Members of the Proud boys indicted for planning the 1/6 attack

if any cop 'escorted' the rat fuckers in, i would havve a bigley problem with them. however any cop who knew that they couldn't hold the line because back up was denied - then delayed - needed to save themselves b4 being overrun.
For all the videos you watch every day, how did you miss the ones showing Capitol Security removing the barricades and casually walking down the hall with the "Insurrectionists"? Why did the Capitol Police chief resign immediately? If Capitol Police had an adequate presence and DID THEIR JOB there would have been no break in at the Capitol. It was another MANUFACTURED CRISIS courtesy of the masters of manufactured crises, the Democratic Party. That's all they do.
Manufactured crisis that left multiple people dead??

Trumpers are total trash. Trump was a failed 1 term president that incited an insurrection at the Capitol based on lies.

America is BACK ! Thanks to Biden.
if any cop 'escorted' the rat fuckers in, i would havve a bigley problem with them. however any cop who knew that they couldn't hold the line because back up was denied - then delayed - needed to save themselves b4 being overrun.
For all the videos you watch every day, how did you miss the ones showing Capitol Security removing the barricades and casually walking down the hall with the "Insurrectionists"? Why did the Capitol Police chief resign immediately? If Capitol Police had an adequate presence and DID THEIR JOB there would have been no break in at the Capitol. It was another MANUFACTURED CRISIS courtesy of the masters of manufactured crises, the Democratic Party. That's all they do.

For all the videos you saw how could you ignore the multitude of them showing insurrectionists beating up cops and breaking into the Capitol for a couple that may show cops removing barricades (not sure of context).

Maybe we should have a commission to look into that, right?
Sucks to be an organized militia group when they're designated as the most serious threat to US security.

These thugs brought this behaviour on themselves. What did they expect would happen when they tried to overthrow the government?

I keep coming back to this question: What do they think is going to happen in the rest of the world if they succeed in overthrowing the democratically elected government of the United States of America?

None one on the right will even attempt to answer this question, and you keep batting it away is if it doesn’t matter. But it really does.

You complain endlessly about the resistance on the left to the Trump presidency when he was legally elected, imagine that resistance if right wing terrorists took over the government.

The rest of the world tolerated the Trump Presidency because he was legally elected in accordance with your Constitution, regardless of the lies, dishonesty and propaganda he used to achieve that result.

Those who lead failed coup attempts are usually shot immediately, or they take their own lives when the attempt fails. Trump is the first usurper who has been allowed to live and continued to lead his rogue anti-democratic movement. Trumpian openly states his plans to overthrow the Biden Presidency and return Trump to the White House.

This is insanity and it needs to end.
Toobfreak said
"Not buying any of it. There is more to the story, there is a cover up underfoot and, my guess it is to so blame people there as Trump Supporters as to totally bury the Left's involvement and the fact that it was all over an illegal and highly abnormal election where hundreds of important questions remain unanswered."

If you really believed that you would be screaming for a Congressional investigation.

But no, you're doing the opposite

how did you miss the ones showing Capitol Security removing the barricades and casually walking down the hall with the "Insurrectionists"?

remember when i said if any of 'em escorted the traitors anywhere, i'd have a problem? well....uh...

Why did the Capitol Police chief resign immediately?

why did 2 CPs kill themselves after 'eh? ever hear of PTSD?

If Capitol Police had an adequate presence and DID THEIR JOB there would have been no break in at the Capitol.

they screamed for back up - they screamed for the national guard. those high up on the food chain gave no back up for hours. it finally took the VP, mike pence to get them in... where the fuck was donny? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........watching it all unfold on TV.

It was another MANUFACTURED CRISIS courtesy of the masters of manufactured crises, the Democratic Party. That's all they do.

For all the videos you watch every day, how did you miss the ones showing Capitol Security removing the barricades and casually walking down the hall with the "Insurrectionists"?
We didn't. That was a disgrace. Clearly the capitol police were infected with a few shitgibbon Trumpers who should go to jail. We also didn't forget that 140 officers were injured and the many videos of the dumb hillbillies assaulting officers. But you apparently did.

the terrorist group called the oathkeepers are chock full of ex cops & military.
Oh I see what you did there! You are blaming Trump for the failure of Capitol Police Security under the direction of the Democratic Party. That's a good one
False. The cultist shitgibbons are responsible for themselves. This is you being an intellectual pussy and inventing low hanging fruit for yourself.

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