memories pizza donors just handed the feds about 350k

Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool
How so, they had to shut down, because of an opinion. By crazy leftist like yourself. I mean death threats? No, the fundraiser was to show support for freedom.
They had to shut down? Really? According to whom?

The donators are the suckers 'born every minute'
Yes, they had to shut down because of death threats because of their opinion. They were asked if they would cater a gay wedding. They said no, even though they don't cater weddings. Kinda makes your side look even more stupid.
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool
How so, they had to shut down, because of an opinion. By crazy leftist like yourself. I mean death threats? No, the fundraiser was to show support for freedom.
They had to shut down? Really? According to whom?

The donators are the suckers 'born every minute'
Yes, they had to shut down because of death threats because of their opinion. They were asked if they would cater a gay wedding. They said no, even though they don't cater weddings. Kinda makes your side look even more stupid.
Again, they had to shut down? They received credible death threats? What do yhe police say about thise threats?

Or is it possible they saw an opportunity to cash in?
Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!
Only two things in life that are guaranteed, death and Taxes.

Now as for the Indiana law. Memories is proof that some kind of law protecting the religious right is needed but also the law should equally protect against instances like this(below). Nobody should live in fear of retaliation or lawsuits for not wanting to comply with something that goes against their beliefs. It goes both ways and that's what people are forgetting. Any law created will need to be specific as to what instances are acceptable under that law.

Commission Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Decorate Bible Cakes Against Homosexuality Christian News Network

Commission Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Decorate Bible Cakes Against Homosexuality
April 5, 2015 | Filed under: Business & Finance,Law & Government,Life & Society,Top Stories | By: Heather Clark


Officials in Colorado have ruled in favor of a baker who refused to decorate two Bible-shaped cakes that featured messages and images against homosexuality, finding that she did not discriminate against the Christian who placed the order.

William Jack of Castle Rock visited Azucar Bakery in Denver last March, at which time he placed an order for two cakes, both of which were to be shaped like Bibles. The first was to have read, “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7″ and “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:22″ and the second was to have stated “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.” Both cakes were to feature an image of two groomsmen with an “x” through them “to illustrate that such a union is unacceptable biblically.”

Marjorie Silva, the owner, told Jack that she would bake the cakes, but would not write the Bible verses on them nor place the images on the cakes. She instead offered to give Jack a pastry bag and icing so that he could decorate the cakes himself.

Silva, a Roman Catholic, told reporters that she declined to fulfill the order because she found the text and images requested to be “hateful and offensive.”

“It’s just horrible,” she said. “If he wants to hate people, he can hate them not here in my bakery.”

Following Silva’s refusal, Jack filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies, alleging discrimination based on his Christian beliefs.

But on Friday, the Division ruled that there was “insufficient evidence” to support Jack’s claim that he was being treated unfairly. It said that Silva had a right to refuse the order because the decoration requested was deemed “derogatory” and that Silva would refuse all “derogatory” cakes to anyone.

The division stated that “in the very same manner [Silva] would not accept [an order from] anybody wanting to make a discriminatory cake against Christians, [she] will not make one that discriminates against gays.”

Jack said that he plans to appeal the ruling.

“I find it offensive that the Colorado Civil Rights Division considers the baker’s claims that Bible verses were discriminatory as the reason for denying my claim,” he told KMGH-TV Saturday. “I find it offensive that the legal director of the Colorado division of the ACLU called the Bible verses on the cakes obscenities. Especially at this time on the church calendar, I find it offensive that the Bible is censored from the public arena.”

But Jack says that he placed the order and filed the complaint to make a point that business owners should have the right to operate in accordance with their conscience and convictions, and that if bakers have the right to refuse cakes against homosexuality, Christians should also have a right to decline cakes in favor of homosexuality.

“I believe the baker should have the right to deny me service if my request violates her conscience or creed,” he told the Christian Post in January. “[But] this statute is being applied inequitably; it so far is only being applied against Christians … If we do not have liberty for all, then we have liberty for none.”

Photo: KMGH-TV
who hates homeless youts , not me , course many homeless yout are homeless due to their own choices or misbehavior . Let them go home , listen to their parents , go to school and quit partying 'oppd' !! Course , i'm not giving money to feral youts !!
What is a yout???
YOUT is a young feral 'youth' Moehamid , yout is in common usage by people like me and is a slight insult on young thugs , ho's , b1tches that should be listening to their parents and should be in school rather than begging for money so that they can live the 'hip hop' lifestyle !! ------------------------- and to add , youth cut to YOUT , like I say , its just a slight insult !!
Tax Rules for Gifts -
Same belief here, and you can give up to $14,000 in a year without the donor being taxed.

Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!
Incorrect Poindexter.

IRS tax codes allows anyone to "gift" another person up to $14,000 per year tax free.

Since most GoFundMe donations are $100 dollars or less.

I would assume the entire $842,000 will be tax free. ..... :cool:
they just never tire of people laughing at them making fools of themselves.

damn. now that is chapping their asses. You would think they would be happy happy happy to be feeding their mommy and daddy guberment
Tax Rules for Gifts -
Same belief here, and you can give up to $14,000 in a year without the donor being taxed.

Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!
Incorrect Poindexter.

IRS tax codes allows anyone to "gift" another person up to $14,000 per year tax free.

Since most GoFundMe donations are $100 dollars or less.

I would assume the entire $842,000 will be tax free. ..... :cool:
this is good news Depotoo , its gotta annoy the lefty progressive democratic party voter . C@ndy is probably pretty annoyed which to me is a very good thing !!
so what do you think lefties and 'oppd' , looks like the pizza peoples money is a tax free gift , gotta be annoying ehh ??
Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!

Well it is to the pizza parlor, which is a business. So I believe you are wrong. They plan on remodeling, that is a write off. If they decide to buy new cars for delivering their pizza, that is a write off. If they have a corporate meeting, say in Las Vegas, the airfare, hotels and meals are a write off. If they invest the rest of the money in other investments, it's a write off. So, any profit the business has under $50,000 is only taxed at 15% and they are taxed at a higher rate after that. Plus labor, they could give their employees bonus checks, that's a write off. Beautiful they gave it to a business rather than an individual.

So your 40% effective rate could be as low as 0%, just like Obama's friends at GE. Wonderful how that works

Even so, would you rather have $505,200 after taxes or what you have which is absolutely nothing.

Liberals are such sore losers.
Do you think they realize this? The 842k is pure profit. The federal gubment gonna take almost 40% of it. Thanks donors!

Actually not. Since each individual donation is under the $14,000 limit, they will get to keep all of it.
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool

Sour Grapes, the left extremists got burned by carrying things to far. How said the hate backfired.
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool

Watch the spiteful bitter queer Nazis gnash their teeth because their plan to ruin someone who disagreed with their agenda was spoiled.

Po witto babies!
I don't think it was really that many gays. This was a planned protest and hate fest by Dem progressives, just as Ferguson was mostly outsiders brought in by the same. And my bet is most were being paid.
Fools and their money
Why don't you check out the liberal fundraiser that is going on to counter this one. Two days and only 4% of the goal has been raised. Lol
First, charity shouldn't be a competitive sport.

Second, donating money to the pizza place isn't charity, its the reaction of fools who only ask 'how high?'when the am radio says 'jump'

People can do what they choose with their money, but giving to the pizza place surely marks one a fool

Watch the spiteful bitter queer Nazis gnash their teeth because their plan to ruin someone who disagreed with their agenda was spoiled.

Po witto babies!

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