Megyn Kelly what a women :eusa_clap:

I am not sure that the amount of money someone makes an exact correlation with intelligence. There is no doubt that Megyn Kelly is a person who interrupts and talks over the top of people. That is a poor substitute for intelligence, but seems to be accepted by the right wing, whose motto is if I say it loud enough and often enough it must be true. Of course the left wing seems to have this problem also.

If this video is the best example of her intelligence, then it proves her lack thereof.
Unsurprisingly, you missed the parts where the Democrat was interrupting and talking over the top of people.

Unsurprisingly, you missed the distinction between someone who is a host and someone who is a guest. Guests are usually brought in for their opinions, right or wrong. Why have a guest on your show if you constantly interrupt them, unless you are more interested in your own agenda.

Show me a video where a liberal show host is shouting down a conservative guest and i will be glad to offer critical commentary.
You have a point. Megyn should have just shut up and let the Democrat prove how vacuous she is. :lol:

However, the idiot did deserve to be smacked down for playing the race card, which is a clear admission she's unable to think for herself.
I am not sure that the amount of money someone makes an exact correlation with intelligence. There is no doubt that Megyn Kelly is a person who interrupts and talks over the top of people. That is a poor substitute for intelligence, but seems to be accepted by the right wing, whose motto is if I say it loud enough and often enough it must be true. Of course the left wing seems to have this problem also.

If this video is the best example of her intelligence, then it proves her lack thereof.
Unsurprisingly, you missed the parts where the Democrat was interrupting and talking over the top of people.

Unsurprisingly, you missed the distinction between someone who is a host and someone who is a guest. Guests are usually brought in for their opinions, right or wrong. Why have a guest on your show if you constantly interrupt them, unless you are more interested in your own agenda.

Show me a video where a liberal show host is shouting down a conservative guest and i will be glad to offer critical commentary.

Show me a clip of a Liberal show with a Conservative guest, first
Lets put this matter to rest:


Yeah, Muslims are known for their Liberal ways. :rolleyes:
Funny, considering how the left is infamous for their bending over backward to appease radical Islam.

It's like they don't know they'd get their heads sawed off for being wicked Western devils. "Hey!! What are you doing?! I SUPPORTED YOU ON THE INTERNEgurgle gurgle..."
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Unsurprisingly, you missed the parts where the Democrat was interrupting and talking over the top of people.

Unsurprisingly, you missed the distinction between someone who is a host and someone who is a guest. Guests are usually brought in for their opinions, right or wrong. Why have a guest on your show if you constantly interrupt them, unless you are more interested in your own agenda.

Show me a video where a liberal show host is shouting down a conservative guest and i will be glad to offer critical commentary.
You have a point. Megyn should have just shut up and let the Democrat prove how vacuous she is. :lol:

However, the idiot did deserve to be smacked down for playing the race card, which is a clear admission she's unable to think for herself.

We can agree on one thing, that was one weak Democratic guest on the video...... There was no need for Megyn Kelly to interrupt constantly and by doing so Megyn demonstrated just how biased she is. It would have been more effective and even-handed just to let the guest speak. A ship with a hole in it sinks faster when moving.

I would like to say it is a conservative thing to interrupt your opponent by spouting off talking points, but it is truly a partisan thing. It just seems to occur more frequently with conservatives.
Yeah, Muslims are known for their Liberal ways. :rolleyes:
Funny, considering how the left is infamous for their bending over backward to appease radical Islam.

It's like they don't know they'd get their heads sawed off for being wicked Western devils. "Hey!! What are you doing?! I SUPPORTED YOU ON THE INTERNEgurgle gurgle..."

Thanks for your opinion, illogical as it is. :thup:
You must have made a conscious effort not to have seen the left's appeasement.
Unsurprisingly, you missed the distinction between someone who is a host and someone who is a guest. Guests are usually brought in for their opinions, right or wrong. Why have a guest on your show if you constantly interrupt them, unless you are more interested in your own agenda.

Show me a video where a liberal show host is shouting down a conservative guest and i will be glad to offer critical commentary.
You have a point. Megyn should have just shut up and let the Democrat prove how vacuous she is. :lol:

However, the idiot did deserve to be smacked down for playing the race card, which is a clear admission she's unable to think for herself.

