men fought, bled, & died so that these pampered millionaires can kneel

The San Francisco 49er's took a knee for the Anthem for black oppression. Each player who took a knee will leave the game in their Ferrari.
Assholes!!!! All of them!!!!

Uummmmm, who were we talking about again?
Totally agree. They have every right to their free - and respectful - statements. And you have every right to yours.
And you think what they are doing is respectful? Their action is deliberately though silently disrespectful to the Nation which has enabled their relative wealth and privilege. More than anything else it reflects their fundamental nature and their baboon mentalities.

Kneeling is respectful.

Burning the flag, spitting, crude gestures....that would not be. I fail to see kneeling as disrespectful.

And something to think about here...."the Nation which has enabled their relative wealth and privilege"

That is an odd statement. I've never heard that said about highly successful businessmen for example. Rather - they are the sole instigators of their success and wealth (remember the hoopla when Obama said something to that effect?). But you say this about THESE athletes. As if it had nothing to do with their own hard work, discipline, and talent that got them there.
Perhaps it's time to remove the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem at sporting events. I myself don't have a problem with this, but it seems people are pushing this way past what it was meant to be. I won't bother to argue. it's a waste of time.
Sorry - I think 'removing the pledge of allegiance or national anthem... " is acquiescing to their nonsense. If they would protest what the original intent was (police brutality toward blacks), they would be recognized and people could address the issue. Disrespecting the country, the flag, and the people is not a protest ... it is an insult.

Not a problem. They knew that some people just wouldn't be capable of understanding the protest, and some would just believe what ever the right wing told them. Your point of view has been considered, and determined to not matter.

We understand the protest and as I said in another thread, maybe if they protested at the places where the people they're protesting work then we could sympathize with their grievances. But no, a Muslim inspired brainless asshole had to start what ISIS wants to see. I hope every one of those knobby kneed knee takers suffer a brain concussion,a fractured spine or a wrecked knee. And when NFL teams start declaring bankruptcy, I'll be glad to give the ex-players a dollar tip when they vacuum my car at Auto Bell.
It's not a significant an issue. Most people realize that black on black crime far outweighs police brutality by far. now, if Kaepernick and those wealthy rich black athletes want to do something to help real black poor and end violence , they need to stop posturing and actually DO something. For starters, condemn black on black violence and contribute funds to end that. Police brutality is such a tiny factor, it's laughable.
It's 90 % black on black violence, 10% police abuse .If we want to draw attention to anything, it would be the 90%. But black NFL players want to show a spotlight on the lesser of two evils. And ignore the far worse of the two. Why are they doing this?


Article cites 10 players....Only 1 is still playing. He stood for the anthem. His name - Alejandro Villanueva


You kind of miss the point in your attempt to find the fail.
Kneeling is respectful.

Burning the flag, spitting, crude gestures....that would not be. I fail to see kneeling as disrespectful.

I'm not surprised that you fail to see it as disrespectful. Therein lies the whole tale.
Kneeling is respectful.

Burning the flag, spitting, crude gestures....that would not be. I fail to see kneeling as disrespectful.

I'm not surprised that you fail to see it as disrespectful. Therein lies the whole tale.

Speaking of the "whole tale"....

I saw this on facebook.....and it was confirmed here: FACT CHECK: Did a U.S. Veteran Influence Kaepernick's 'Take a Knee' Protest of Police Brutality?

How it all started:

How it all started, and how we got here.

(Unfortunately, the people that could learn something by reading this likely won't bother).

Did you know this?

Aug 14, 2016- Colin Kaepernick sits for the national anthem.....and no one noticed.

Aug 20th, 2016- Colin again sits, and again, no one noticed.

Aug 26th, 2016- Colin sits and this time he is met with a level of vitriol unseen against an athlete. Even the future President of the United States took shots at him while on the campaign trail. Colin went on to explain his protest had NOTHING to with the military, but he felt it hard to stand for a flag that didn't treat people of color fairly.

Then on on Aug 30th, 2016 Nate Boyer, a former Army Green Beret turned NFL long snapper, penned an open letter to Colin in the Army Times. In it he expressed how Colin's sitting affected him.

Then a strange thing happened. Colin was able to do what most Americans to date have not...
He listened.

In his letter, Mr. Boyer writes:
"I’m not judging you for standing up for what you believe in. It’s your inalienable right. What you are doing takes a lot of courage, and I’d be lying if I said I knew what it was like to walk around in your shoes. I’ve never had to deal with prejudice because of the color of my skin, and for me to say I can relate to what you’ve gone through is as ignorant as someone who’s never been in a combat zone telling me they understand what it’s like to go to war.
Even though my initial reaction to your protest was one of anger, I’m trying to listen to what you’re saying and why you’re doing it."

