Melania Trump ask's us to Forgive Trump's Old Behavior, like you forgave Bill Clinton...

Why yes it would and why?

Simple, it would show you're not blinded by your hate for the other political party and can admit that your side does wrong while also understanding that the other side is no better either when it come to adultery!

Now do I expect you to do it?

Nope, because partisan nutters believe their side is never wrong!
Lets go back to my earlier question, if YOU have slammed Clinton for his transgressions why do you refuse to do the same to Trump
Agreed....and it must be remembered that leftists everywhere would be denying Slick Willie's abhorrent behavior, if Monica had not saved that blue dress.
You have been slamming Clinton for his transgressions, why aren't you doing exactly the same thing to Trump?

Bruce is slamming both behaviors..


The lame brains on this site have not read my comments about Donald John Trump?

I have called Donald John Trump a sexiest pig, male whore, philander, Richie Rich, the " C " word, and many other things and have stated Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to their sexual past time and yet I never slam one or the other...

Then posters wonder why I rant like an insane mental patient barking at a broken down bus!

( This is not directed at the OP'er but the nimrod that believe I never attack Trump because partisans only see what they want to see )
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.

First you denied that Donald John Trump was not part of the corruption and when shown he is you know want to go down this path!

Donald John Trump has:

1. Cheated on his wives.

2. Been accused of rape.

3. Ivana Trump divorced him because of his affair with Marla Maples and was granted the divorce on the grounds of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment.

4. Sired one child out of wedlock.

5. Been recorded in the same year that he married wife number three talking about grabbing pussy and much more.

6. Been sued by the Federal Government and lost.

7. Has suppose connections to the Jersey Families.

8. Connected to Putin.

9. Been known to tell people that Hillary Clinton was a fine First Lady.

10. Bought the Clinton's more times than any high price whore...

Now let see if Trump private life is a mess then what the hell make you believe he would not be another William Jefferson Blythe III and not lie to the nation and Congress until some fat intern in a Blue Dress takes him down?
...and yet NONE of that compares even half to what the Clinton's are guilty of.

If only you knew what they are guilty of.
Lets go back to my earlier question, if YOU have slammed Clinton for his transgressions why do you refuse to do the same to Trump
You have been slamming Clinton for his transgressions, why aren't you doing exactly the same thing to Trump?

Bruce is slamming both behaviors..


The lame brains on this site have not read my comments about Donald John Trump?

I have called Donald John Trump a sexiest pig, male whore, philander, Richie Rich, the " C " word, and many other things and have stated Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to their sexual past time and yet I never slam one or the other...

Then posters wonder why I rant like an insane mental patient barking at a broken down bus!

( This is not directed at the OP'er but the nimrod that believe I never attack Trump because partisans only see what they want to see )
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.
What did Hillary lie about?
Please don't be that possible?

This is one thing I have to agree with you on and the other poster need to stop being stupid because every politician lies...
Lets go back to my earlier question, if YOU have slammed Clinton for his transgressions why do you refuse to do the same to Trump
You have been slamming Clinton for his transgressions, why aren't you doing exactly the same thing to Trump?

Bruce is slamming both behaviors..


The lame brains on this site have not read my comments about Donald John Trump?

I have called Donald John Trump a sexiest pig, male whore, philander, Richie Rich, the " C " word, and many other things and have stated Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to their sexual past time and yet I never slam one or the other...

Then posters wonder why I rant like an insane mental patient barking at a broken down bus!

( This is not directed at the OP'er but the nimrod that believe I never attack Trump because partisans only see what they want to see )
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.

First you denied that Donald John Trump was not part of the corruption and when shown he is you know want to go down this path!

Donald John Trump has:

1. Cheated on his wives.

2. Been accused of rape.

3. Ivana Trump divorced him because of his affair with Marla Maples and was granted the divorce on the grounds of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment.

4. Sired one child out of wedlock.

5. Been recorded in the same year that he married wife number three talking about grabbing pussy and much more.

6. Been sued by the Federal Government and lost.

7. Has suppose connections to the Jersey Families.

8. Connected to Putin.

9. Been known to tell people that Hillary Clinton was a fine First Lady.

10. Bought the Clinton's more times than any high price whore...

Now let see if Trump private life is a mess then what the hell make you believe he would not be another William Jefferson Blythe III and not lie to the nation and Congress until some fat intern in a Blue Dress takes him down?
...and yet NONE of that compares even half to what the Clinton's are guilty of.

If only you knew what they are guilty of.


Move the Goal Posts please!


Donald John Trump is no better!

Trump could cut someone throat right on stage and then rape them and those voting for Trump would write how the victim deserved it and the Clinton's are worse...

For me neither should be allow to sit in the Oval Office!
Bruce is slamming both behaviors..


The lame brains on this site have not read my comments about Donald John Trump?

I have called Donald John Trump a sexiest pig, male whore, philander, Richie Rich, the " C " word, and many other things and have stated Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to their sexual past time and yet I never slam one or the other...

Then posters wonder why I rant like an insane mental patient barking at a broken down bus!

