Men in Iran are wearing hijabs in solidarity with their wives who are forced to cover their hair

tell me and the board about the 'Ashura festival' and the '12th imam' that's hiding in the well Dani .

ashoora festival isnt only that few shia in iraq hurt himself with knife.

nazri is one of popular ashoora festival.
people make food or cookie or ... and give it to normal people and poor people

they are iranian christian in ashoora
. they are doing nazri in this pictures



church is ashoora festival

iranian people making food for charity in ashoora




poor people eat free food in mosque in ashoora festival
and I think that iran is a majority Shiite country so it makes sense to me that ALL Shiites celebrate 'ashura' Dani .
Well as long as their shoe and purse colors match their hijabs these Iranian girly men probably won't get stoned to death or beheaded or tossed off the nearest tall building.
Well as long as their shoe and purse colors match their hijabs these Iranian girly men probably won't get stoned to death or beheaded or tossed off the nearest tall building.
please dont use bad drugs .
It is a HUGE culture fail to assume that seeing women's' hair will drive men into uncontrollable, animalistic frenzies of lust. Any so-called 'man' with that little self control needs to be sewn into a burlap sack and dropped into the middle of the ocean. No special book needed, no absurd restrictions on the freedoms of women needed. Just put down the animals and move on to civilization.
one of your earlier avatars was a little Swedish / Finnish Caucasian kid with curly blonde hair Dani . Think that its called an 'avatar' and you used it to represent yourself many months ago . Must mean something psychological . An accurate representational avatar for yourself would be of a turban wearing , sunburnt Camel kisser and lover Dani . :afro:
one of your earlier avatars was a little Swedish / Finnish Caucasian kid with curly blonde hair Dani . Think that its called an 'avatar' and you used it to represent yourself many months ago . Must mean something psychological . An accurate representational avatar for yourself would be of a turban wearing , sunburnt Camel kisser and lover Dani . :afro:

Iranians GLORY in their ARYAN ness
one of your earlier avatars was a little Swedish / Finnish Caucasian kid with curly blonde hair Dani . Think that its called an 'avatar' and you used it to represent yourself many months ago . Must mean something psychological . An accurate representational avatar for yourself would be of a turban wearing , sunburnt Camel kisser and lover Dani . :afro:
That, or perhaps of him mounting one of his fairly decent looking goats.
one of your earlier avatars was a little Swedish / Finnish Caucasian kid with curly blonde hair Dani . Think that its called an 'avatar' and you used it to represent yourself many months ago . Must mean something psychological . An accurate representational avatar for yourself would be of a turban wearing , sunburnt Camel kisser and lover Dani . :afro:
i hadnt your mother picture . sorry :afro:
one of your earlier avatars was a little Swedish / Finnish Caucasian kid with curly blonde hair Dani . Think that its called an 'avatar' and you used it to represent yourself many months ago . Must mean something psychological . An accurate representational avatar for yourself would be of a turban wearing , sunburnt Camel kisser and lover Dani . :afro:

Iranians GLORY in their ARYAN ness
---------------------- yeah , I think that 'iran' means 'land of the ayran' and nothing wrong with being 'aryan' except for being 'iranian' . Used to be Persia but was changed recently about 50 - 8o years ago , maybe more I think . I think that the name change came about after the Shah was run out . Also the name change to 'iran' land of the white man or 'aryan' had something to do with 'hitler' and the Nazis -------- I think .
one of your earlier avatars was a little Swedish / Finnish Caucasian kid with curly blonde hair Dani . Think that its called an 'avatar' and you used it to represent yourself many months ago . Must mean something psychological . An accurate representational avatar for yourself would be of a turban wearing , sunburnt Camel kisser and lover Dani . :afro:

Iranians GLORY in their ARYAN ness
---------------------- yeah , I think that 'iran' means 'land of the ayran' and nothing wrong with being 'aryan' except for being 'iranian' . Used to be Persia but was changed recently about 50 - 8o years ago , maybe more I think . I think that the name change came about after the Shah was run out . Also the name change to 'iran' land of the white man or 'aryan' had something to do with 'hitler' and the Nazis -------- I think .
you are idiot.
iran always is iran .

Shahnameh is most famous book for iranian .
is a longepic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi between c. 977 and 1010 CE and is the national epic of Greater Iran. Consisting of some 60,000 verses,
this book saved persian langauge and iranian culture
on of the famous and popular poet of this book :
ندانی که ایران نشست منست

جهان سر به سر زیر دست ِ منست

هنر نزد ایرانیان است و بـــس

ندادند شـیر ژیان را بکــس

همه یکدلانند یـزدان شناس

بـه نیکـی ندارنـد از بـد هـراس

دریغ است ایـران که ویـران شــود

کنام پلنگان و شیران شــود

چـو ایـران نباشد تن من مـبـاد

you can use google translate
ایران = iran
ایرانیان = iranian

Shahnameh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nazi ties Dani , from what I hear iran was Persia throughout history till it was renamed 'iran' . But thanks for the reply as I will try looking up some info on Nazi ties to iran an its name . ------------- maybe 'IRosie' or other person may know some information on iran name Dani .
Last edited:
Iran was not "IRAN" in ancient times----it was PAROS---but "Iran" is also an ancient designation
Nazi ties Dani , from what I hear iran was Persia throughout history till it was renamed 'iran' . But thanks for the reply as I will try looking up some info on Nazi ties to iran an its name . ------------- maybe 'IRosie' or other person may know some information on iran name Dani .
why iranian called themself iranian ?even thousand years ago ?

persia was iran emperor name . like rome empire in italy
persia was iran capital , pars( fars) province =Fars Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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