens that were scammed, and this is what they said...
Once again.....for the learning impared. His BBB rating was a red-herring. Scroll up and discover why.
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.
it was rated an A by the same people suing him, IN THE BEGINNING, because they did NOT KNOW they were being scammed by the scammer at the time....

and duh....that is why scams work, because the people being scammed are not aware that they are being scammed, until they know they have been scammed.

I listened to several of those citizens that were scammed, and this is what they said...
Once again.....for the learning impared. His BBB rating was a red-herring. Scroll up and discover why.

Did the Better Business Bureau have an "ax to grind"?

It seems as with past legal activities involving Trump University, that they did?

Was the rating "Politically Motivated?"

Shadow 355
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.
it was rated an A by the same people suing him, IN THE BEGINNING, because they did NOT KNOW they were being scammed by the scammer at the time....

and duh....that is why scams work, because the people being scammed are not aware that they are being scammed, until they know they have been scammed.

I listened to several of those citizens that were scammed, and this is what they said...
Once again.....for the learning impared. His BBB rating was a red-herring. Scroll up and discover why.

Did the Better Business Bureau have an "ax to grind"?

It seems as with past legal activities involving Trump University, that they did?

Was the rating "Politically Motivated?"

Shadow 355
I think his answer was he didn’t think it was important, so they gave him a D- till he paid them. He got as high as an A+ too.....but since they closed the school they downgraded them. Kelly forgot to mention this of course. She hates Trump. Rodger Ailes is her boss, and he hates Trump too. They have that **** plastered all over Fux Noise now. I guess she earned her keep for now.
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.

A lawsuit does not mean that the plaintiffs are right.

A lawsuit does not mean that what the accusers claim is correct, OR they have evidence to substantiate their claim.

Attorneys do get into trouble for filing false, or frivolous lawsuits. Just like other professions - there are good and competent attorneys, and their are attorneys whom are ignorant and have no business practicing law.

State and Federal governments have lost cases before. And some have lost cases......because the lawsuit was "malicious", and / or without merit.

There is such a thing as "Witch hunting".

There is such a thing as politicians applying pressure to an adversary, opponent, or someone else.....for their own political gain, retaliation, or for personal reasons.

Lawsuits contain......litigation and a jury.....for a reason.

Shadow 355
Witch hunt? Lets hope so, then they can burn that motherfucker at the stake.
Trump shot back that the rating was "elevated to an A."

Rubio also pointed out that Trump had claimed that he handpicked instructors at the school., however, pointed out that in a deposition, a top school executive admitted that no, "none of the instructors" had been chosen by Trump.

In reality, the school, which is currently facing a class action lawsuit of 5,000 people who say they were scammed, has received several ratings from the consumer interests organization.

According to a PolitiFact investigation, the BBB had given Trump's school ratings ranging from an A+ to D-. But the most recent rating recorded, in 2010, was a "D-" rating.

Fact-check: How did the Better Business Bureau rate Trump University?
The 'University ' got a D- because it is going out of business and is being sued. But in the past it had received as high a rating as an A+ which you admit here.

If you were familiar with the type of online training it is then you would recognise that there will be doofuses who couldnt get through it and so they sued and some who never intended to get through it and sued with that as their intention from the start.
it was rated an A by the same people suing him, IN THE BEGINNING, because they did NOT KNOW they were being scammed by the scammer at the time....

and duh....that is why scams work, because the people being scammed are not aware that they are being scammed, until they know they have been scammed.

I listened to several of those citizens that were scammed, and this is what they said...
Once again.....for the learning impared. His BBB rating was a red-herring. Scroll up and discover why.

Did the Better Business Bureau have an "ax to grind"?

It seems as with past legal activities involving Trump University, that they did?

Was the rating "Politically Motivated?"

Shadow 355
I think his answer was he didn’t think it was important, so they gave him a D- till he paid them. He got as high as an A+ too.....but since they closed the school they downgraded them. Kelly forgot to mention this of course. She hates Trump. Rodger Ailes is her boss, and he hates Trump too. They have that **** plastered all over Fux Noise now. I guess she earned her keep for now.
You are correct megyn kelly lied, Trump university was awesome, thousands of people have become successful because of trumps genuis and teaching skills. It deserves 4 stars. These students during trump university's time are all thankful that they got the opportunity to attend.

Sarcasm off.

If you really think this was a legit opperation, I am sorry you never got to attend.

You can't teach trumps success! Trump went into real estate, his fathers business, he had the clout of his family, he just went down the road from his father when he began. If you have a one million dollar loan, and know all the developers, bankers, business associates, politicians, and they all know you from your fathers business. You can't fail. Clout was given to him, that is the key to his success, not his business savy, or his genuis, and that is why Trump university was a joke. And that is why trump did not use his"genuis" to become and engineer, scientist, or architect. He was already going to have it made due to his families influence.

