Melissa Harris Perry wrongly condemns Serena Williams for "rape comment"

I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

I watched that segment and I agree with you 100%. MHP has a chip on her shoulder bigger than her head.
I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember?

Serena Williams sorry for saying rape victim shouldn't have put herself in that position (updated)


About the two men who raped an unconscious 16 year old, she said she didn't know. I would guess she was saying she didn't know what their punishment should be. I'm guessing some women think death and others community service and the majority somewhere in between. But she never defended them.

Instead, she asked a common sense question and made a common sense comment. Where were her parents and why is a 16 year old getting so drunk she can't remember what happened to her?

And where did the alcohol come from?

I was watching Melissa Harris Perry, who is a liberal, like me, who I tend to agree with very strongly on most things, but not this. Melissa Harris Perry was saying that by asking those three questions, it was the girl being blamed. Stop me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Bush twins arrested for fake ID's and illegally trying to buy alcohol? Hello, it was wrong then, it's wrong now.

And then Melissa Harris Perry went on to blast Serena Williams and she went on endlessly about how disappointed she was. The truth is, I was disappointed in Melissa Harris Perry. Perhaps Williams, being an athlete herself, shouldn't be commenting about a rape case, but it's a free country and contrary to right wing beliefs, your right to speak isn't being "taken away". There are three questions the police need answers for in my mind beyond the rape.

Only a bigoted, misogynic, despicable man would defend a rapist, you have officially had your liberal hack card revoked.

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