memories pizza donors just handed the feds about 350k

I guess that its the law , people may not agree with the tax but the GOOD pizza people are still way ahead of the lefty tyrants with 500 grand in pocket plus a smile knowing that they are loved .
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool
who hates homeless youts , not me , course many homeless yout are homeless due to their own choices or misbehavior . Let them go home , listen to their parents , go to school and quit partying 'oppd' !! Course , i'm not giving money to feral youts !!
What do you think they should've done? Break the law? They definitely aren't Sharpton.
If they really wanted to make their gay hating dollars go the most distance, they would have donated to a nonprofit gay hating charity like the family research council. Not only does the FRC not pay taxes on the revenue, but the donor also gets to deduct the donation, compounding the he tax savings even more. Its a huge difference. If you are in the 25% bracket, it costs you $1 to make a donation of $1.33 to a nonprofit. On the other hand, if you give free money to a for profit business, it costs you $2.20 for a business paying the top rate to realize the same 1.33. Not to mention state and local taxes.

So I'm all for it. If righties want to allocate their hate money in the most inefficient manner possible then yay!
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
Why do you hate homeless youths?
Awe, is that all you got? I would guarantee you if conservatives started a fundraiser for homeless youths. After two days it would be over the goal to raise. Also if you want to go there, Limbaugh's favorite charity is for marines kids if their parent are killed in action. It gives them a college education and also helps them in other ways. You hate Limbaugh, so why do you hate marine's kids?
who hates homeless youts , not me , course many homeless yout are homeless due to their own choices or misbehavior . Let them go home , listen to their parents , go to school and quit partying 'oppd' !! Course , i'm not giving money to feral youts !!
Their parents threw them out of the house in most cases. They cant go home. Fucks sake you can't be this sheltered.
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool
How so, they had to shut down, because of an opinion. By crazy leftist like yourself. I mean death threats? No, the fundraiser was to show support for freedom.
who hates homeless youts , not me , course many homeless yout are homeless due to their own choices or misbehavior . Let them go home , listen to their parents , go to school and quit partying 'oppd' !! Course , i'm not giving money to feral youts !!
Their parents threw them out of the house in most cases. They cant go home. Fucks sake you can't be this sheltered.
They are still homeless because of their own choices. Parents throw them out when they can't take it any more. Throw them out and change the locks.
Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!
Incorrect Poindexter.

IRS tax codes allows anyone to "gift" another person up to $14,000 per year tax free.

Since most GoFundMe donations are $100 dollars or less.

I would assume the entire $842,000 will be tax free. ..... :cool:
I was a kid , I know the deal 'oppd' so your silly talk is just silly talk . I know all about feral yout and most / many are 'fos' with their tales of woe !!!! Most feral yout want to be feral , part of the 'hip hop' culture of thugs , hos and b1tches !!
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool
How so, they had to shut down, because of an opinion. By crazy leftist like yourself. I mean death threats? No, the fundraiser was to show support for freedom.
They had to shut down? Really? According to whom?

The donators are the suckers 'born every minute'
Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!
Incorrect Poindexter.

IRS tax codes allows anyone to "gift" another person up to $14,000 per year tax free.

Since most GoFundMe donations are $100 dollars or less.

I would assume the entire $842,000 will be tax free. ..... :cool:
hey Sunni , thankyou , hope that you are correct !! Another poke in the eye for the lefties if you are correct !!

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