Any person that attended trump university was scammed.
God, what a WONDERFUL set of character traits to be looking for in a President: petty and vindictive and, when faced with the duties and responsibilities of running the country, focusing on "squashing" a reporter for personal revenge.

You've definitely sold me on how FANTASTICALLY Presidential Donald Trump is! Screw that whole Islamic terrorism, nuclear threat, illegal immigration bullshit; what really matters is having a President who knows how to coddle his own ego!


I swear you just defined president obama. Especially everything he would "screw that" too.

Petty and vindictive, yes, that's our barack. He is good at improving his golf game and making NCAA brackets, though. And kissing celebrities' behinds.

He loves Islam, hates Christians, has the media in his hip pocket to protect him and his Administration from countless MAJOR Scandals.

How is Trump ever going trump that legacy? IOW, do not get too worked up on what someone says how Trump will act, that is pretty weak evidence to push forth as reality. And the choices are now down to trump, cruz and hildabeast. Who are you so fond of?
Megyn Kelly pulled a Candy Crowley last night:

"Megyn Kelly said of the school, which has become a talking point for Mr. Trump’s opponents, “The rating from the Better Business Bureau was a D-minus. That’s the last publicly available rating.”

Mr. Trump replied, “It was elevated to an A.”

Ms. Kelly argued with Mr. Trump, saying, “That’s never been publicly available.”

Then she proceeded to shush both Mr. Trump and Mr. Rubio, who was clearly delighted that Ms. Kelly was doing his bidding, as he’s made Trump University the centerpiece of his knocks on Mr. Trump.

She said, “Let me just set the record straight and then you can have at it.”

At this point, Ms. Kelly walked through the substance of the case, noting that there were 5,000 plaintiffs, and all the rest, even comparing Mr. Trump to Bernie Madoff and putting on screen an incendiary quote from the judge that certified the class action case for the Ninth Circuit. All of this is fine, if a bit over the top in its detail, considering that no other candidate was subjected to this kind of produced set piece (Mr. Trump also got the TV-clip mashup treatment that he missed when he skipped the last Fox debate).

But the problem is two-fold. First, Ms. Kelly appointed herself fact-checker here, exactly as Ms. Crowley had done four years ago. By correcting Mr. Trump in saying, “That’s never been publicly available,” she is no longer simply refereeing but awarding points, as well. Second, she’s wrong. And she had to have known it.
Just three days earlier, NBC News ran an extensive exploration of the “ratings” question. It was a fact-check piece based on Mr. Trump making the same “A Rating” claim on Meet the Press. In a story headlined “Better Business Bureau: Trump Right on ‘A’ Rating — Mostly,” NBC concluded that the rating did indeed fluctuate, as he indicated at the debate.

The story reads, “In fact, according to the rating agency, Trump appears to have undersold things—at times in the past, his ‘university’ had an A-plus rating.” It goes on to say, “But it’s not all good news for the Republican front-runner. The BBB’s ratings are ‘dynamic’ and are based on a constantly shifting algorithm, meaning they’re changing all the time. And over the years, the company’s rating had fallen as far as D-minus—an assessment Trump chose not to mention Sunday.”

Yet Ms. Kelly said that the “A Rating” had “never been publicly available.”

Naturally, the campaigns of Mr. Trump’s rivals ate it up. Just as predictably, the media quickly applauded Ms. Kelly’s acumen.

“Megyn Kelly is Donald Trump’s toughest adversary in GOP debate,” opined CNNMoney‎, while the Huffington Post wrote, “Fox News host Megyn Kelly may as well have been on the debate stage at Thursday’s Republican presidential debate in Detroit, because she wiped the floor with real estate mogul Donald Trump.” Salon delighted in how “Trump’s arch-nemesis strikes back” and “went for the jugular.”

But the question remains: Should debate moderators really be “wiping the floor” and “going for the jugular” with candidates? Even when—especially when—they’re wrong on the facts?"

Megyn Kelly 2016 Is Candy Crowley 2012

You lie.

Sorry to piss on your cornflakes, but the BBB gave it an A rating 3 days before last week's debate. Megyn Kelly tried to cover it up and then changed the subject. Marco Rubio is spreading this lie, that Trump University still had a D- Rating, online and during speeches as well. If you look online, you discover that most of the claims it received a D- Rating are pure gossip.

