Memo to President Trump: Prosecute Hillary Clinton or Perish


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This is an interesting article. I hope Trump takes the man's advice:

Years ago, I agreed to represent a client who wanted to bring a lawsuit against a particular department of the federal government.

Since the opposing counsel would be the U.S. Department of Justice, and with my being new to that game, I enlisted as co-counsel an accomplished federal litigator with extensive experience in dealing with the DOJ.

At one of our first meetings, I asked him, “What do you think are our odds of beating the DOJ?” I will never forget his response.

With a silent smile, he slowly nodded, looked down and scribbled something on a sheet of paper before handing it to me.

The text of his properly signed and dated memorandum to me contained only two words:

“You’re f--ked.”

Now, nearly 20 years later, that is the exact memo — or warning — I want to send to President Trump.

That is … unless he demonstrates soon a willingness to exercise his constitutionally delegated powers to terminate and remove the partisan factions within his Department of Justice that are either failing to use, or are intentionally misusing, their authority to unlawfully destroy his Presidency.

If he does not, I believe the abbreviated ineloquence of my former colleague’s memo could likely convey an accurate forecast of his fate.

The DOJ is an institution vested with formidable resources, including its authority over the FBI.

It is also often the beneficiary of a thinly veiled, yet presumed, allegiance with most of the federal courts in which its attorneys operate.

As a result, and given enough time, in most cases, the DOJ is empowered — via favorable rulings and otherwise — to access, manipulate and maneuver the federal laws, rules, regulations and procedures — not to mention witness testimony — in whatever ways it may deem necessary to ultimately bring most of those it targets to heel … perhaps, even including a President.

Unconstrained, those with such potentially unlimited power could easily go rogue and morph into a government unto to themselves.

Theoretically, however, that should not be possible. The Constitution empowers the people to elect a President to whom they give their proxy to keep it in check.

Yet, today we are witnessing this chain of authority being turned on its head and a President who seems — on the surface, anyway — to be doing little with the powers of his office to put it right.

In the course of Sessions’ apparent hibernation subsequent to his recusal, a good portion of his responsibility as a member of the President’s Cabinet to run the DOJ appears to have been handed off to his unlawfully conflicted Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who, in turn, has unlawfully delegated unfettered authority to an unlawfully conflicted Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, to prosecute any crime he sees fit and who, in turn, has unlawfully abused that unfettered authority to unlawfully establish what is an unlawfully conflicted — not to mention unconstitutional — shadow Department of Justice.

Distilled to its essence — it is a creation of the corrupt — controlled by the corrupt — to protect the corrupt — by empowering the corrupt — to achieve but one corrupt purpose:

To stalk all allies, friends, relatives and associates of this nation’s duly elected President in the hope of removing that President from office before his Administration is able to fully discover, expose and prosecute the many felonies the corrupt have committed.
Way too many words, no way Trump will read it.

If you want it to get to Trump you have two choices, narrow it down to a tweet or have FoxNews read it.
At the time he was elected, I said Trump should have fired EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FEDERAL EMPLOYEE HIRED OR PROMOTED BY OBAMA.

He needs to fire Sessions and throw him the fuck out of the country along with Mueller and Rosenstein. They staged a coup against him, he HAS to move against them one and all.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary, Ohr and the fake Steele dossier conspired against the USA
At the time he was elected, I said Trump should have fired EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FEDERAL EMPLOYEE HIRED OR PROMOTED BY OBAMA.

He needs to fire Sessions and throw him the fuck out of the country along with Mueller and Rosenstein. They staged a coup against him, he HAS to move against them one and all.
Sessions needs to go before the Nov elections, and all the requested documents need to be declassified. Then a new AG needs to indict all the scumbags involved in this witch hunt/coup.
This is an interesting article. I hope Trump takes the man's advice:

Years ago, I agreed to represent a client who wanted to bring a lawsuit against a particular department of the federal government.

Since the opposing counsel would be the U.S. Department of Justice, and with my being new to that game, I enlisted as co-counsel an accomplished federal litigator with extensive experience in dealing with the DOJ.

At one of our first meetings, I asked him, “What do you think are our odds of beating the DOJ?” I will never forget his response.

With a silent smile, he slowly nodded, looked down and scribbled something on a sheet of paper before handing it to me.

The text of his properly signed and dated memorandum to me contained only two words:

“You’re f--ked.”

Now, nearly 20 years later, that is the exact memo — or warning — I want to send to President Trump.

That is … unless he demonstrates soon a willingness to exercise his constitutionally delegated powers to terminate and remove the partisan factions within his Department of Justice that are either failing to use, or are intentionally misusing, their authority to unlawfully destroy his Presidency.

