Men in women's bathrooms

And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?

Let me pose a hypothetical... You're out at a restaurant with your family and your teenage daughter goes to the restroom... she returns a few minutes later and says... "Dad, there's a creepy dude in a dress in the girl's bathroom, taking pictures with his cell phone!" ...What are you going to do about that? Come on now, honest answer?
Well, he's not transgendered. He's a sicko. I'll call the cops and let them deal with it. If he tries to flee I'll get the staff and anyone I can to assist in detaining him. I'll let the LAW handle the situation.

That's how intelligent people approach such a situation.

I don't' know why you think because I'm trans and still have my penis means I'm some sort of threat to your children, I promise you that your fears are GREATLY misplaced and overly exaggerated.

How do you know he's not transgendered?

Be specific.

Because he doesn't dress like your stereotype of a woman?

You profess to be a lesbian, perhaps it's a tranny bull dyke?
The same people who don't want a transgendered woman using the women's bathroom, have no objections to lesbians using the women's bathrooms while their straight wives or daughters are in there.

You keep picturing hairy men with cameras going into the ladies room. Cameras are not allowed. Nor are men who look like men.

As usual, conservatives are grossly misrepresenting what's going on here.
As usual, liberals are pretending a problem exists that doesn't exist simply for the joy of getting all frothy over something sexually deviant.

Nobody on earth could "suffer" from having to go in and use the correct restroom for 3 to 4 minutes. The fact that they are pretending that it somehow hurts their fragile little psyche is indisputable proof that this is all about sexual deviance and nothing more.

It's also tragic that liberals celebrate and encourage the sever mental illness of these people instead of advocating for them to receive the proper mental healthcare that they need.
They don't need mental healthcare they just need to take a shit

And nobody is stopping them
Full Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Wow... that seems to be describing YOU in this case! Amazing!
I don't' know why you think because I'm trans and still have my penis means I'm some sort of threat to your children, I promise you that your fears are GREATLY misplaced and overly exaggerated.

Well I don't think they are. You see, I only know of one transgender person that I've known my entire life and that's my uncle. 35 years ago, when my sister was 10, he tried to sexually molest her. So 100% of the cases I am personally familiar with, the transgender person was a pervert.

But again... this is not about transgender people. I am sure there are some who are not perverted... this is about allowing men in women's restrooms. There is too much of a risk and too many undesirable things can happen of which no one has any recourse for once the damage is done.

Women deserve to have privacy when they use a public restroom. Allowing you in there with your penis means allowing any male with a penis in there regardless of their intentions and I am not comfortable with that. I don't think most Americans are comfortable with that.

Again... I am fine with making this a campaign issue in the 2016 elections.. Let's get the candidates on record as to where they stand and let the people decide!
My takeaway from this whole discussion is that conservatives have a deep respect for what makes a woman a woman, it's much more than the cover of the book.

Progressives think Women are just a pair of breasts and make up.
"Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?"

Huh? Why are the pro-Transgender cheerleaders so ignorant of basic biology ie. if you have a penis you're a man and therefore have no right to be entering a female bathroom.
You do realize we take hormones, wear makeup, dresses, look like any other woman right? And we're not going to the restroom to do anything different then the other ladies...

So no, your comment is ignorant, hateful.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
Good Lord

Nah, I prefer to bitch slap idiots like you. You might need tissue when I'm done though.

Go for it, you ain't a chick, so I'd have no problem
Gender and Sex are not the same thing, you have proven you are too stupid to figure this out. Not my fault your mind is limited.
Your attitude isn't exactly helping your argument either.
Any ways, let me ask you a question.
If resources were not an issue and a third type of restroom were built for people with 'gender issues', would you be happy to use that and leave the real biological females to their own?

Of course not - because this was never about using the restroom.
Good Lord

Nah, I prefer to bitch slap idiots like you. You might need tissue when I'm done though.

Go for it, you ain't a chick, so I'd have no problem
Gender and Sex are not the same thing, you have proven you are too stupid to figure this out. Not my fault your mind is limited.
Your attitude isn't exactly helping your argument either.
Any ways, let me ask you a question.
If resources were not an issue and a third type of restroom were built for people with 'gender issues', would you be happy to use that and leave the real biological females to their own?
Of course not - because this was never about using the restroom. This was always about people with severe sexual deviance trying to "normalize" the behavior so that they could get their kink thrill by watching women and girls go potty.

Look - nobody could possibly suffer mentally from having to use the correct facility two or three times a day for three or four minutes per time. You get in, do your business, and get out. How could that possibly harm their mental state?!?! It can't. It's not even remotely possible. If you told me I had to use the ladies restroom from now on to "prove" it, I wouldn't have the slightest mental breakdown from it. I'd go in, go the bathroom, wash my hands, and go about my day. This was always about sexual deviance and finding away to engage their deviant behavior.

For trans people, it's only about using the restroom. Hateful bigots make it out to be something else.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?

Let me pose a hypothetical... You're out at a restaurant with your family and your teenage daughter goes to the restroom... she returns a few minutes later and says... "Dad, there's a creepy dude in a dress in the girl's bathroom, taking pictures with his cell phone!" ...What are you going to do about that? Come on now, honest answer?

I really hate cameras so I would attack the guy, grab his phone and throw it in the fish tank.

Congratulations, you're going to jail on assault charges and destruction of private property.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?

Let me pose a hypothetical... You're out at a restaurant with your family and your teenage daughter goes to the restroom... she returns a few minutes later and says... "Dad, there's a creepy dude in a dress in the girl's bathroom, taking pictures with his cell phone!" ...What are you going to do about that? Come on now, honest answer?

