Men in women's bathrooms

The same people who don't want a transgendered woman using the women's bathroom, have no objections to lesbians using the women's bathrooms while their straight wives or daughters are in there.

You keep picturing hairy men with cameras going into the ladies room. Cameras are not allowed. Nor are men who look like men.

As usual, conservatives are grossly misrepresenting what's going on here.
As usual, liberals are pretending a problem exists that doesn't exist simply for the joy of getting all frothy over something sexually deviant.

Nobody on earth could "suffer" from having to go in and use the correct restroom for 3 to 4 minutes. The fact that they are pretending that it somehow hurts their fragile little psyche is indisputable proof that this is all about sexual deviance and nothing more.

It's also tragic that liberals celebrate and encourage the sever mental illness of these people instead of advocating for them to receive the proper mental healthcare that they need.
They don't need mental healthcare they just need to take a shit

And nobody is stopping them
With you creepy hetero guys, I don't even feel safe going into the mens bathroom and I'm a normal looking guy.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
How come Springsteen can refuse to work over the homosexual issue but a photographer will go to jail for refusing to photograph guys swapping spit at a homo wedding?

Because he didn't discriminate. He didn't say "I don't sing for gays", or ban gays from his concerts, he said "I won't contribute to the economy of a state which discriminates against gays". The photographer is offering his services to some, but not all, based on his bias against gays.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
How come Springsteen can refuse to work over the homosexual issue but a photographer will go to jail for refusing to photograph guys swapping spit at a homo wedding?

Because he didn't discriminate. He didn't say "I don't sing for gays", or ban gays from his concerts, he said "I won't contribute to the economy of a state which discriminates against gays". The photographer is offering his services to some, but not all, based on his bias against gays.
Yes he did. He said he won't work for constitutes who support a government that wants to keep perverted freaks out of little girls bathrooms.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.

And how are they gonna enforce these laws? They gonna have an attendant checking people's papers? Everyone involved with writing these laws has a mental deficiency.

Maybe "crotch sniffin" Rottweiner should apply for a job as Bathroom Attendant.
Takes a really perverted freak to support men going into bathrooms and showers with little girls.

There really is no cure for stupid. No one has said anything about showers. This is about using public rest rooms. Women don't drop trou in front of other women, even the swimming pool change rooms have stalls, with curtains. You really need to take a look at women's facilities before you post such stupid shit.
"Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?"

Huh? Why are the pro-Transgender cheerleaders so ignorant of basic biology ie. if you have a penis you're a man and therefore have no right to be entering a female bathroom.
You do realize we take hormones, wear makeup, dresses, look like any other woman right? And we're not going to the restroom to do anything different then the other ladies...

So no, your comment is ignorant, hateful.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.
How do you know he's not transgendered?

Be specific.

Because he doesn't dress like your stereotype of a woman?

You profess to be a lesbian, perhaps it's a tranny bull dyke?

Let's see, a man in a dress taking perv video of women in a restroom...

Is a pervert sicko. See how easy that was?

A Transgender woman, goes in and like any other lady, uses the restroom and then leaves.

I know that was damned hard for you, but...
My style? Well the wife says I have a fixation with 80's mom fashion... she's been trying to break me of that.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
How come Springsteen can refuse to work over the homosexual issue but a photographer will go to jail for refusing to photograph guys swapping spit at a homo wedding?

Because he didn't discriminate. He didn't say "I don't sing for gays", or ban gays from his concerts, he said "I won't contribute to the economy of a state which discriminates against gays". The photographer is offering his services to some, but not all, based on his bias against gays.
Yes he did. He said he won't work for constitutes who support a government that wants to keep perverted freaks out of little girls bathrooms.
Man - you are just crushing it today. Every junk ball they try to throw at you out of sheer desperation you are knocking out of the park with facts an common sense.
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.
Are you so closed minded that the concept of Gender is inseparable from Sex for you? You are right, biologically I'll always be male. If you believe that the proper course of action in life is to refer to me by my biological gender it's a free country, you are welcome to be a rude jerk.

It says much about you as a person. You are inconsiderate, closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted. But hey, if that's you, aces. Don't let facts, science, common courtesy or anything slow you down in your race for the bottom of the barrel! Be that jerk to people who are, in reality merely trying to alleviate a pain you thankfully have never experienced. A suffering you will never know.

So go on big guy, stick to that "SCIENCE" thing, show the world who you truly are!
How do you know he's not transgendered?

Be specific.

Because he doesn't dress like your stereotype of a woman?

You profess to be a lesbian, perhaps it's a tranny bull dyke?

Let's see, a man in a dress taking perv video of women in a restroom...

Is a pervert sicko. See how easy that was?

A Transgender woman, goes in and like any other lady, uses the restroom and then leaves.

I know that was damned hard for you, but...
My style? Well the wife says I have a fixation with 80's mom fashion... she's been trying to break me of that.
So Renae - why can't that "transgender woman" simply use the correct facility, do their business, and then leave? I promise you this much - you will survive if you don't dress like a woman and use the women's restroom 24x7. I promise. You'll be just fine. You have plenty of time at home to dress like a woman and use the bathroom like a woman. There are two things here that don't add up:

  1. Your refusal to seek the healthcare you need. And while I completely support your freedom to choose for yourself whether you seek help or not (as that is what American was founded on), it really doesn't make sense that if using the correct facility causes you so much mental anguish that you wouldn't seek help so that you don't have to suffer.
  2. Your belief that your problems should be society's problem. Your position seems to be that all of society should have to adjust to you instead of you adjusting to all of society. I have no doubt that you're hurting and I do genuinely feel for you but I refuse to let my two precious young daughters hurt just because you do and you subscribe to "misery loves company" (and especially when you choose not to seek help).
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Well, he's not transgendered. He's a sicko. I'll call the cops and let them deal with it.