To be quick and to the point, Trump University is a real estate school, nothing more. It doesn't claim to be a accredited university program. It is designed to help people learn ways of exploring ideas to make money in real estate. As with any other self-help program, there are no guarantees. It's up to you to get your own capital to invest and also up to you to do the work. It's not like a company sponsored training program where you are offered a job after completion, neither does it put you in touch with companies to get a job. It is purely entrepreneur in nature. Far as I know, nobody has a company that pays a wage so you can make your own investments.

I've never attended a public school that promised a job. Even military schools were no guarantee that you would be offered a job if you didn't finish with a passing grade. The lawsuit is designed to harass Trump.....nothing more. They hoped he would settle for cash. He refused. Many of the people that took the course may have thought it was a way to meet Trump, and they may have been disappointed if he didn't show up. This is like a woman who has sex with a celebrity hoping they would marry them. Figure the odds.

Um, the Better Business Bureau didn't rate it anything three days before the debate. They released a statement saying that they don't issue ratings to businesses that are defunct.

Better Business Bureau denies sending Trump fax in middle of debate; see statement | BizPac Review

So what you're saying is Megyn Kelly is lying still, because there is currently no rating.

However, she claimed that the rating was D-, yet it also was rated A......which she purposely ignored. So she was cultivating false impressions.

Nuff said.

Nope, sorry. She said, and I quote, “The rating from the Better Business Bureau was a D-minus. That’s the last public available rating in 2010, and it was the result of the number of complains they had received.”

So no, she was completely accurate in every respect. I guess she could have said, "It started out with an A rating, and then went down to a D-", but I don't see how that would have accomplished anything different than what she actually said.

Trump, on the other hand, lied when he said, “It is right now an ‘A’,” when he insisted it was elevated to an “A,” and when he pretended to get a fax from the BBB showing an A rating, which the BBB has stated categorically did not come from them.
Excuse me?

I'm not even sure where to start breaking down what's wrong with this horseshit post. It should require a rewriting of the laws of physics to pack this much fail into such a tiny collection of letters.

Let's start at the bottom. I have every right to criticize that any other human being in this country has. It's called "The First Amendment". Do please attempt to recall that the name is "Bill of Rights", not "Bill of Suggestions" while you're having your little Trump-gasm, okay?

Second, what in the holy blue blazes does Obama have to do with this conversation? If you're planning to in any way, shape, or form accuse me of being an Obama supporter, I suggest you stop, pull your head out of Trump's ass, think about who you're talking to, and then thank God you're not close enough for me to kick you in the nads for an insult that egregious.

Third, that whole "he did it first" line of argument doesn't even work on the playground, which is where most of us left it when we grew up. It's not surprising that worshipers of a schoolyard bully would argue like children the way he does, but that doesn't mean I'm not still going to point out how ridiculous and puerile it is.
You post was literally dripping with irony.
Everything you people get caught doing, your primary defense is always that somebody else did it before, as if that is an excuse for breaking the law.

And this has zip to do with freedom of speech and everything to do with ethics and honest reporting. Journalists still have a responsibility to tell the truth, or they face not only legal action but a total loss of credibility with the public. Walter Cronkite and his like are long gone, and has been replaced with liberals who specialize in yellow journalism. Honest reporting is essential. Once they go too far they often get the pink-slips they so greatly deserve. If you want to find out about this, read about the Dan Rather scandal.

The only thing protecting Ms Kelly is the fact that she was hired by Rodger Ailes to be his hatchet-man...or woman. Candy Crowley lost her job because she lost her viewers due to a lack of credibility. Being labeled a liar isn't a resume enhancement, unless you want to work at MSNBC, and even there people have been fired for pissing people off.

Who the fuck is "you people", and what the hell are you even babbling about at this point? You need to have a talk with your local water department, because I think they're adding hallucinogens.
If you can't figure out what I'm saying, maybe you need to go back to school then.
And I'm not impressed by insults. What impresses me is valid evidence and lucid arguments. Yours are nothing but rantings that have nothing to do with reality. You need to go back to the start of this string so you can understand what caused this or that to be brought up in the first place. I think you have a problem staying focused and have a problem with long-term memory.

I don't think "going back to school" is going to tell me who "you people" is in your previous post, but having already gone to school, I know that "go back to school" is a code word for "I have nothing to say, and I'm trying to hide it". So I'll ask you again, and see if you can rein in your ranting and frothing at the mouth long enough to comprehend the question and enunciate an answer: who is this "you people" you lump me in with, and what have we allegedly been "caught doing"?

I will ignore the "dripping irony", to borrow your phrase, of the rest of your post, in the interests of trying to keep YOU focused long enough to answer a single question.
You can't win an argument simply by rephrasing what I say. That's called projection.