We can agree on one thing, that was one weak Democratic guest on the video...... There was no need for Megyn Kelly to interrupt constantly and by doing so Megyn demonstrated just how biased she is. It would have been more effective and even-handed just to let the guest speak. A ship with a hole in it sinks faster when moving.

I would like to say it is a conservative thing to interrupt your opponent by spouting off talking points, but it is truly a partisan thing. It just seems to occur more frequently with conservatives.
Uh huh. Suuuuuure. :lol:
Ernie S, you have no idea who the discussion is about, do you? What a loon. :lol: You will be instructed soon enough. Quit reading so quickly, you can't handle it. This is as stupid as not understanding the Romney was a Community Organize for the Salt Lake Olympics. You make no sense :lol:

She was cut off and interrupted because she spewed her talking points and refused to answer direct questions. Why can't the Democrats send an intelligent representative to debate policy, in stead of a sacrificial lamb with only the capacity to memorize a hand full of talking points?
It seems to me that they would send someone a bit better equipped, or are they writing off this idiot in November?

Ironic post of the year. By the way, I am not blind, if the big print is for my benefit. If it's an attempt on your part to make your opinion more realistic, I suggest even larger font. It could work.:doubt:

Size of font doesn't matter.

If one letter of any or Ernie's posts occupied and entire page, Ernie would still be batting a big fat zero.
One wonders if self-justification of hyper-partisanship is legitimate, methinks no.


I don't see firm convictions as illegitimate. Do you?

Seriously, when your op contains phrasings that insinuate the notion that a 'Liberals biggest nightmare is a strong intelligent woman', I'm gonna call you out on your shit.

Because that's what it is, shit. :thup:

The liberals threw Hillary Clinton under the bus.
I'm partisan to the constitution. or don't you know that by now?

Where does it say 'Liberals fear a strong woman' in the Constitution?


If you don't know it by now I'll explain it to you one more time their are liberals in the GOP. They are my enemy and must go down.

Anyone who doesn't know the difference between "there" and "their" is my intellectual enemy.

Good guess that I could add "they're" to the list of their illiteracy.

But I forgive them; they are more than likely the products of public school system and were taught by unionized "teachers".
All male sissies, like bigrebnc etc, are scared of smart intelligent women of any political stripe.
There are far right extremists like bigrebnc who are being thrown out of the GOP.

Their extinction in the party is a done deal.
I am not sure that the amount of money someone makes an exact correlation with intelligence. There is no doubt that Megyn Kelly is a person who interrupts and talks over the top of people. That is a poor substitute for intelligence, but seems to be accepted by the right wing, whose motto is if I say it loud enough and often enough it must be true. Of course the left wing seems to have this problem also.

If this video is the best example of her intelligence, then it proves her lack thereof.
Unsurprisingly, you missed the parts where the Democrat was interrupting and talking over the top of people.

Unsurprisingly, you missed the distinction between someone who is a host and someone who is a guest. Guests are usually brought in for their opinions, right or wrong. Why have a guest on your show if you constantly interrupt them, unless you are more interested in your own agenda.

Show me a video where a liberal show host is shouting down a conservative guest and i will be glad to offer critical commentary.

barry1960, at least on FOX people of different views are invited and unless they are bloviating and sermonizing and filibustering, their views are not only allowed, but encouraged to be heard.

Contrast that to the guests on MSNBC talk shows.
Unsurprisingly, you missed the parts where the Democrat was interrupting and talking over the top of people.

Unsurprisingly, you missed the distinction between someone who is a host and someone who is a guest. Guests are usually brought in for their opinions, right or wrong. Why have a guest on your show if you constantly interrupt them, unless you are more interested in your own agenda.

Show me a video where a liberal show host is shouting down a conservative guest and i will be glad to offer critical commentary.

Show me a clip of a Liberal show with a Conservative guest, first

Right on!!

On the Obama Network - commonly and hysterically known as MSNBC - the number of conservative guest is about as rare as an opera singer at a hard rock concert.

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