Men in women's bathrooms

OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.

And how are they gonna enforce these laws? They gonna have an attendant checking people's papers? Everyone involved with writing these laws has a mental deficiency.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.

And how are they gonna enforce these laws? They gonna have an attendant checking people's papers? Everyone involved with writing these laws has a mental deficiency.

Maybe "crotch sniffin" Rottweiner should apply for a job as Bathroom Attendant.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Your scenario could never happen. Women's washrooms have stalls, with doors. If the girls is washing her hands, she's nowhere near the stalls.

The transgender woman goes in the stall, closes the door and sits down just like the rest of the women.

And you're an idiot.

What if the "transgender" is not a "transgender" but rather a sexual predator posing as a transgender so they can use the women's restroom and molest little girls? YOU are the fucking IDIOT!

If this highly probable scenario happened just ONE time, it would be worth never discussing this policy again. Transgender women who still have their penis can use the men's room... we'll make that sacrifice.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Your scenario could never happen. Women's washrooms have stalls, with doors. If the girls is washing her hands, she's nowhere near the stalls.

The transgender woman goes in the stall, closes the door and sits down just like the rest of the women.

And you're an idiot.

What if the "transgender" is not a "transgender" but rather a sexual predator posing as a transgender so they can use the women's restroom and molest little girls? YOU are the fucking IDIOT!

If this highly probable scenario happened just ONE time, it would be worth never discussing this policy again. Transgender women who still have their penis can use the men's room... we'll make that sacrifice.
That would be an illegal act by that person I assume.
Just like now - I imagine it is illegal to pose as a woman for the purpose of entering a women's restroom and molesting little girls.
What's the difference?
Why aren't you more worried about men who drug girls drinks, and rape them? This really does happen every single day and most of the men get away with it.

When women complain about being attacked, they're not believed and blamed for the assaults.

Where is your outrage against the real assaults which happen every single day. Whenever it's mentioned on this board, conservatives say the women lied or they were drunk and changed their minds after the fact.

When conservatives have ended the epidemic of sexual assault and rape committed by straight heterosexual males which essentially goes unpunished, we'll talk about the transgendered problem.
Folks, it has been less than a year since the bastardization of the 14th Amendment in the Obergefell ruling. Where a 5-4 decision by SCOTUS ruled that sexuality (sexual lifestyle) was a protected right under the Constitution. Less than a year... and we're already beginning to see the "slippery slope" manifesting in the form of something so perverse we couldn't have even imagined it then.

For all those who naively supported Gay Marriage and thought it was only about two people who loved each other being able to get married... take a good long look. THIS is what you created. Once you have legitimized sexual behavior through the law and the Constitution, you have removed all boundaries. Pedophiles will now be free to roam public restrooms with impunity under the auspices of being transgender. And it won't be long until the pedophile will simply be a "confused victim" in which we have to bestow our sympathies upon for their depravity.

Welcome to the Stupid Society where sexual deviant behavior is legitimized through law and made a protected class. Oh... it gets MUCH worse than trannies in the little girl's room! Stay tuned!
I have no idea what you're trying to say. When you come upon public restrooms labeled WOMEN and MEN... look between your legs for a penis. IF you have one, you belong in the MENS room and NOT in the WOMENS room. There is nothing callous about that. It's doesn't require anything more than knowing if you have a penis.
So if I, a pre-operative transgender woman decides to go to the bathroom you believe I should use the men's room. Even though the only way you're really going to tell I have penis is if I use the urinal. That's absurd. Totally absurd. I'm not using the men's restroom in skirt.

Again, if you need to use the restroom and you have a penis... MENS room. No penis... WOMENS room. That is NOT homophobic. I don't care if you are gay or straight. I care about a penis not being in the same restroom with my daughter. Understood???

I'll tell you something else... I don't care about protests, boycotts, movements, PC laws passed, etc. IF you have a penis and I catch you in a public restroom with my daughter, you're going to regret your choice.
How, you think I and people like myself are a threat to your daughter? Please. We are just women, trying to use the restroom. Also, I've been in restrooms, with my penis with daughters, so have thousands of others. We go in, we sit, we do our business, we leave. What are you going to do about that?
You are NOT a woman and never will be. You re a transvestite with or without your dick. Get mental health help before you fuck up your life. Suicide rate for you people is the same after youroperation as it is before.
Your ignorance and hate is astounding.

I am transgendered. My gender is Female. I have been to lots of therapy, I am still in therapy. Guess what? I'm getting treatment. Unless you know some magic treatment that my doctors do not?
That would be an illegal act by that person I assume.
Just like now - I imagine it is illegal to pose as a woman for the purpose of entering a women's restroom and molesting little girls.
What's the difference?

Why have DUI laws? Why not just wait until some drunk kills someone and then punish them? Why punish everyone for drinking and driving when most of the time, nothing bad happens? Tell me...what's the difference?
Inappropriate for whom? I don't think men care if women use their restrooms. I think they'd assume the ladies are crowded. Unless you don't really look like a woman???
It would be inappropriate. I know you got this hang up over the fact "OMG penis!!!" I promise you you'll never know I'm there. See, I go in, do my thing, I leave.

