Memorial Day Hypocrisy

You are the best evidence available for why all Germans between the ages of 14 and 90 should have been irreversibly sterilized after the war, and all military personnel above the rank of Army Major or Navy Commander, along with each and every memner of the Nazi Party and the SS, should have been rounded up en masse and shot.
I have read War Is A Racket I understand ALL of this. I still won't bash the soldier fighting to put foot on his families table,earn an education and to him defend his country.
I don't think we have to bash the vet to point out how she is being used to maim, murder, and displace millions of innocent human beings. If you are arguing we should celebrate the courage of those who serve, perhaps you should recall Hitler also had heroes?
Hitler is a hero. As are his soldiers.
Nazi Heroes?
Ah I had to google search the picture. Those are German Patriots the Communists sentenced to death for keeping enemies of the Reich in their place. I would proudly die for my race.

Elisabeth Becker, front row, left


Execution of concentration camp guards at Biskupia Gorka: Becker executed

The execution of guards of the Stutthof concentration camp on July 4, 1946. Becker is third from left.

Elisabeth Becker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Patriots they were murdered but were strong women. Martyrs for the cause.

Why are you hijacking this thread for your sick, twisted, racist ideology? We were trying to get the point across that the troops who gave their lives deserve to be honored on Memorial Day!
The soldiers did the fighting so we honor them we don't honor WHAT or WHO they were fighting for at least I don't....
That's nuts -- no matter how many times you repeat it.

Bikers LOVE Memorial Day (Most are Veterans!) and The TRUMPSTER!!!!!

  • Trump: 600,000 people tried to attend my D.C. rally
    CBS News ^ | 05/29/2016 | Emily Schultheis
    Last Updated May 29, 2016 4:28 PM EDT Donald Trump asserted that more than half a million people attempted to attend his speech to the Rolling Thunder bikers DC Sunday. "We have the biggest rallies by far, far bigger than Bernie Sanders,'" he told a crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall. "Far bigger. I mean, look at today. They say you have 600,000 people here trying to get in." "That's not gonna happen," he added. "But they say you have 600,000 people." A crowd count wasn't immediately available, but the space in front of the...
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

You have a problem with people paying respect to those that paid the ultimate sacrifice?
Some lefties claim that a baseball bat to the head of Christian preachers who don't believe in sodomite relationships is the proper way for left wing bigots to express their anger over speech they disagree with but reasonable right wing conservatives acknowledge that left wing bigots have a right to malign the sacred Memorial day observance even if they are anti-American a- holes. USA-USA
None of those WERE necessary. Revolutionary War and War for Southern Independence were wars started by tyrants and the patriots fought back....
Yes, the Revolutionary War was started by tyrants and the patriots fought back.

Sadly, the French joined the Terrorist Insurrectionists and defeated the patriotic United Empire Loyalists.

The tyrannical Boston smugglers and bankrupt Virginia planters who led and controlled the Terrorist Insurrection then violated the terms of the Peace Treaty and violently and murderously drove the patriotic loyalists from their peaceful homes into exile.
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

You have a problem with people paying respect to those that paid the ultimate sacrifice?
Hi will, Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday! It's been a few years since I worked for the Township and placed flags on the graves of service members. But it was always a labor of love. Although it seems like too many have forgotten the beginnings of the day as a "Decoration Day" for ALL graves, on May 31 no matter WHAT day it fell on. Over the century, and with several wars added to our history, the day has morphed into a military observance. But I have cleaned and spruced up all my family's graves back in Flint in the old cemetery. We have practically a whole section, and it is soothing to wander thru all the old stories of families now gathered there. The lilacs are in full bloom and lily-of-the-valley sends scents of my childhood throughout. Really wonderful memories linger around those old stones.
It is no wonder why the United States is so low on the world "happiness" index despite being one of the greatest countries in the world... too many people who only care about themselves and don't care about humanity or the future, just how big their house is, and whether they are going to be able to buy a new car every two years.
At the risk of hijacking my own thread, I'd like to suggest the biggest source of unhappiness in the US stems from too much debt stemming from the "miracle of compound interest": (p. 28)

"The problem of debts growing faster than the economy has been acknowledged by practically every society.

"Religious leaders have warned that maintaining a viable economy requires keeping creditors in check.

"That is why early Christianity and Islam took the radical step of banning the charging of interest altogether, even for commercial loans.

"It is why Judaism placed the Jubilee Year’s debt cancellation at the core of Mosaic Law, based on a Babylonian practice extending back to 2000 BC, and to the Sumerian tradition in the millennium before that."
Could your dad spot any innocents in this picture?

Nope. Just enemy sympathizers. Kill the entire population if it saves a single US Serviceman's life. The entire world's population pales in comparison to the value of the life of a single AMERICAN.
Why not follow international law and avoid wars of aggression?

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