I can win by asking you the same question over and over, forcing you to either answer it or look like an ass by dodging it repeatedly.

So who is this "you people" you were lumping me in with, and what have we allegedly been "caught doing"?

Sorry to piss on your cornflakes, but the BBB gave it an A rating 3 days before last week's debate. Megyn Kelly tried to cover it up and then changed the subject. Marco Rubio is spreading this lie, that Trump University still had a D- Rating, online and during speeches as well. If you look online, you discover that most of the claims it received a D- Rating are pure gossip.

To be quick and to the point, Trump University is a real estate school, nothing more. It doesn't claim to be a accredited university program. It is designed to help people learn ways of exploring ideas to make money in real estate. As with any other self-help program, there are no guarantees. It's up to you to get your own capital to invest and also up to you to do the work. It's not like a company sponsored training program where you are offered a job after completion, neither does it put you in touch with companies to get a job. It is purely entrepreneur in nature. Far as I know, nobody has a company that pays a wage so you can make your own investments.

I've never attended a public school that promised a job. Even military schools were no guarantee that you would be offered a job if you didn't finish with a passing grade. The lawsuit is designed to harass Trump.....nothing more. They hoped he would settle for cash. He refused. Many of the people that took the course may have thought it was a way to meet Trump, and they may have been disappointed if he didn't show up. This is like a woman who has sex with a celebrity hoping they would marry them. Figure the odds.

Um, the Better Business Bureau didn't rate it anything three days before the debate. They released a statement saying that they don't issue ratings to businesses that are defunct.

Better Business Bureau denies sending Trump fax in middle of debate; see statement | BizPac Review

So what you're saying is Megyn Kelly is lying still, because there is currently no rating.

However, she claimed that the rating was D-, yet it also was rated A......which she purposely ignored. So she was cultivating false impressions.

Nuff said.


Megyn Kelly SAID at the debate, the LAST rating the BBB had on Trump University was for the year 2010, which was a D-, and there have been no further ratings of Trump University since.

politifact and many other factchecks have VERIFIED what she said, is true.

Others have said she lied.

So who do we believe?

A Soros propaganda site or somebody who is simply reporting from the official record?

How about the Better Business Bureau? It's THEIR rating system we're talking about.
God, what a WONDERFUL set of character traits to be looking for in a President: petty and vindictive and, when faced with the duties and responsibilities of running the country, focusing on "squashing" a reporter for personal revenge.

You've definitely sold me on how FANTASTICALLY Presidential Donald Trump is! Screw that whole Islamic terrorism, nuclear threat, illegal immigration bullshit; what really matters is having a President who knows how to coddle his own ego!


I swear you just defined president obama. Especially everything he would "screw that" too.

Petty and vindictive, yes, that's our barack. He is good at improving his golf game and making NCAA brackets, though. And kissing celebrities' behinds.

He loves Islam, hates Christians, has the media in his hip pocket to protect him and his Administration from countless MAJOR Scandals.

How is Trump ever going trump that legacy? IOW, do not get too worked up on what someone says how Trump will act, that is pretty weak evidence to push forth as reality. And the choices are now down to trump, cruz and hildabeast. Who are you so fond of?

Just to clarify a bit of confusion, WHY are you bringing Obama up to me?
God, what a WONDERFUL set of character traits to be looking for in a President: petty and vindictive and, when faced with the duties and responsibilities of running the country, focusing on "squashing" a reporter for personal revenge.

You've definitely sold me on how FANTASTICALLY Presidential Donald Trump is! Screw that whole Islamic terrorism, nuclear threat, illegal immigration bullshit; what really matters is having a President who knows how to coddle his own ego!


I swear you just defined president obama. Especially everything he would "screw that" too.

Petty and vindictive, yes, that's our barack. He is good at improving his golf game and making NCAA brackets, though. And kissing celebrities' behinds.

He loves Islam, hates Christians, has the media in his hip pocket to protect him and his Administration from countless MAJOR Scandals.

How is Trump ever going trump that legacy? IOW, do not get too worked up on what someone says how Trump will act, that is pretty weak evidence to push forth as reality. And the choices are now down to trump, cruz and hildabeast. Who are you so fond of?

Just to clarify a bit of confusion, WHY are you bringing Obama up to me?
Sorry, I take it all back.

I just used you, I suppose, to get back at all these posters and pundits and media types who are making a huge case out of how bizarre Trump is and how shady and untrustworthy, petty, vindictive, et al. --- all reasons this man is utterly unqualified to be our president. And yet, the scumbag now in his second term is all that and more. Kind of peeves me they do not care in Barack's case.

It's a serious matter, but, no, you are not to blame.

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