Get over it.
Your ignorance and hate is astounding.

I am transgendered. My gender is Female. I have been to lots of therapy, I am still in therapy. Guess what? I'm getting treatment. Unless you know some magic treatment that my doctors do not?

No... Your gender is MALE... you identify as a female. You have a penis, therefore, you are a MALE.
Good Lord

Nah, I prefer to bitch slap idiots like you. You might need tissue when I'm done though.

Go for it, you ain't a chick, so I'd have no problem
Gender and Sex are not the same thing, you have proven you are too stupid to figure this out. Not my fault your mind is limited.

Don't worry, you ain't a chick, I'd have no problem bitch slapping you
I'm talking intellectually. I don't bother with fisticuffs. You threaten to do violence to me I don't punch, slap kick or bite. I shoot.
Statistics Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’ Versus Non-Transgender Males
April 7, 2015

There is zero statistical difference. The Transgender Law Center, HRC, GLAAD, ACLU, National Center for Transgender Equality, et al., have failed to cite a single study refuting the evidence that transgender males (“transwomen”) commit crimes against women and girls at exactly the same rate as any other males....

Statistics Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’ Versus Non-Transgender Males
What statistics? There isn't any. That's just a hate blog of bullshit and you swallowed it like a KKK poster for a backwoods bigot white redneck trash.
Your ignorance and hate is astounding.

I am transgendered. My gender is Female. I have been to lots of therapy, I am still in therapy. Guess what? I'm getting treatment. Unless you know some magic treatment that my doctors do not?

No... Your gender is MALE... you identify as a female. You have a penis, therefore, you are a MALE.
No my SEX is male, my gender is female. You need to educate yourself.I get that my DNA will never change (unless of course we get some aces advances in DNA manipulation... even then many of you bigots would still freak out "YOU WERE BORN MALE!!!!" )

I get that some people, no matter how much information is out there, how much truth is shown them, will assume that every transgender woman is a sexual pervert, a fetish freak out for their kids and jerking it on the toilet in the women's restrooms. Are there bad actors out there abusing the system to get their rocks off? Certainly. But to cast us all as the same, is the utmost ignorance and stupidity. What you people are doing is no different then what was done a hundred years ago (and earlier let's be honest) "A black man raped a white girl, that black man touched my daughter! I saw him! LYNCH HIM!!!" Same basic stupidity. That same stupidity is rampant through human history. This is part of the human condition, humans, are as a general rule stupid. I forgive you.

Most of us Trans folks, want nothing more than to live happy lives as we pursue that which makes us better people.

You should, if you consider yourselves good people, acknowledge that. Those that cannot are just hate filled ignorant, willfully ignorant bigots.

Which are you?
Inappropriate for whom? I don't think men care if women use their restrooms. I think they'd assume the ladies are crowded. Unless you don't really look like a woman???
It would be inappropriate. I know you got this hang up over the fact "OMG penis!!!" I promise you you'll never know I'm there. See, I go in, do my thing, I leave.

Get over it.
No you get over it. You're not a woman. Get over that!
Inappropriate for whom? I don't think men care if women use their restrooms. I think they'd assume the ladies are crowded. Unless you don't really look like a woman???
It would be inappropriate. I know you got this hang up over the fact "OMG penis!!!" I promise you you'll never know I'm there. See, I go in, do my thing, I leave.

Get over it.

This isn't about YOU! This about people who will exploit the regulation in order to perpetrate crimes on innocent victims. We can't take this chance just to appease YOU. Society doesn't work that way. YOU have to exhibit tolerance as well. Use the men's room... there are stalls you can use... there is NO reason for you to be in the women's restroom with your penis. IF you have the operation and remove your penis, I have absolutely no problem with you being in the women's restrooms.

But we cannot stand for this because there are too many bad repercussions which harm little children. It has nothing to do with YOU! It's not because of hate and bigotry toward YOU! We're not afraid YOU will molest little children! We're afraid of perverts exploiting this law to violate our children. It's essentially declaring open season for sexual predators in public restrooms and not a damn thing can be done to prevent it or stop it.

And it's not just rape and child molesting, it's taking digital pictures and videos from under the stall or over the stall or through a hole... all kinds of ways a pervert can get their jollies with the latest technology. But you don't seem to care... this is all about YOU and what YOU think YOU deserve. You are the most selfish and intolerant person here.
Statistics Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’ Versus Non-Transgender Males
April 7, 2015

There is zero statistical difference. The Transgender Law Center, HRC, GLAAD, ACLU, National Center for Transgender Equality, et al., have failed to cite a single study refuting the evidence that transgender males (“transwomen”) commit crimes against women and girls at exactly the same rate as any other males....

Statistics Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’ Versus Non-Transgender Males
What statistics? There isn't any. That's just a hate blog of bullshit and you swallowed it like a KKK poster for a backwoods bigot white redneck trash.
Lol. You referred to yourself 'as an intellectual' a moment ago. I asked you a civil question and you respond with 6 insults. Ok, I guess I'm done politely trying to understand your issue, MAN.

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