Oh yeah? What are the cops going to do?
Uhm, there are laws against videotaping in bathrooms. Disturbing the peace, chances are the perv has a record, might even be a sex offender on parole. You might think you're Frank Castle tough but something says you are not.
Full Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Wow... that seems to be describing YOU in this case! Amazing!
How do you figure at all? I'm bigoted against people who hate transgender people? Yeah you got me there, I don't much care for those assholes at all.
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.
Are you so closed minded that the concept of Gender is inseparable from Sex for you? You are right, biologically I'll always be male. If you believe that the proper course of action in life is to refer to me by my biological gender it's a free country, you are welcome to be a rude jerk.

It says much about you as a person. You are inconsiderate, closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted. But hey, if that's you, aces. Don't let facts, science, common courtesy or anything slow you down in your race for the bottom of the barrel! Be that jerk to people who are, in reality merely trying to alleviate a pain you thankfully have never experienced. A suffering you will never know.

So go on big guy, stick to that "SCIENCE" thing, show the world who you truly are!
Typical. Liberals claim that anyone who accepts scientific fact is a "closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted, rude jerk". Well, that pretty much means all of humanity was a "closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted, rude jerk". Because, my friend, Sir Isaac Newton accepted scientific fact. So did Albert Einstein. So did every human who ever walked this earth that wasn't suffering from a mental illness.
I don't' know why you think because I'm trans and still have my penis means I'm some sort of threat to your children, I promise you that your fears are GREATLY misplaced and overly exaggerated.

Well I don't think they are. You see, I only know of one transgender person that I've known my entire life and that's my uncle. 35 years ago, when my sister was 10, he tried to sexually molest her. So 100% of the cases I am personally familiar with, the transgender person was a pervert.

But again... this is not about transgender people. I am sure there are some who are not perverted... this is about allowing men in women's restrooms. There is too much of a risk and too many undesirable things can happen of which no one has any recourse for once the damage is done.

Women deserve to have privacy when they use a public restroom. Allowing you in there with your penis means allowing any male with a penis in there regardless of their intentions and I am not comfortable with that. I don't think most Americans are comfortable with that.

Again... I am fine with making this a campaign issue in the 2016 elections.. Let's get the candidates on record as to where they stand and let the people decide!
Oh for fucks sake really?

Do you threaten Catholic Priests too?
It's a he, so there's that.

Being a she involves much more than contracting out BREASTS

You are right, however there is more to male and female then simple biology. You are welcome to understand and learn about Sex and Gender or you can keep your fingers in your ears and scream LALLLALALALLALA I can't hear you all while pretending the world agrees with your limited views and scientifically illiterate opinions.
How do you know he's not transgendered?

Be specific.

Because he doesn't dress like your stereotype of a woman?

You profess to be a lesbian, perhaps it's a tranny bull dyke?

Let's see, a man in a dress taking perv video of women in a restroom...

Is a pervert sicko. See how easy that was?

A Transgender woman, goes in and like any other lady, uses the restroom and then leaves.

I know that was damned hard for you, but...
My style? Well the wife says I have a fixation with 80's mom fashion... she's been trying to break me of that.

Videotaping I'd required to be a Perv.

That's rich GUY.
Takes a really perverted freak to support men going into bathrooms and showers with little girls.
You're half right. If you're preop MTF or FTM you shouldn't be getting fully undressed in a public area. That's courtesy to others, decency to all and most certainly appropriate for the children. That's just the right course of action.
It's a he, so there's that.

Being a she involves much more than contracting out BREASTS

You are right, however there is more to male and female then simple biology. You are welcome to understand and learn about Sex and Gender or you can keep your fingers in your ears and scream LALLLALALALLALA I can't hear you all while pretending the world agrees with your limited views and scientifically illiterate opinions.

There you go, everyone get educated because knowledge will make you unable to figure out what a dick looks like.
Takes a really perverted freak to support men going into bathrooms and showers with little girls.
You're half right. If you're preop MTF or FTM you shouldn't be getting fully undressed in a public area. That's courtesy to others, decency to all and most certainly appropriate for the children. That's just the right course of action.

But wait, if your so damn uncomfortable using the bathroom, you then are more comfortable in the showers?

Yeah, that makes sense.

Or do you have less of a right in the showers?
Are you so closed minded that the concept of Gender is inseparable from Sex for you? just can't make this stuff up. Liberals have become so uneducated, so radicalized, so unhinged, that now they can't even comprehend basic definitions of basic words. My friend...before you speak one more time....please...for the love of God, please....look up the definitions of the words you're going to use. You are absolutely humiliating yourself at this point. To answer you question - yes - gender is absolutely 100% inseparable from sex. Here is the definition (my God this mind-numbing trying to have a rational conversation with liberals anymore)

  1. the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
    synonyms: sex
Do you see the synonym there?!? Do you even know what the word synonym means?!?! Do I have to post that definition as well? Good grief....
Takes a really perverted freak to support men going into bathrooms and showers with little girls.
You're half right. If you're preop MTF or FTM you shouldn't be getting fully undressed in a public area. That's courtesy to others, decency to all and most certainly appropriate for the children. That's just the right course of action.
Your chromosomes tell you what sex you are, not some freak cutting off his junk and declaring he's a woman.

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