men fought, bled, & died so that these pampered millionaires can kneel

Jonathan Smith, 30, saved ~30 people last night before he was shot in the neck. He might live w/the bullet for rest of his life.

LV sheriff says he would estimate distance between suspect's location and the concertgoers to be "an excess of 500 yards".
Is anyone in the media asking this question? Was this music event targeted b/c of the audience demographics: whites that likely voted Trump?
Country music concert: Lots of ex-military in the crowd. They plugged bullet holes & helped defend women & children. God bless our troops.
The killer's brother: "He wasn't a gun guy." Uh, he had 20 guns in his hotel room, another 20 guns at home. They mustn't have been close.
Yesterday, ungrateful millionaire athletes took a knee.
Unappreciated & underpaid Cops took a bullet.
Thanks to all Metro police officers who are now mandated to work 12+ hour days to protect the safety of Vegas.
Police officers, first responders, total strangers & thousands who waited in line to give blood-sounds like a pretty amazing country to me
yep,they foiught and died so these owners of pro sports teams can pay these players multi millions and pamper them and underpay the working people who have far more important jobs than these clowns such as teachers,firemen,airline pilots,ect,ect
yeah babu,

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