( This is not directed at the OP'er but the nimrod that believe I never attack Trump because partisans only see what they want to see )
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.
What did Hillary lie about?
Please don't be that possible?

This is one thing I have to agree with you on and the other poster need to stop being stupid because every politician lies...
Every pols does lie, but when a pol is a D that pol gets away with much much more. Ever heard of the double standard? How can Big Ears, Bubba, and Cankles be explained otherwise? It has existed for decades, but many are unaware, thanks to a dumbing down of Americans.
Huge difference...Hillary and Bill worked it out, Bill as of yet hasn't been caught saying how much he enjoys assaulting other women or has talked the way Trump has.

The clintons can be forgiven as what Bill did was a lapse of judgement...Trump on the other hand has proven to be a life long pig.
I have to disagree, matthew. As Tevye would say, there IS NO other hand. Bill's behavior was no less disgusting than Trump. Bill's wasn't 'forgiven', he was IMPEACHED, and the irony is that his 'crime and misdemeanor' was sex, less crudely spoken, but extra-marital just the same. However, being publicly disgraced by the 'righteous' Henry Hyde, the marriage-wrecker, and Newt Gingrich, he who banged Callista out of patriotism, was just a bit much. Especially since Bubba's term was 'good times' for the nation.

Ben Franklin had the same problem with his libido too, but did a great national service, so..... Ben wrote a poem "On, or in defense of, Older women". One of his contemporaries paraphrased it as: "They don't tell, they don't yell, they don't swell, and they're grateful as hell." ie. this country was NEVER run by Puritans. It's just that we never had the Net or Cable News.

Underground tunnels for Robert and John F Kennedy every night

I can't imagine Nixon, Johnson, Reagan, Carter , Obama, Bush acting like that..

The lame brains on this site have not read my comments about Donald John Trump?

I have called Donald John Trump a sexiest pig, male whore, philander, Richie Rich, the " C " word, and many other things and have stated Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to their sexual past time and yet I never slam one or the other...

Then posters wonder why I rant like an insane mental patient barking at a broken down bus!

( This is not directed at the OP'er but the nimrod that believe I never attack Trump because partisans only see what they want to see )
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.
What did Hillary lie about?
Please don't be that possible?

This is one thing I have to agree with you on and the other poster need to stop being stupid because every politician lies...
Every pols does lie, but when a pol is a D that pol gets away with much much more. Ever heard of the double standard? How can Big Ears, Bubba, and Cankles be explained otherwise? It has existed for decades, but many are unaware, thanks to a dumbing down of Americans.
What does Hillary have to do with Bill's sexcapades?
1. They're claim is Trump sexual affairs are not as bad as Clinton. They seem to believe every woman Trump was with was willing and every woman that Clinton was with was raped, and if so then you can see the partisan nonsense clearly!

2. Both men are philandering pieces of whale shit!

3. Read number two again if you believe I am defending either men!
Trump is a vulgar blowhard.

Hillary is a lying, corrupt, rapist enabler, sickly, and a criminal.

Gee...which is worse?

Are you kidding me?

Trump is also corrupt, older than Hillary and has been sued and lost many times against State and Federal Governments, so please stop with Trump is so much better nonsense!
Most absurd!

Trump is not a politician. How is one corrupt, but not a politician? Impossible!!!

Cankles has 30 years of corruption while a pol or a corrupt pol's wife. There is no comparison.

Trump has bought the Clinton's many times and ask his ( Trump ) sister how she liked her appointment to that cushy court job...

Don't even try to pretend Trump is not part of the corruption!

We all know already that Trump belittled women with his power and money.

And I don't think we will be hearing anymore cigar jokes..:rofl:

Huge difference...Hillary and Bill worked it out, Bill as of yet hasn't been caught saying how much he enjoys assaulting other women or has talked the way Trump has.

The clintons can be forgiven as what Bill did was a lapse of judgement...Trump on the other hand has proven to be a life long pig.
I have to disagree, matthew. As Tevye would say, there IS NO other hand. Bill's behavior was no less disgusting than Trump. Bill's wasn't 'forgiven', he was IMPEACHED, and the irony is that his 'crime and misdemeanor' was sex, less crudely spoken, but extra-marital just the same. However, being publicly disgraced by the 'righteous' Henry Hyde, the marriage-wrecker, and Newt Gingrich, he who banged Callista out of patriotism, was just a bit much. Especially since Bubba's term was 'good times' for the nation.

Ben Franklin had the same problem with his libido too, but did a great national service, so..... Ben wrote a poem "On, or in defense of, Older women". One of his contemporaries paraphrased it as: "They don't tell, they don't yell, they don't swell, and they're grateful as hell." ie. this country was NEVER run by Puritans. It's just that we never had the Net or Cable News.

Underground tunnels for Robert and John F Kennedy every night

I can't imagine Nixon, Johnson, Reagan, Carter , Obama, Bush acting like that..

I have to say it again, eaglewings...that giraffe makes me laugh every time! Thanks
Bruce is slamming both behaviors..


The lame brains on this site have not read my comments about Donald John Trump?

