Melissa Harris Perry wrongly condemns Serena Williams for "rape comment"



I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.
Let me make it clear, William's comments are not even close Republican's "legitimate rape" and "the woman's body shuts down unless she wants it". Williams was talking about underage drinking and parental responsibility.
One crime does not justify the other

I totally agree. But Perry was trying to make the case that Williams was defending the rapists. Rape and underage drinking are both crimes. But the punishment for drinking can't be rape. But not looking at one crime because a second crime is worse, that's wrong too.
One crime does not justify the other

I totally agree. But Perry was trying to make the case that Williams was defending the rapists. Rape and underage drinking are both crimes. But the punishment for drinking can't be rape. But not looking at one crime because a second crime is worse, that's wrong too.
There are things women can do to reduce the probability of rape. It does not reduce the crime of the rapist.
One crime does not justify the other

I totally agree. But Perry was trying to make the case that Williams was defending the rapists. Rape and underage drinking are both crimes. But the punishment for drinking can't be rape. But not looking at one crime because a second crime is worse, that's wrong too.
There are things women can do to reduce the probability of rape. It does not reduce the crime of the rapist.

I think we can all agree with that.

All that said, I had no problem with what Williams said. Kids NEED to be careful. They need to realize their friends are irresponsible and immature and in some cases, don't know right from wrong.

A 16 year old should not have been at a party with no adult supervision where she could get drinks, much less drinks with drugs in them.
Let me make it clear, William's comments are not even close Republican's "legitimate rape" and "the woman's body shuts down unless she wants it". Williams was talking about underage drinking and parental responsibility.

Serena is right. At 16, you don't go out and get so drunk you can't remember anything. Don't put yourself in that position and you won't get damn raped.
I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

Serena's comment in full nearly blames the girl and seems to say the boys got too much time at one and two years respectively.

We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville rape case flashes on the TV—two high school football players raped a 16-year-old, while other students watched and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head. “Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

She questions if what they got was fair, then she says " maybe she wasn't a virgin"!! As if that means a damn thing, almost saying not being a virgin, the girl might not care if she drinks at a party and then is raped. :eusa_hand:

Additionally, Serena Williams was raised as a Jehovah Witness, last I read she is still a devot Witness. If anyone knows anything about that religion they are very judgemental. Rape is something where the woman is nearly always blamed. Look up Jehovah Witness " rape, scream don't scream". They have changed their tune disfellowshipping women when interviewed by the elders ( priests) after the rape ( more like an inquisition) and if the woman, even with a knife to her throat did not scream, she is considered at fault, and disfellowshipped and or marked. Forced out of the church.

Jehovah Witness's are very judgemental. If her comments had been strictly on being careful, it may not have come off as judgemental and seemingly upset that the "boys" may not have been treated fairly.
CaféAuLait;7420482 said:
I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

Serena's comment in full nearly blames the girl and seems to say the boys got too much time at one and two years respectively.

We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville rape case flashes on the TV—two high school football players raped a 16-year-old, while other students watched and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head. “Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

She questions if what they got was fair, then she says " maybe she wasn't a virgin"!! As if that means a damn thing, almost saying not being a virgin, the girl might not care if she drinks at a party and then is raped. :eusa_hand:

Additionally, Serena Williams was raised as a Jehovah Witness, last I read she is still a devot Witness. If anyone knows anything about that religion they are very judgemental. Rape is something where the woman is nearly always blamed. Look up Jehovah Witness " rape, scream don't scream". They have changed their tune disfellowshipping women when interviewed by the elders ( priests) after the rape ( more like an inquisition) and if the woman, even with a knife to her throat did not scream, she is considered at fault, and disfellowshipped and or marked. Forced out of the church.

Jehovah Witness's are very judgemental. If her comments had been strictly on being careful, it may not have come off as judgemental and seemingly upset that the "boys" may not have been treated fairly.

She pointed out what happened and then said "I don't know". Get it? "I don't know". Meaning she didn't know. The one thing she did know is that a 16 year old girl shouldn't be able to get liquor and shouldn't be getting so drunk she can't remember anything. My understanding is the girl didn't know she had been raped until someone told her pictures were posted on the Internet. She's not excusing the two men or the crime, but booze for a 16 year old is also a crime.
Once I opened the Tribune and there were two articles side by side.

One said:

Two 17 year old men rape coed.

The second one said:

17 year old boy molested by 21 year old man. (turned out it was consensual)

Seems if they are the perps, they are "MEN", but if they get et, they are "boys".
One crime does not justify the other

I totally agree. But Perry was trying to make the case that Williams was defending the rapists. Rape and underage drinking are both crimes. But the punishment for drinking can't be rape. But not looking at one crime because a second crime is worse, that's wrong too.
There are things women can do to reduce the probability of rape. It does not reduce the crime of the rapist.

CaféAuLait;7420482 said:
I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

Serena's comment in full nearly blames the girl and seems to say the boys got too much time at one and two years respectively.

