Member Of Team Clinton Behind The ‘Deport Racism’ Video With Children Cursing

Steph always makes me laugh. She bitches about other people's resources and then she turns around and uses her own hyper-partisan resources! :confused-84::laugh:
No, what is amazing is that you libtards think that referencing FOX is more of an issue than doing an ad with kids being scripted to curse on TV.

Not only is this proof of how out of touch you bastards really are, but that you have no clue about it at all.

Great news from my point of view.
So when the GOP candidates start running poo-flinging ads about each other (as opposed to doing it onstage), will you call them "the left"?
You really cant see the difference between attack ads vrs an ad where kids read from a script that has them cussing and prissing around?

roflmao, you guys are morally walking dead.
Come now... They'll break out the old ads of granny being pushed off a cliff in a wheel chair

Steph always makes me laugh. She bitches about other people's resources and then she turns around and uses her own hyper-partisan resources! :confused-84::laugh:

that's positively fascinating!

...but we aren't talking about "Steph" the information accurate? Is montgomery the founder AND "treasurer" (how nice!) of the "deport racism" pac? I believe he is.
Can you refute that?

Was he also involved in the pro-Hillary Clinton PAC active during the summer of 2015 called “”?
Why, yes, I believe he was.
Can you refute it?

...or do you want to evade and talk about "steph" some more instead?
Well, it's a few days since the video went national and the GOP hasn't taken advantage of it.

Dumb. They should use it as leverage, they should show it all the time and point at it, but they're too intimidated by the PC Police to do so.
Well, it's a few days since the video went national and the GOP hasn't taken advantage of it.

Dumb. They should use it as leverage, they should show it all the time and point at it, but they're too intimidated by the PC Police to do so.
The GOP would rather lose than engage in 'bad form'.

This is why they have this almost unique talent to consistently snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Well, it's a few days since the video went national and the GOP hasn't taken advantage of it. Dumb. They should use it as leverage, they should show it all the time and point at it, but they're too intimidated by the PC Police to do so..
The GOP would rather lose than engage in 'bad form'. This is why they have this almost unique talent to consistently snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I'd be interested to know if it has even occurred to them.
PC/Identity Politics in general will continue to be effective until someone of importance has the balls to get right back in its face and call it out nationally.
So in other words, you think the GOP is doomed? :D
PC/Identity Politics in general will continue to be effective until someone of importance has the balls to get right back in its face and call it out nationally..
So in other words, you think the GOP is doomed? :D
Well yeah, in a way.

Look, I can understand a person not wanting to be branded as a racist for the rest of their life, and that's what we're talking about here. The Regressive Left has done a truly amazing job of saturating our culture with that, and people across the spectrum are terrified of saying "the wrong thing".

What would need to happen is that one person of real significance has the nerve to start it and the momentum quickly takes it from there. There are more and more liberals who are admitting this has gone too far, so maybe it wouldn't take much to start a fire.

But I can certainly understand the reticence.
PC/Identity Politics in general will continue to be effective until someone of importance has the balls to get right back in its face and call it out nationally..
So in other words, you think the GOP is doomed? :D
Well yeah, in a way.

Look, I can understand a person not wanting to be branded as a racist for the rest of their life, and that's what we're talking about here. The Regressive Left has done a truly amazing job of saturating our culture with that, and people across the spectrum are terrified of saying "the wrong thing".

What would need to happen is that one person of real significance has the nerve to start it and the momentum quickly takes it from there. There are more and more liberals who are admitting this has gone too far, so maybe it wouldn't take much to start a fire.

But I can certainly understand the reticence.

It hasnt bothered Trump at all, or Carson or Bevin.

The way the corrupt system works is that when a person mis-speaks, the libtard PC Nazis go rabid and make all kinds of demands mostly intended to brand the offender as a public pariah. Then stupid Republican donors get shy and withdraw their support because they are cowards. Then lacking funds the person drops out, or loses etheir job/career, fill in the blanks.

The PC Nazis only have this power you observe because conservatives buy into their manufactured 'Truth' that their candidate is now doomed.
PC/Identity Politics in general will continue to be effective until someone of importance has the balls to get right back in its face and call it out nationally..
So in other words, you think the GOP is doomed? :D
Well yeah, in a way.

