Memorial Day - why we celebrate and remember

Call your congressman, DEMAND they vote to FULLY FUND the Veteran's Administration ... we sent our children to war, dammit, we gotta gotta take GOOD CARE of them if they come home broken ... this is what makes AMERICA better than the rest ... we DON'T leave our wounded behind ...

BOTH politcal parties agreed to send troops to Afghanistan and Iraq ... 20 years later we STILL need to care for the wounded ...

Call your congressman, DEMAND they vote to FULLY FUND the Veteran's Administration ...
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Call your congressman, DEMAND they vote to FULLY FUND the Veteran's Administration ... we sent our children to war, dammit, we gotta gotta take GOOD CARE of them if they come home broken ... this is what makes AMERICA better than the rest ... we DON'T leave our wounded behind ...

BOTH politcal parties agreed to send troops to Afghanistan and Iraq ... 20 years later we STILL need to care for the wounded ...

Call your congressman, DEMAND they vote to FULLY FUND the Veteran's Administration ...

I have made phone calls, sent emails and even a few old school letters.

The way our veterans are treated (or not treated) is a shame. They served when we called. Now they need the help we promised would be there.
Obviously a racist, transphobic and insensitive statement.
They should have had Dylan Mulvaney in a cute camo outfit pretending to be a 6 year old trans girl who is protesting that her transphobic, war mongering grandfather got her a toy gun at the picnic. Awareness is important.
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Obviously a racist, transphobic and insensitive statement.
They should have had Dylan Mulvaney in a cute camo outfit pretending to be a 6 year old trans girl who is protesting that her transphobic, war mongering grandfather got her a toy gun at the picnic. Awareness is important.

Really? Rather than show some respect for those who gave the full measure of sacrifice for our nation, you post this bullshit.

You should be ashamed.
My memorial day is a 4 day weekend this year. Do with your holidays whatever you want. I will celebrate the defacto start of summer and honor the dead both by stripping off the last popcorn ceiling in my house to retape the joints, and then skim coat the whole thing. Will wait til the 4th of July to repaint the whole room probably.
I have made phone calls, sent emails and even a few old school letters.

The way our veterans are treated (or not treated) is a shame. They served when we called. Now they need the help we promised would be there.
I'm not sure that's true, from what I have seen, veterans are treated pretty well, and most get monthly checks from the V.A. if they ever served in a combat zone.
Obviously a racist, transphobic and insensitive statement.
They should have had Dylan Mulvaney in a cute camo outfit pretending to be a 6 year old trans girl who is protesting that her transphobic, war mongering grandfather got her a toy gun at the picnic. Awareness is important.
Wrong thread for that.
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I'm not sure that's true, from what I have seen, veterans are treated pretty well, and most get monthly checks from the V.A. if they ever served in a combat zone.

I use the VA for my healthcare. I will say that once I get in, they are fast, efficient and provide excellent care. I don't think I have ever waited more than 5 minutes between arrival and being seen.

But making an appointment is a different story. If I call today, and it is not life threatening, I'm looking at a 6 month wait, at the very least.

All that said, we still have a large number of veterans living on the streets and the number of veteran suicides is far too high.
Well that was a tear jerker. Honor and respect to all who've served and their families for their sacrifice. :salute:
I'm not sure that's true, from what I have seen, veterans are treated pretty well, and most get monthly checks from the V.A. if they ever served in a combat zone.

If Republicans want to cut spending, they need to look elsewhere ... I can't speak to the Veteran's Hospital in your area ... but in some areas, the quality of medical care has been quite poor in the past ... and a few are still poor ...

NEVER cut spending on our wounded veterans ... we promised "for life" ... we'll deliver for life ... no exceptions ...
If Republicans want to cut spending, they need to look elsewhere ... I can't speak to the Veteran's Hospital in your area ... but in some areas, the quality of medical care has been quite poor in the past ... and a few are still poor ...

NEVER cut spending on our wounded veterans ... we promised "for life" ... we'll deliver for life ... no exceptions ...

I don’t think the VA should run hospitals at all. Instead, the VA should be only a bill paying service and the veteran should be able to go to any hospital they choose and the bill for services sent to the VA for payment.
If Republicans want to cut spending, they need to look elsewhere ... I can't speak to the Veteran's Hospital in your area ... but in some areas, the quality of medical care has been quite poor in the past ... and a few are still poor ...

NEVER cut spending on our wounded veterans ... we promised "for life" ... we'll deliver for life ... no exceptions ...
My coworker has Tricare. He hasn't been to a VA hospital in a few years even though Ventura has a new VA outpatient care facility.

What is confusing is that the 2023 budget was $300 billion and the GOP wants to cut $30 billion now. Is that how you perceive it?
My coworker has Tricare. He hasn't been to a VA hospital in a few years even though Ventura has a new VA outpatient care facility.

What is confusing is that the 2023 budget was $300 billion and the GOP wants to cut $30 billion now. Is that how you perceive it?

Pretty much ... the 500% spending increase over the past two decades includes the wounded from the wars fought over the past two decades ...

If we don't want to spend $300 billion on war wounded ... we should stop going to war ... we made the commitment to these wounded 20 years ago when we sent them into Afghanistan and Iraq ... GOP can raise taxes on the munitions industry to pay for this ... their bribery money congress-critters have to refuse ...
Pretty much ... the 500% spending increase over the past two decades includes the wounded from the wars fought over the past two decades ...

If we don't want to spend $300 billion on war wounded ... we should stop going to war ... we made the commitment to these wounded 20 years ago when we sent them into Afghanistan and Iraq ... GOP can raise taxes on the munitions industry to pay for this ... their bribery money congress-critters have to refuse ...
Beside medical care, Vets and their family members are dying also. I know there needs to be more burial space to facilitate them all. The burial benefit is $1100.00. There are less dying now (35 per day) but I believe vets make up 7% of the population. If the budget gets cut further, how will we manage to pay for that benefit, let alone for 2 to 3 of their survivors as well?
Most victims of the government education system in the last fifty years probably couldn't tell you the names of the countries involved in WW1 or WW2. We used to call it "Decoration Day" and now it's just a time for politicians to make speeches and the rest of Americans to enjoy a three day weekend dubbed the begining of summer.
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I know it is a day late. But I was reminded of this song by my amazing little sister.


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