We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville rape case flashes on the TV—two high school football players raped a 16-year-old, while other students watched and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head. “Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

She questions if what they got was fair, then she says " maybe she wasn't a virgin"!! As if that means a damn thing, almost saying not being a virgin, the girl might not care if she drinks at a party and then is raped. :eusa_hand:

Additionally, Serena Williams was raised as a Jehovah Witness, last I read she is still a devot Witness. If anyone knows anything about that religion they are very judgemental. Rape is something where the woman is nearly always blamed. Look up Jehovah Witness " rape, scream don't scream". They have changed their tune disfellowshipping women when interviewed by the elders ( priests) after the rape ( more like an inquisition) and if the woman, even with a knife to her throat did not scream, she is considered at fault, and disfellowshipped and or marked. Forced out of the church.

Jehovah Witness's are very judgemental. If her comments had been strictly on being careful, it may not have come off as judgemental and seemingly upset that the "boys" may not have been treated fairly.

She pointed out what happened and then said "I don't know". Get it? "I don't know". Meaning she didn't know. The one thing she did know is that a 16 year old girl shouldn't be able to get liquor and shouldn't be getting so drunk she can't remember anything. My understanding is the girl didn't know she had been raped until someone told her pictures were posted on the Internet. She's not excusing the two men or the crime, but booze for a 16 year old is also a crime.

The "boys" did something which was far more than "stupid" as Serena says. Note that is what she says below, she then says she is not blaming the girl, "BUT"...

They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but... Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

Tell me Dean, what does the girls virginity have to do with anything? Why the need for Serena to mention if she was a virgin? Not to mention it seemingly was only a crime if the boys 'slipped her something" then it would be 'different'.
One crime doesn't justify the other eh? So why do they make jokes about prison rape then?
CaféAuLait;7420482 said:
I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

Serena's comment in full nearly blames the girl and seems to say the boys got too much time at one and two years respectively.

We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville rape case flashes on the TV—two high school football players raped a 16-year-old, while other students watched and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head. “Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

She questions if what they got was fair, then she says " maybe she wasn't a virgin"!! As if that means a damn thing, almost saying not being a virgin, the girl might not care if she drinks at a party and then is raped. :eusa_hand:

Additionally, Serena Williams was raised as a Jehovah Witness, last I read she is still a devot Witness. If anyone knows anything about that religion they are very judgemental. Rape is something where the woman is nearly always blamed. Look up Jehovah Witness " rape, scream don't scream". They have changed their tune disfellowshipping women when interviewed by the elders ( priests) after the rape ( more like an inquisition) and if the woman, even with a knife to her throat did not scream, she is considered at fault, and disfellowshipped and or marked. Forced out of the church.

Jehovah Witness's are very judgemental. If her comments had been strictly on being careful, it may not have come off as judgemental and seemingly upset that the "boys" may not have been treated fairly.

Serena's full comment, is pretty disgusting. Questioning a rape victims virginity, suggesting she's lucky she was only raped, and questioning if a year in jail is too harsh for the rapists is exactly the wrong thing to say.

Why is she even talking about this? She should play tennis and talk less.
well it's come this people, so much for FREEDOM of SPEECH in this country..

now you can be sued and your career ended for admitting you used a WORD 30 years ago

what a country
Last edited:
well it's come this people, so much for FREEDOM of SPEECH in this country..

now you can be sued and your career ended for admitting you used a WORD 30 years ago

what a country

Better watch out, Steph, someone in the PC crowd might decide to sue you for something you said in 1973.:eek:
CaféAuLait;7420482 said:
I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

Serena's comment in full nearly blames the girl and seems to say the boys got too much time at one and two years respectively.

We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville rape case flashes on the TV—two high school football players raped a 16-year-old, while other students watched and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head. “Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

She questions if what they got was fair, then she says " maybe she wasn't a virgin"!! As if that means a damn thing, almost saying not being a virgin, the girl might not care if she drinks at a party and then is raped. :eusa_hand:

Additionally, Serena Williams was raised as a Jehovah Witness, last I read she is still a devot Witness. If anyone knows anything about that religion they are very judgemental. Rape is something where the woman is nearly always blamed. Look up Jehovah Witness " rape, scream don't scream". They have changed their tune disfellowshipping women when interviewed by the elders ( priests) after the rape ( more like an inquisition) and if the woman, even with a knife to her throat did not scream, she is considered at fault, and disfellowshipped and or marked. Forced out of the church.

Jehovah Witness's are very judgemental. If her comments had been strictly on being careful, it may not have come off as judgemental and seemingly upset that the "boys" may not have been treated fairly.

Serena's full comment, is pretty disgusting. Questioning a rape victims virginity, suggesting she's lucky she was only raped, and questioning if a year in jail is too harsh for the rapists is exactly the wrong thing to say.

Why is she even talking about this? She should play tennis and talk less.

Yeah, I was with her until the bits about virginity and the length of the gaol term.

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