Men Are Pigs


Dinning behaviour is one thing

that's all very good

bedroom behaviour is a different matter.

I think :)

I'm actually not talking about how men behave in the bedroom. I'm talking about how they behave the rest of the time, including when they're attempting to get INTO the bedroom.
Do you want men to be like the little snivelling whiny girl boys like you see so many today?
Thinking for a second...a world of all women...
Instead of two world wars, there would have only be one.
It started with Eve and Eve...and has never stopped.

Hey, I'm not saying women are better human beings, in the sense of good and evil, right and wrong. Civilization, history shows us, is still as capable of evil and viciousness as primitive society. There's just a lot more smiling involved. ;) have more fun than women. Women take things waaaaay too personal, and the infighting in your sex is unreal.
Two guys get mad at each other, they holler a little...maybe a "fuck you!" or two...the next day they act like nothing happened. They are over it.
Women??? Good God...were talking a lifetime event here.
Dinning behaviour is one thing

that's all very good

bedroom behaviour is a different matter.

I think :)

I'm actually not talking about how men behave in the bedroom. I'm talking about how they behave the rest of the time, including when they're attempting to get INTO the bedroom.

ohhh...ok then...

drinking tea with a pinky raised?

ok dear I get it
People are people anyone can find their perfect match but it takes time and I ain't gonna waste my time bitching about those that did not work when I could be looking for the one that will work.

I think that whooshing sound was the point of the conversation sailing over your head.

The whooshing sound was me saying that your diatribe is a waste of time. Any mature man or woman with any sense of self would not exhibit the kind of behavior you describe. Conversely, any self respecting person would not be attracted to the mess you describe in the first place. Look in the mirror before you start throwing stones.
When Mr Gracie and I were divorced, a guy asked me out on a date. He came in to my store and we got to chatting and then he asked if I was married and I said no..divorced. He asked if I would like to go out and I said I would consider it. So, a couple of days later, he shows up just as I am closing and asks if that night would be good. I said not really..I am just getting off work and am tired and prefer arranging a day and time. He said I needed to relax and he wanted to take me to the local hot tubs. Um. NO. I blistered his ears and that was the end of that. First off, I do NOT sit in a petri dish full of previous couples extracts and second, I am not a ho or desperate for a man.
A few days later he called me and asked if we could start over and have coffee and I said no thanks. That was the end of that.
Great OP.

Ceci still doesn't get that we decent males have you girls figured and always have.

We simply think your way of doing things and thinking about things generally is anti-male.

Most of us want no part of your "civilization" and you get us as we are.

Don't like it? Get a girl.
People are people anyone can find their perfect match but it takes time and I ain't gonna waste my time bitching about those that did not work when I could be looking for the one that will work.

I think that whooshing sound was the point of the conversation sailing over your head.

The whooshing sound was me saying that your diatribe is a waste of time. Any mature man or woman with any sense of self would not exhibit the kind of behavior you describe. Conversely, any self respecting person would not be attracted to the mess you describe in the first place. Look in the mirror before you start throwing stones.
Now now. Don't be getting all indignant. You guys have your locker room to complain about women, dontcha?
I read the musings and am now quieted. I do believe that men are only pigs if that is all a woman gives them permission to be. If a Lady gives a man the permission to be a Gentleman they will then treat one as a Lady. :desk:

People are people anyone can find their perfect match but it takes time and I ain't gonna waste my time bitching about those that did not work when I could be looking for the one that will work.

I think that whooshing sound was the point of the conversation sailing over your head.

The whooshing sound was me saying that your diatribe is a waste of time. Any mature man or woman with any sense of self would not exhibit the kind of behavior you describe. Conversely, any self respecting person would not be attracted to the mess you describe in the first place. Look in the mirror before you start throwing stones.
Now now. Don't be getting all indignant. You guys have your locker room to complain about women, dontcha?

No I do not speak about women in a locker room, I have better things to do.
I would not have anything else but a proper pig in the bedroom!

:omg::eek::eek::eek: OMG OMG OMG

Guys as they mature have far better things to do than talk in locker rooms about women.
People are people anyone can find their perfect match but it takes time and I ain't gonna waste my time bitching about those that did not work when I could be looking for the one that will work.

I think that whooshing sound was the point of the conversation sailing over your head.

The whooshing sound was me saying that your diatribe is a waste of time. Any mature man or woman with any sense of self would not exhibit the kind of behavior you describe. Conversely, any self respecting person would not be attracted to the mess you describe in the first place. Look in the mirror before you start throwing stones.
Now now. Don't be getting all indignant. You guys have your locker room to complain about women, dontcha?

No I do not speak about women in a locker room, I have better things to do.
Oh. Those better things are to complain about women complaining about men. I see.
I get what Cecille is saying. Most women will. And some men. Things have changed these past many years. If kids can't even go trick or treating without being poisoned or 2 lovers walking at night without fear of being mugged...why wouldn't the dating scene change as well?
People are people anyone can find their perfect match but it takes time and I ain't gonna waste my time bitching about those that did not work when I could be looking for the one that will work.

I think that whooshing sound was the point of the conversation sailing over your head.

The whooshing sound was me saying that your diatribe is a waste of time. Any mature man or woman with any sense of self would not exhibit the kind of behavior you describe. Conversely, any self respecting person would not be attracted to the mess you describe in the first place. Look in the mirror before you start throwing stones.
Now now. Don't be getting all indignant. You guys have your locker room to complain about women, dontcha?

No I do not speak about women in a locker room, I have better things to do.
Oh. Those better things are to complain about women complaining about men. I see.

Nope I will tell you. When it comes to women I spend my time planning a date, a nice evening to a show maybe, getting dressed expecting her to dress nicely, some romance, some laughter, sharing secrets, even some dreams and if we are lucky things will work out fine.
In the dining room I want a Lilly of the valley

It all depends

what room you are in

Do you want men to be like the little snivelling whiny girl boys like you see so many today?
Thinking for a second...a world of all women...
Instead of two world wars, there would have only be one.
It started with Eve and Eve...and has never stopped.

Hey, I'm not saying women are better human beings, in the sense of good and evil, right and wrong. Civilization, history shows us, is still as capable of evil and viciousness as primitive society. There's just a lot more smiling involved. ;) have more fun than women. Women take things waaaaay too personal, and the infighting in your sex is unreal.
Two guys get mad at each other, they holler a little...maybe a "fuck you!" or two...the next day they act like nothing happened. They are over it.
Women??? Good God...were talking a lifetime event here.

Actually, I would prefer that men - and women - were more like they used to be.
I will say one thing that I flat out do not understand, why do women rip their husbands apart to other women?? Working around many-many-many women over 30 years this is a repeating pattern I noticed yeeaarrrss ago.
Maybe some guys do this, but honestly, very few. Men certainly gripe about their wives giving them a hard time about something, or nagging at them isn't what I am talking about. I mean bad, personal sh*t. Humiliating sh*t.
Performance in bed, what they talk about in private personal talks at home.
Men would DIE if they knew what women said about them in the office.

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