Men in women's bathrooms

Statistics Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’ Versus Non-Transgender Males
April 7, 2015

There is zero statistical difference. The Transgender Law Center, HRC, GLAAD, ACLU, National Center for Transgender Equality, et al., have failed to cite a single study refuting the evidence that transgender males (“transwomen”) commit crimes against women and girls at exactly the same rate as any other males....

Statistics Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’ Versus Non-Transgender Males
What statistics? There isn't any. That's just a hate blog of bullshit and you swallowed it like a KKK poster for a backwoods bigot white redneck trash.
Lol. You referred to yourself 'as an intellectual' a moment ago. I asked you a civil question and you respond with 6 insults. Ok, I guess I'm done politely trying to understand your issue, MAN.
I looked at the link, I tried to find this science, this study where is the STUDY? Link me the study not that blog post.
No my SEX is male, my gender is female. You need to educate yourself.I get that my DNA will never change (unless of course we get some aces advances in DNA manipulation... even then many of you bigots would still freak out "YOU WERE BORN MALE!!!!" )

No, you need to educate yourself. Your gender and sex are the same, you are a male if you have a penis. I've already said, I have absolutely no problem with you using the women's restrooms if you no longer have your penis.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.
Again, this is not about YOU. This is about sexual perverts and our legal recourse against them. If such laws as this are passed, we have no way of keeping sexual perverts out of the little girl's rooms. They have a legal right to be there, all they have to do is claim they're transgender.

And whenever something bad happens (and it will) there is no legal recourse because it becomes the predator's word against the victim and there is no reason why the predator shouldn't have been in the restroom. We cannot have a police guard or psychologist outside of every public restroom to determine if you are really a transgender or a sexual predator posing as one.

Try to get this through your head... this isn't a discrimination against you. It's actually a protection FOR you. Because I guarantee you, when this becomes law of the land, you are going to see a dramatic increase in violence against transgenders. I'm about the most tolerant and open-minded right winger you'll find on sexual lifestyle choices and if I am this worked up over this, you can bet there are some bubbas out there with machetes who will see to it you get your sex change operation, should you venture into the restroom with their little girl.
You sound like the fools freaking out about Conceal Carry gun laws. "Oh if we let people carry guns, why it'll be the wild west out there!!! People shooting people over the small insults!!!" Didn't happen.

It IS discrimination against me, YOU need to educate yourself YOU need a clue., you already threatened violence against people like me, you are a danger to society YOU are what's wrong in this country. You are a violent, stupid man whose arrogance and idiocy lead to violence against innocent people. Guess what buster, you will not intimidate me with your BIGOTRY.
You are going to get eaten alive.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
I'd agree with you if it wasn't for that asinine "Northern civilized" states.

It's illegal in the south too, don't be that person.
No my SEX is male, my gender is female. You need to educate yourself.I get that my DNA will never change (unless of course we get some aces advances in DNA manipulation... even then many of you bigots would still freak out "YOU WERE BORN MALE!!!!" )

No, you need to educate yourself. Your gender and sex are the same, you are a male if you have a penis. I've already said, I have absolutely no problem with you using the women's restrooms if you no longer have your penis.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.
Again, this is not about YOU. This is about sexual perverts and our legal recourse against them. If such laws as this are passed, we have no way of keeping sexual perverts out of the little girl's rooms. They have a legal right to be there, all they have to do is claim they're transgender.

And whenever something bad happens (and it will) there is no legal recourse because it becomes the predator's word against the victim and there is no reason why the predator shouldn't have been in the restroom. We cannot have a police guard or psychologist outside of every public restroom to determine if you are really a transgender or a sexual predator posing as one.

Try to get this through your head... this isn't a discrimination against you. It's actually a protection FOR you. Because I guarantee you, when this becomes law of the land, you are going to see a dramatic increase in violence against transgenders. I'm about the most tolerant and open-minded right winger you'll find on sexual lifestyle choices and if I am this worked up over this, you can bet there are some bubbas out there with machetes who will see to it you get your sex change operation, should you venture into the restroom with their little girl.
You sound like the fools freaking out about Conceal Carry gun laws. "Oh if we let people carry guns, why it'll be the wild west out there!!! People shooting people over the small insults!!!" Didn't happen.

It IS discrimination against me, YOU need to educate yourself YOU need a clue., you already threatened violence against people like me, you are a danger to society YOU are what's wrong in this country. You are a violent, stupid man whose arrogance and idiocy lead to violence against innocent people. Guess what buster, you will not intimidate me with your BIGOTRY.
You are going to get eaten alive.
No, bunch of dingbats that don't' understand science, gender or sex aren't going to do anything to me but make me feel pity for them.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
Renae, I asked you (politely), if resources were not a problem and they were built, would you use a third rest room for the 'other gendered' and leave the men and women's restrooms to them? I'd appreciate a (polite) reply if that's possible.
I do apologize if I missed it, lots of replies!

Would I use an "other gendered" No. We as society are well passed the "White Fountains, Colored" fountains level ostracizing and I refuse to be a party to that sort of thing. Sorry.