I have called Donald John Trump a sexiest pig, male whore, philander, Richie Rich, the " C " word, and many other things and have stated Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to their sexual past time and yet I never slam one or the other...

Then posters wonder why I rant like an insane mental patient barking at a broken down bus!

( This is not directed at the OP'er but the nimrod that believe I never attack Trump because partisans only see what they want to see )
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.

First you denied that Donald John Trump was not part of the corruption and when shown he is you know want to go down this path!

Donald John Trump has:

1. Cheated on his wives.

2. Been accused of rape.

3. Ivana Trump divorced him because of his affair with Marla Maples and was granted the divorce on the grounds of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment.

4. Sired one child out of wedlock.

5. Been recorded in the same year that he married wife number three talking about grabbing pussy and much more.

6. Been sued by the Federal Government and lost.

7. Has suppose connections to the Jersey Families.

8. Connected to Putin.

9. Been known to tell people that Hillary Clinton was a fine First Lady.

10. Bought the Clinton's more times than any high price whore...

Now let see if Trump private life is a mess then what the hell make you believe he would not be another William Jefferson Blythe III and not lie to the nation and Congress until some fat intern in a Blue Dress takes him down?
...and yet NONE of that compares even half to what the Clinton's are guilty of.

If only you knew what they are guilty of.


Move the Goal Posts please!


Donald John Trump is no better!

Trump could cut someone throat right on stage and then rape them and those voting for Trump would write how the victim deserved it and the Clinton's are worse...

For me neither should be allow to sit in the Oval Office! let's try to think logically.

One person is in public life their entire career. Stealing and lying...taking millions and granting favors.

Another person is never in public life, but buys pols cause that is what he has to do in a corrupt system he did not design. He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.

Can you see the difference?
Wrong again.

Trump has not committed rape, has not treated the nation with disdain while lying about BJs in the Oval Office...put the nation through a long impeachment proceeding lying the entire time along with his lamebrain enabling wife.

How can one claim the actions of Donald and Bubba are equal? One must be a lamebrain.
What did Hillary lie about?
Please don't be that possible?

This is one thing I have to agree with you on and the other poster need to stop being stupid because every politician lies...
Every pols does lie, but when a pol is a D that pol gets away with much much more. Ever heard of the double standard? How can Big Ears, Bubba, and Cankles be explained otherwise? It has existed for decades, but many are unaware, thanks to a dumbing down of Americans.
What does Hillary have to do with Bill's sexcapades?
Are you stupid or just playing stupid?

You may have forgotten her, "its all a right wing conspiracy." Or, maybe your just stupid.

Are you aware of Hillary's many efforts to denigrate and silence Bill's many bimbo eruptions? If you answer YES...stop posting, because you are STUPID!!!!
What did Hillary lie about?
Please don't be that possible?

This is one thing I have to agree with you on and the other poster need to stop being stupid because every politician lies...
Every pols does lie, but when a pol is a D that pol gets away with much much more. Ever heard of the double standard? How can Big Ears, Bubba, and Cankles be explained otherwise? It has existed for decades, but many are unaware, thanks to a dumbing down of Americans.
What does Hillary have to do with Bill's sexcapades?
Are you stupid or just playing stupid?

You may have forgotten her, "its all a right wing conspiracy." Or, maybe your just stupid.

Are you aware of Hillary's many efforts to denigrate and silence Bill's many bimbo eruptions? If you answer YES...stop posting, because you are STUPID!!!!
No, I am not aware- are you?
He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
And you think this is WORSE than screwing the American people.

He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
And you think this is WORSE than screwing the American people.

What do you mean, worse than. It IS screwing the American people!
He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
And you think this is WORSE than screwing the American people.

What do you mean, worse than. It IS screwing the American people!
Think harder!!!!
He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
And you think this is WORSE than screwing the American people.

What do you mean, worse than. It IS screwing the American people!
Think harder!!!!
Gipper, sarcasm aside (and thank you for not going ballistic at my amateurish attempt at sarcasm), what is your opinion of Trump's refusal to back off his years old condemnation of the Central Park 5 after factual proof overturned their conviction?
He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
And you think this is WORSE than screwing the American people.

What do you mean, worse than. It IS screwing the American people!
Think harder!!!!

Any Person who uses his / her power to emotionally or physically abuse is a Scumbag .... I consider all of the above are guilty...

He can't grant favors so he isn't GIVEN money.
Trump? Are you serious? The poor boy is forced, forced I say, to stiff his contractors, and to bribe AGs with his Foundation funds and lose enough in business to pay off the national debt of the day! It just breaks the heart to think of how the current system has abused this honest and honorable pillar of pulchritude. :(
And you think this is WORSE than screwing the American people.

What do you mean, worse than. It IS screwing the American people!
Think harder!!!!

Any Person who uses his / her power to emotionally or physically abuse is a Scumbag .... I consider all of the above are guilty...


I do not disagree. ALL politicians are scumbag liars...but when they are infamous notorious lying scumbags for 30 years, while in public life...they do not belong in the WH.

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