Memories Pizza has shutdown

Now they can just open their very successful church and exclude as many of God's children as they see fit.

Why is free exercise of religion limited to churches?
It isn't. Who has told those pizza owners that they have to change their religion?

Not change, just not follow it to sell something OR ELSE.
What if their religion tells them not to sell to people of another religion? Of another race? What if their religion tells them not to follow safety laws? to not follow health laws?

We've seen this in the area of children who's parents refuse them medical treatment because of 'their religion' and some of these children have died when they could have easily survived.

Funny you bring that up because in England you have the State trying to kill a kid because evidently the State knows better.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but was handing the place off to someone else not an option?

God bless you and the couple who ran the place always!!!

In the Memories Pizza case, there was no discrimination of any kind and that is beyond the possibility of rational debate. Lets examine the facts.

First, there is no evidence that the Memories Pizza failed to serve every customer the same with total disregard of their race, religion, political affiliation or any other demographic distinction including sexual preference. Comments from those in the community prove the employees of the pizzeria treated every one well and treated everyone the same.

Second, the pizzeria served pizza to go with total disregard as to who would share their product. There is no doubt that if a gay man had ordered 50 pizzas for his wedding he could have gotten them. Of course there was no reason for the gay person to announce his sexual preference and the employees certainly had no desire to ask; however, even if the gay man had stated he wanted the pizzas for his gay wedding, the evidence suggests he would have gotten them without incident.

Third, the issue has never been about serving customers in the pizzeria. This whole thing started when a young female employee – in response to a purely hypothetical question - said she would not want to cater a gay wedding. The reason I do not have to delve into the legal issues is that the law is not applicable in this situation. The undeniable fact is that Memories Pizza had never catered a wedding of any kind nor were they ever asked to cater a wedding! You don't have to be a lawyer to understand that those who don't cater weddings of any kind do not discriminate against gays by refusing to cater their weddings.

One last fact: the girl who responded to that hypothetical question is not the owner of Memories Pizza. When put in proper perspective her personal opinion is neither significant nor newsworthy.

Some posters have opined that the attack on the pizzeria was simply the lawful use of market forces. While this is true, at least in the legal sense, I cannot understand how people could be so brutally vindictive and heartless. I would never do anything to cause someone to lose his job or business simply because he disagreed with me on any issue. In the end the kindness of strangers on GoFundMe, including some who are gay, prevented the business from going under. Let's just call it a victory for the good guys and a defeat for the haters.

I donated $20 to the cause. Am I bigoted? Naw.

From what I have read, the recent closing had nothing to do with the original boycott which, in the final analysis, was a miserable failure.

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