Look, I can understand a person not wanting to be branded as a racist for the rest of their life, and that's what we're talking about here. The Regressive Left has done a truly amazing job of saturating our culture with that, and people across the spectrum are terrified of saying "the wrong thing".

What would need to happen is that one person of real significance has the nerve to start it and the momentum quickly takes it from there. There are more and more liberals who are admitting this has gone too far, so maybe it wouldn't take much to start a fire.

But I can certainly understand the reticence.

It hasnt bothered Trump at all, or Carson or Bevin.

The way the corrupt system works is that when a person mis-speaks, the libtard PC Nazis go rabid and make all kinds of demands mostly intended to brand the offender as a public pariah. Then stupid Republican donors get shy and withdraw their support because they are cowards. Then lacking funds the person drops out, or loses etheir job/career, fill in the blanks.

The PC Nazis only have this power you observe because conservatives buy into their manufactured 'Truth' that their candidate is now doomed.
I get that, but I don't think those three guys are the right messengers. I'm not being sqirrelly, I just think it has to be done in the right way and by the right people.

We'll see, I'm always hopeful, and it's nice to see the anti-PC activity on the Left, as limited as it is so far.
I get that, but I don't think those three guys are the right messengers. I'm not being sqirrelly, I just think it has to be done in the right way and by the right people.

Bevin won in Kentucky, so on what basis are you saying he is not 'the right messenger'? He is Tea Party, so is that the genesis of your issue with him?

We'll see, I'm always hopeful, and it's nice to see the anti-PC activity on the Left, as limited as it is so far.

Well it is a tenuous change at best from what I have seen so far. When a PResidential candidate will eat crow for Black Lies Matter, that tells me they are still very PC.
I get that, but I don't think those three guys are the right messengers. I'm not being sqirrelly, I just think it has to be done in the right way and by the right people.

Bevin won in Kentucky, so on what basis are you saying he is not 'the right messenger'? He is Tea Party, so is that the genesis of your issue with him?

We'll see, I'm always hopeful, and it's nice to see the anti-PC activity on the Left, as limited as it is so far.

Well it is a tenuous change at best from what I have seen so far. When a PResidential candidate will eat crow for Black Lies Matter, that tells me they are still very PC.
I can't think of a conservative who could take on PC without being immediately dismissed and attacked as a racist.

It's going to take either a high-profile liberal (or several, Maher ain't enough) or (and it pains me to say this) someone from popular culture.

Here's What Happens When That 'Deport Racism' Ad Is Put In Front Of A Focus Group
Well it is a tenuous change at best from what I have seen so far. When a PResidential candidate will eat crow for Black Lies Matter, that tells me they are still very PC.
I can't think of a conservative who could take on PC without being immediately dismissed and attacked as a racist.

It's going to take either a high-profile liberal (or several, Maher ain't enough) or (and it pains me to say this) someone from popular culture.
But getting people from the other side of the ideological pond is not how you advance your own ideas. They may agree with a few key concepts, but they undermine everything else. Conservatives have been playing that game for the last 50 years and where has it gotten them? A party that is controled by neocons and driven into the ground by a tidal wave of corporate funding.
Well it is a tenuous change at best from what I have seen so far. When a PResidential candidate will eat crow for Black Lies Matter, that tells me they are still very PC.
I can't think of a conservative who could take on PC without being immediately dismissed and attacked as a racist.

It's going to take either a high-profile liberal (or several, Maher ain't enough) or (and it pains me to say this) someone from popular culture.
But getting people from the other side of the ideological pond is not how you advance your own ideas. They may agree with a few key concepts, but they undermine everything else. Conservatives have been playing that game for the last 50 years and where has it gotten them? A party that is controled by neocons and driven into the ground by a tidal wave of corporate funding.

You could be right, I dunno. But the country needs the PC strategy exposed and marginalized as soon as possible, and I'll be thrilled with whatever works. Enough damage has been done.
The left says that demeaning Hillary only makes her look better..

Don't assume everyone on "the left" (a very broad and seldom accurate descriptor on this board) supports Hillary.
I don't. I know all of them aren't complete morons. I try and just use it generally.

You need to go outside more often, talk to some real people. ;)
I have and most think Hillary is bat shit crazy. Only on here I see some Hillary supporters.

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