If he does not, I believe the abbreviated ineloquence of my former colleague’s memo could likely convey an accurate forecast of his fate.

The DOJ is an institution vested with formidable resources, including its authority over the FBI.

It is also often the beneficiary of a thinly veiled, yet presumed, allegiance with most of the federal courts in which its attorneys operate.

As a result, and given enough time, in most cases, the DOJ is empowered — via favorable rulings and otherwise — to access, manipulate and maneuver the federal laws, rules, regulations and procedures — not to mention witness testimony — in whatever ways it may deem necessary to ultimately bring most of those it targets to heel … perhaps, even including a President.

Unconstrained, those with such potentially unlimited power could easily go rogue and morph into a government unto to themselves.

Theoretically, however, that should not be possible. The Constitution empowers the people to elect a President to whom they give their proxy to keep it in check.

Yet, today we are witnessing this chain of authority being turned on its head and a President who seems — on the surface, anyway — to be doing little with the powers of his office to put it right.

In the course of Sessions’ apparent hibernation subsequent to his recusal, a good portion of his responsibility as a member of the President’s Cabinet to run the DOJ appears to have been handed off to his unlawfully conflicted Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who, in turn, has unlawfully delegated unfettered authority to an unlawfully conflicted Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, to prosecute any crime he sees fit and who, in turn, has unlawfully abused that unfettered authority to unlawfully establish what is an unlawfully conflicted — not to mention unconstitutional — shadow Department of Justice.

Distilled to its essence — it is a creation of the corrupt — controlled by the corrupt — to protect the corrupt — by empowering the corrupt — to achieve but one corrupt purpose:

To stalk all allies, friends, relatives and associates of this nation’s duly elected President in the hope of removing that President from office before his Administration is able to fully discover, expose and prosecute the many felonies the corrupt have committed.
At this point in the game I think we hold off until midterms and if we hold both houses we clean house.. At some point we must or the US will be lost to socialist conquest.. IT may already be to late.

Once again the Tree of Liberty is nearing a watering season.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.
No, she hasn't. You fuckers have been trying to get something on the Clintons for 30+ years. If it was there we"d know.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary, Ohr and the fake Steele dossier conspired against the USA
Those caught up and causing or participating in treason should be dealt with as they are during times of war. They declared it and now it must be finished.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.
No, she hasn't. You fuckers have been trying to get something on the Clintons for 30+ years. If it was there we"d know.
Your dog and pony shows were never any type of investigation. Spare me your indignation... Were not that stupid.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
A dictator can do that if he wants. Vote in November.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
A dictator can do that if he wants. Vote in November.
Obama sure ordered a whole mess of illegal things.. He and his staff are all complicit in treason..
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.
No, she hasn't. You fuckers have been trying to get something on the Clintons for 30+ years. If it was there we"d know.

Many of us do "know" and we also know that the Clinton and Bush crime families are a protected class. You may have your head stuck in the sand, but some of us can actually connect the dots.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.

You mean like illegal possession of confidential government information on an illegal, hidden, personal server, along with discarding 30,000+ emails which were also government property?
At the time he was elected, I said Trump should have fired EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FEDERAL EMPLOYEE HIRED OR PROMOTED BY OBAMA.

He needs to fire Sessions and throw him the fuck out of the country along with Mueller and Rosenstein. They staged a coup against him, he HAS to move against them one and all.

He did all of the above. Everyone who is involved in this investigation is a Trump appointee fulfilling their duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

That includes the President of the United States if they are so assigned.
Can't wait till the next president comes in and does exactly what Trump has done, and wipes out his partisan to the hilt hires, and goes after him with using thenew president's DOJ in a partisan manner for the next 4 to 6 years after he has officially left office....(and LOCK HIM UP) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.

You mean like illegal possession of confidential government information on an illegal, hidden, personal server, along with discarding 30,000+ emails which were also government property?

Except the server WASN’T ILLEGAL, nor was her possession of the material on it. The law prohibiting government employees from using private servers was passed after Obama’s re-election and Clinton’s departure from the State Department.

This prohibition on private servers for government employees hasn’t stopped the Trump Administration from installing them in the White House, or for using the private server for “private confidential government information”

The Clinton server most certainly wasn’t hidden or secret. The email address, which was not a government addy, told everyone who emailed her it was not a government server. The 2013 law Congress passed most definitely seem to be a response to Clinton’s use of her private server.

And not all of the emails on that private server were government property.
Except the server WASN’T ILLEGAL, nor was her possession of the material on it.


Why then was it concealed, hidden from the government and contained top secret, classified material?

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