Mr. Boyer goes on to write "There are already plenty people fighting fire with fire, and it’s just not helping anyone or anything. So I’m just going to keep listening, with an open mind. I look forward to the day you're inspired to once again stand during our national anthem. I'll be standing right there next to you."

Empathy and understanding was shown by Mr. Boyer.........and Mr. Kaepernick reciprocated.

Colin invited Nate to San Diego where the two had a 90 minute discussion and Nate proposed Colin kneel instead of sit.

But why kneel? In a military funeral, after the flag is taken off the casket of the fallen military member, it is smartly folded 13 times and then presented to the parents, spouse or child of the fallen member by a fellow service member while KNEELING. The two decided that kneeling for the flag would symbolize his reverence for those that paid the ultimate sacrifice while still allowing Colin to peacefully protest the injustices he saw.

Empathy, not zealotry under the guise of patriotism, is the only way meaningful discussion can be had. Mr. Kaepernick listened to all of you that say he disrespects the military and extended an olive branch to find a peace.

When will America listen to him?

We can all learn from this backstory. The truth often lies in the middle. Seek to learn the opposing side's point.


Article cites 10 players....Only 1 is still playing. He stood for the anthem. His name - Alejandro Villanueva


You kind of miss the point in your attempt to find the fail.

No I didn't. You implied that a lot of the players kneeling had earned the right to kneel by having served in the military.

As of today, there aren't any "Kneeling" players that have served.


Article cites 10 players....Only 1 is still playing. He stood for the anthem. His name - Alejandro Villanueva


You kind of miss the point in your attempt to find the fail.

No I didn't. You implied that a lot of the players kneeling had earned the right to kneel by having served in the military.

As of today, there aren't any "Kneeling" players that have served.

The OP implied that none have served.

It was wrong.


Article cites 10 players....Only 1 is still playing. He stood for the anthem. His name - Alejandro Villanueva


You kind of miss the point in your attempt to find the fail.

No I didn't. You implied that a lot of the players kneeling had earned the right to kneel by having served in the military.

As of today, there aren't any "Kneeling" players that have served.

The OP implied that none have served.

It was wrong.

Not even one of the kneeling fools has served. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Perhaps it's time to remove the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem at sporting events. I myself don't have a problem with this, but it seems people are pushing this way past what it was meant to be. I won't bother to argue. it's a waste of time.
Sorry - I think 'removing the pledge of allegiance or national anthem... " is acquiescing to their nonsense. If they would protest what the original intent was (police brutality toward blacks), they would be recognized and people could address the issue. Disrespecting the country, the flag, and the people is not a protest ... it is an insult.

Not a problem. They knew that some people just wouldn't be capable of understanding the protest, and some would just believe what ever the right wing told them. Your point of view has been considered, and determined to not matter.

We understand the protest and as I said in another thread, maybe if they protested at the places where the people they're protesting work then we could sympathize with their grievances. But no, a Muslim inspired brainless asshole had to start what ISIS wants to see. I hope every one of those knobby kneed knee takers suffer a brain concussion,a fractured spine or a wrecked knee. And when NFL teams start declaring bankruptcy, I'll be glad to give the ex-players a dollar tip when they vacuum my car at Auto Bell.

Protesting at the police station does no good. The so called good ones protect the bad ones. This will take the general public demanding change.
The San Francisco 49er's took a knee for the Anthem for black oppression. Each player who took a knee will leave the game in their Ferrari.

Which has nothing at all to do with their protest.

Nor does earning a high income mean giving up one's rights to protest.

And yes, they earn it.

The football racket in the US is beyond asinine but there you are.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ earned the RIGHT to Speak , there is no such thing Coyote . --- Americans have the RIGHT of Free Speech simply because they are Americans and some say that the God Given RIGHT of Free Speech extends to everyone worldwide . As far as Military , Military is paid what they earned and are usually paid in Dollars a couple times a month and get NO special status . Just a comment Coyote .
show respect & stop embarrassing yourselves you pampered millionaires!
No Right to Get in the Public's Face

Get this straight--no one fought for allowing this conduct. The anti-American Supreme Court gave them this right just to humiliate our fighting men. We must nullify all SCROTUS's decrees and establish majority rule. This is a democracy; anyone who calls it a "republic" is a traitor. Contempt for your fellow Americans leads directly to selling them out.
Mike McGarry laid on top of students at the concert. "They're 23 -- 20. I'm 53...and I've lived a good life."

I am so glad there is a thread on this subject. There has been very little discussion on this matter.
Chained Down One Link at a Time

No independent discussion, that's for sure. All we see is reciting what Netbots' media nannies tell them to post.

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