Now, WHAT I AM in favor of, is, you know how if you have a service dog you have to carry proof? I would have no problem at all carrying a card proving I'm TG. If someone has an issue with me in the restroom, a Big If, but if they did, I could produce this card to them, to the police to whomever. Showing I am:
Under a therapist's care
Undergoing HRT
Am not a threat, I'm really a transwoman.

I can ditch the card after GRS.

This let's people like myself have a little peace of mind, if a problem arises we have an ace in the hole to avoid unpleasantness.
You get peace of mind knowing that everyone in that restroom, is just there to do their business.
It helps deter the bad actors in society, like a CHL for gun owners. You need to do the class to carry... I need the proper care to use the ladies room.

It's a trust and verify situation for all parties.
I found this

Being transgender sucks • /r/offmychest

This is my favorite
Trans issues are big in the media right now, and there are so few of us that it's not hard to be the only transgender person a lot of the people in your daily life have ever met. I've got an extra layer of caution in my mind before I go out, with the mortal dread that I will be required to represent "my people."

And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
It takes 1 year living as a female to get the letters to have the surgery. 1 Year

Now, assuming everything lines up, money, insurance and the like, we're talking really more like an 18 month window from the moment you go full time to having the operation set up and performed.

I'm not going to be in the men's restroom in that time. Sorry. You can try to scare me with your empty threats of violence, but you see, you attack me I will put six feet under. I am licensed to carry a handgun. I have a nice .40 cal I carry in my purse. Much like me in the ladies restroom pretty much no one knows I'm packing more than meets the eye.
So go ahead, if you happen to read me as "male", and you confront me, you die.

It's really that simple. And I promise you one thing, I won't lose a wink of sleep over it either. That's a promise. I'm also not alone, every transgal I know has a pistol on her person. So tough guy, go ahead, make my day.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
It takes 1 year living as a female to get the letters to have the surgery. 1 Year

Now, assuming everything lines up, money, insurance and the like, we're talking really more like an 18 month window from the moment you go full time to having the operation set up and performed.

I'm not going to be in the men's restroom in that time. Sorry. You can try to scare me with your empty threats of violence, but you see, you attack me I will put six feet under. I am licensed to carry a handgun. I have a nice .40 cal I carry in my purse. Much like me in the ladies restroom pretty much no one knows I'm packing more than meets the eye.
So go ahead, if you happen to read me as "male", and you confront me, you die.

It's really that simple. And I promise you one thing, I won't lose a wink of sleep over it either. That's a promise. I'm also not alone, every transgal I know has a pistol on her person. So tough guy, go ahead, make my day.
Now you are talking!
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
Xray penis vision, he knows a penis when he sees it and he won't stand for a penis in the wrong restroom, he's "NPITLPRR* MAN!" Defender of all things pure and not penis in the ladies rooms!! He's mean, he's tough, he'll kick your ASS if you dare be a penis in the ladies room. Because, he will defend virtue and vagina serenity!

*No Penises In The Ladies RestRoom
I'm not going to be in the men's restroom in that time. Sorry. You can try to scare me with your empty threats of violence, but you see, you attack me I will put six feet under. I am licensed to carry a handgun. I have a nice .40 cal I carry in my purse. Much like me in the ladies restroom pretty much no one knows I'm packing more than meets the eye.
So go ahead, if you happen to read me as "male", and you confront me, you die.

It's really that simple. And I promise you one thing, I won't lose a wink of sleep over it either. That's a promise. I'm also not alone, every transgal I know has a pistol on her person. So tough guy, go ahead, make my day.

I think you'd better be careful about making public threats to posters on message boards. I didn't threaten you personally, I tried to warn you that you're putting yourself at risk because there are people who will do you great harm. If you want to read that as a threat from me, that's fine but that's not what I said.

I've patiently explained the reason we cannot accommodate your penis in the women's public restrooms. It's not about YOU. But you continued to respond to me by insulting me and calling me names, now you're threatening to shoot me. You're not going to shoot me or anyone else. You don't know me and hey... if I come after you, you'll never see it coming.

Fortunately (for you) my daughters are all grown and they can take care of themselves. They are all well armed with concealed carry permits and know how to use a firearm as well. So I'm not worried about them, I am speaking on behalf of the many fathers out there who have younger daughters who are vulnerable to sexual predators. You're not going to be allowed to do this. And IF it is allowed, I predict public restrooms will become a thing of the past. You'll just have to hold it.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?

Let me pose a hypothetical... You're out at a restaurant with your family and your teenage daughter goes to the restroom... she returns a few minutes later and says... "Dad, there's a creepy dude in a dress in the girl's bathroom, taking pictures with his cell phone!" ...What are you going to do about that? Come on now, honest answer?
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?

Let me pose a hypothetical... You're out at a restaurant with your family and your teenage daughter goes to the restroom... she returns a few minutes later and says... "Dad, there's a creepy dude in a dress in the girl's bathroom, taking pictures with his cell phone!" ...What are you going to do about that? Come on now, honest answer?
Well, he's not transgendered. He's a sicko. I'll call the cops and let them deal with it. If he tries to flee I'll get the staff and anyone I can to assist in detaining him. I'll let the LAW handle the situation.