I really hate cameras so I would attack the guy, grab his phone and throw it in the fish tank.

Congratulations, you're going to jail on assault charges and destruction of private property.

That's funny coming from the guy who is going to beat people up for peeing in a restroom.
"Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?"

Huh? Why are the pro-Transgender cheerleaders so ignorant of basic biology ie. if you have a penis you're a man and therefore have no right to be entering a female bathroom.
You do realize we take hormones, wear makeup, dresses, look like any other woman right? And we're not going to the restroom to do anything different then the other ladies...

So no, your comment is ignorant, hateful.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?

It's a he, so there's that.

Being a she involves much more than contracting out BREASTS
For trans people, it's only about using the restroom. Hateful bigots make it out to be something else.

Yes... it's ALWAYS about something totally innocent and benign. It's just two people in love... remember that one? That was less than a year ago, now we have this.

The "hateful bigotry" is coming from the left on this... you have zero tolerance for anyone who doesn't think like you or see this your way. You continue to frame this as some kind of discrimination against transgenders because fathers don't want men with penises in the restroom with their daughters. You're all wound up and ready to cram this down our throats against our will, just like you did with Gay Marriage.

You people have gone ape shit crazy with power and someone needs to put their foot down and tell you NO! NO MORE! ENOUGH!
Nah, I prefer to bitch slap idiots like you. You might need tissue when I'm done though.

Go for it, you ain't a chick, so I'd have no problem
Gender and Sex are not the same thing, you have proven you are too stupid to figure this out. Not my fault your mind is limited.
Your attitude isn't exactly helping your argument either.
Any ways, let me ask you a question.
If resources were not an issue and a third type of restroom were built for people with 'gender issues', would you be happy to use that and leave the real biological females to their own?

Of course not - because this was never about using the restroom.
Nah, I prefer to bitch slap idiots like you. You might need tissue when I'm done though.

Go for it, you ain't a chick, so I'd have no problem
Gender and Sex are not the same thing, you have proven you are too stupid to figure this out. Not my fault your mind is limited.
Your attitude isn't exactly helping your argument either.
Any ways, let me ask you a question.
If resources were not an issue and a third type of restroom were built for people with 'gender issues', would you be happy to use that and leave the real biological females to their own?
Of course not - because this was never about using the restroom. This was always about people with severe sexual deviance trying to "normalize" the behavior so that they could get their kink thrill by watching women and girls go potty.

Look - nobody could possibly suffer mentally from having to use the correct facility two or three times a day for three or four minutes per time. You get in, do your business, and get out. How could that possibly harm their mental state?!?! It can't. It's not even remotely possible. If you told me I had to use the ladies restroom from now on to "prove" it, I wouldn't have the slightest mental breakdown from it. I'd go in, go the bathroom, wash my hands, and go about my day. This was always about sexual deviance and finding away to engage their deviant behavior.

For trans people, it's only about using the restroom. Hateful bigots make it out to be something else.

No one is denying them the use of restrooms.
Looks good from this angle
Just as likely to be woman.

Huh? We girls cannot urinate in a no that's not "just as likely to be a woman"
Sure you can.

No, but keep that weird fantasy in your head or something :rolleyes-41:
Google is your friend.

How to Urinate Standing Up as a Female

Reminds me of a joke...

Super competitive couple is out golfing and, as usual, the woman is beating the pants off of him. He goes to duck behind a tree to take a piss, then thinks to himself..."hey, here's something I can finally beat her at" so he calls her over. "Honey, let's have a peeing competition. Whoever pees the farthest is the winner."

"Okay" she says "I'm in. I'll go first".

She drops her pants, squeezes her legs together and shoots out a nice arc. The guy thinks to himself..."ha, I've got her beat", pulls down his zipper, grabs his member and starts to aim when she says

"Ah, hands"
For trans people, it's only about using the restroom. Hateful bigots make it out to be something else.

Yes... it's ALWAYS about something totally innocent and benign. It's just two people in love... remember that one? That was less than a year ago, now we have this.

The "hateful bigotry" is coming from the left on this... you have zero tolerance for anyone who doesn't think like you or see this your way. You continue to frame this as some kind of discrimination against transgenders because fathers don't want men with penises in the restroom with their daughters. You're all wound up and ready to cram this down our throats against our will, just like you did with Gay Marriage.

You people have gone ape shit crazy with power and someone needs to put their foot down and tell you NO! NO MORE! ENOUGH!

You seem to be confusing issues. Marriage equality has nothing to do with people using the restroom.

It is hateful discrimination when you want to beat up a trans person for peeing in the restroom.
You seem to be confusing issues. Marriage equality has nothing to do with people using the restroom.

It is hateful discrimination when you want to beat up a trans person for peeing in the restroom.

I don't want to beat up a trans person for peeing in the restroom. I want the person with a dick to use the men's room like normal sane people do. I don't want the person with the dick in the restroom with my daughters. I don't care if they are trans or not.
Where have these people been peeing up to now? Did anyone notice? This "bathroom law" is not going to change anything because no one is going to be peeking down everyone's pants as they enter the bathroom.
Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.

And how are they gonna enforce these laws? They gonna have an attendant checking people's papers? Everyone involved with writing these laws has a mental deficiency.

Maybe "crotch sniffin" Rottweiner should apply for a job as Bathroom Attendant.
Takes a really perverted freak to support men going into bathrooms and showers with little girls.
Where have these people been peeing up to now? Did anyone notice? This "bathroom law" is not going to change anything because no one is going to be peeking down everyone's pants as they enter the bathroom.
Then why the law if you really think so.

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