That's how intelligent people approach such a situation.

I don't' know why you think because I'm trans and still have my penis means I'm some sort of threat to your children, I promise you that your fears are GREATLY misplaced and overly exaggerated.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?

Let me pose a hypothetical... You're out at a restaurant with your family and your teenage daughter goes to the restroom... she returns a few minutes later and says... "Dad, there's a creepy dude in a dress in the girl's bathroom, taking pictures with his cell phone!" ...What are you going to do about that? Come on now, honest answer?

I really hate cameras so I would attack the guy, grab his phone and throw it in the fish tank.
I'm not going to be in the men's restroom in that time. Sorry. You can try to scare me with your empty threats of violence, but you see, you attack me I will put six feet under. I am licensed to carry a handgun. I have a nice .40 cal I carry in my purse. Much like me in the ladies restroom pretty much no one knows I'm packing more than meets the eye.
So go ahead, if you happen to read me as "male", and you confront me, you die.

It's really that simple. And I promise you one thing, I won't lose a wink of sleep over it either. That's a promise. I'm also not alone, every transgal I know has a pistol on her person. So tough guy, go ahead, make my day.

I think you'd better be careful about making public threats to posters on message boards. I didn't threaten you personally, I tried to warn you that you're putting yourself at risk because there are people who will do you great harm. If you want to read that as a threat from me, that's fine but that's not what I said.
Oh now you're not mr tough guy? Seriously? You made it clear you would attack someone like me. I made it clear I'd shoot someone like you.

It's not personal
, it's informing you that your silly threats of violence have no effect.

I've patiently explained the reason we cannot accommodate your penis in the women's public restrooms. It's not about YOU. But you continued to respond to me by insulting me and calling me names, now you're threatening to shoot me. You're not going to shoot me or anyone else. You don't know me and hey... if I come after you, you'll never see it coming.

Fortunately (for you) my daughters are all grown and they can take care of themselves. They are all well armed with concealed carry permits and know how to use a firearm as well. So I'm not worried about them, I am speaking on behalf of the many fathers out there who have younger daughters who are vulnerable to sexual predators. You're not going to be allowed to do this. And IF it is allowed, I predict public restrooms will become a thing of the past. You'll just have to hold it.
If the shoe fits:
Full Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
bigoted play\-gə-təd\ adjective
bigotedly adverb
Definition of BIGOT
Last edited:
That's the most asinine and ignorant statement on here. First the dick isn't "Chopped off" but that's another story. Secondly a pre-op Transwoman generally would cause a ruckus in the "Mens" room.

Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?

"Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?"

Huh? Why are the pro-Transgender cheerleaders so ignorant of basic biology ie. if you have a penis you're a man and therefore have no right to be entering a female bathroom.
Because women's bathrooms are sacred like marriage. 51% divorce rate..

No moron, because women's bathrooms are for women.

When are you planning on Transgendering?
If you catch a man dressed as a woman in the ladies room I want to see if you have the balls to call the person out. Now if there's a perv dressed as a woman bothering women in the bathroom and loitering, call the cops.

If it turns out you're just picking on a tranny, a real tranny, then you might get sued. And if a liberal like me is on the jury you will pay
Thankfully disturbed liberals like you - who get off on sexual deviance and the thought of grown men watching little girls pee - are a minority in America. So we don't really have to worry about you sitting on a jury. At worst we'll get a "hung jury" when the lone whacko like you makes it onto the jury. The government (who wouldn't even prosecute in the first place as my free speech to "call someone out" is protected in America) surely will not chew up more tax payer money for a second trial on something so frivolous.
Hung jury. Lol
The same people who don't want a transgendered woman using the women's bathroom, have no objections to lesbians using the women's bathrooms while their straight wives or daughters are in there.

You keep picturing hairy men with cameras going into the ladies room. Cameras are not allowed. Nor are men who look like men.

As usual, conservatives are grossly misrepresenting what's going on here.
As usual, liberals are pretending a problem exists that doesn't exist simply for the joy of getting all frothy over something sexually deviant.

Nobody on earth could "suffer" from having to go in and use the correct restroom for 3 to 4 minutes. The fact that they are pretending that it somehow hurts their fragile little psyche is indisputable proof that this is all about sexual deviance and nothing more.

It's also tragic that liberals celebrate and encourage the sever mental illness of these people instead of advocating for them to receive the proper mental healthcare that they need.
They don't need mental healthcare they just need to take a shit
Inappropriate for whom? I don't think men care if women use their restrooms. I think they'd assume the ladies are crowded. Unless you don't really look like a woman???
It would be inappropriate. I know you got this hang up over the fact "OMG penis!!!" I promise you you'll never know I'm there. See, I go in, do my thing, I leave.

Get over it.
No you get over it. You're not a woman. Get over that!

With an overactive lesbian fantisy

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