Men in women's bathrooms

Typical. Liberals claim that anyone who accepts scientific fact is a "closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted, rude jerk". Well, that pretty much means all of humanity was a "closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted, rude jerk". Because, my friend, Sir Isaac Newton accepted scientific fact. So did Albert Einstein. So did every human who ever walked this earth that wasn't suffering from a mental illness.

Okay you're now down into childishness.

I wasn't mocking science, I was mocking you hiding behind "science" to push your bigotry.

I'm not the one demanding to hold all members of a group as terrible people based on the actions of a very small number of people abusing a right/privilege. In this case, you sound like a gun banner, Cant have people with guns, because someone might go on a shooting spree! Is pretty much the logical basis for you demanding I stay out of the ladies restroom because some guy might try to use Trans as an excuse for bad behavior.

Hav ea nice day, liberal.
I'm not holding you responsible for anything. I'm simply stating two undeniable, indisputable facts:

  1. A person with an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome is a man, a person with two "Y" chromosomes is a woman.
  2. Society should not have to ignore science, throw out reality, and deny truth because an extreme minority is suffering.
All people are not the same mentally
I use the woods, so I don't care if a tranny uses the same woods..
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
That's a great story - but when you walk in built like a man with your adam's apple sticking out, they naturally freak out. And they should. Any normal person would.

It's not about what goes on in the stall. It's about walking in and seeing a MAN standing there.
I have no adam's apple. I'm tall, for a woman, but that's about it. Here's the the thing, they won't. They'll just see a woman.
Typical. Liberals claim that anyone who accepts scientific fact is a "closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted, rude jerk". Well, that pretty much means all of humanity was a "closed minded, willfully ignorant, bigoted, rude jerk". Because, my friend, Sir Isaac Newton accepted scientific fact. So did Albert Einstein. So did every human who ever walked this earth that wasn't suffering from a mental illness.

Okay you're now down into childishness.

I wasn't mocking science, I was mocking you hiding behind "science" to push your bigotry.

I'm not the one demanding to hold all members of a group as terrible people based on the actions of a very small number of people abusing a right/privilege. In this case, you sound like a gun banner, Cant have people with guns, because someone might go on a shooting spree! Is pretty much the logical basis for you demanding I stay out of the ladies restroom because some guy might try to use Trans as an excuse for bad behavior.

Hav ea nice day, liberal.
I'm not holding you responsible for anything. I'm simply stating two undeniable, indisputable facts:

  1. A person with an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome is a man, a person with two "Y" chromosomes is a woman.
  2. Society should not have to ignore science, throw out reality, and deny truth because an extreme minority is suffering.
All people are not the same mentally
I use the woods, so I don't care if a tranny uses the same woods..
Yes - but you've already proven with your responses here that you lack basic common sense, decency, and any respect for society and social norms.
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
And you're reduced to absurdity. We'll call that the white flag of intellectual surrender for you.
Have a nice day, it's good to know when you've won a debate, it's better still when the other side (that's you) devolves into sheer absurdity.
That's a great story - but when you walk in built like a man with your adam's apple sticking out, they naturally freak out. And they should. Any normal person would.

It's not about what goes on in the stall. It's about walking in and seeing a MAN standing there.
I have no adam's apple. I'm tall, for a woman, but that's about it. Here's the the thing, they won't. They'll just see a woman.
If that were even remotely true - then you wouldn't need all of these absurd laws because nobody would even realize it (according to you). The fact that these laws are being written is because even the dumbest among us can tell when a man is dressed up as woman.

Seriously dude....nobody is mistaking this for a woman. Nobody. And I promise you that you are no different.

I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
And you're reduced to absurdity. We'll call that the white flag of intellectual surrender for you.
Have a nice day, it's good to know when you've won a debate, it's better still when the other side (that's you) devolves into sheer absurdity.
So you were sort of honest. I mean, you're not wiling to admit that I should have unfettered access to everything the president of the United States has, but you are willing to admit that this illustrates how absurd your argument is and that you have no leg to stand on.

Well...I at least appreciate your partial honesty. Thank you and God Bless.
So you were sort of honest. I mean, you're not wiling to admit that I should have unfettered access to everything the president of the United States has, but you are willing to admit that this illustrates how absurd your argument is and that you have no leg to stand on.

Well...I at least appreciate your partial honesty. Thank you and God Bless.
No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

GID is a real thing. There is treatment, there is therapy, there is a resolution.

The "I believe I'm the president" trope is a delusion, that has therapy, and treatment.

They are not the same.

That you refuse to realize or accept this is a you issue, not a me issue.
That's a great story - but when you walk in built like a man with your adam's apple sticking out, they naturally freak out. And they should. Any normal person would.

It's not about what goes on in the stall. It's about walking in and seeing a MAN standing there.
I have no adam's apple. I'm tall, for a woman, but that's about it. Here's the the thing, they won't. They'll just see a woman.
If that were even remotely true - then you wouldn't need all of these absurd laws because nobody would even realize it (according to you). The fact that these laws are being written is because even the dumbest among us can tell when a man is dressed up as woman.

Seriously dude....nobody is mistaking this for a woman. Nobody. And I promise you that you are no different.

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That's your ignorance and prejudice.
That's a great story - but when you walk in built like a man with your adam's apple sticking out, they naturally freak out. And they should. Any normal person would.

It's not about what goes on in the stall. It's about walking in and seeing a MAN standing there.
I have no adam's apple. I'm tall, for a woman, but that's about it. Here's the the thing, they won't. They'll just see a woman.
If that were even remotely true - then you wouldn't need all of these absurd laws because nobody would even realize it (according to you). The fact that these laws are being written is because even the dumbest among us can tell when a man is dressed up as woman.

Seriously dude....nobody is mistaking this for a woman. Nobody. And I promise you that you are no different.

View attachment 71863
That's your ignorance and prejudice.
Why is it that every time I post indisputable fact backed up with research, links, pictures you just scream "bigoted" or some other bizarre accusation?

There isn't a single person that cannot identify a man dressed up in women's clothing. Even small children. Now - if the person has major cosmetic surgery, takes hormones, etc. then they could probably fool a large portion of the population. But a man simply putting on a dress and some make up doesn't fool anyone.

And you know I'm right because if I wasn't, then nobody would be creating legislation demanding that men be allowed to use women's restrooms. It's being done because it's very easy to identify a cross-dresser for their actual gender.
So you were sort of honest. I mean, you're not wiling to admit that I should have unfettered access to everything the president of the United States has, but you are willing to admit that this illustrates how absurd your argument is and that you have no leg to stand on.

Well...I at least appreciate your partial honesty. Thank you and God Bless.
No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

GID is a real thing. There is treatment, there is therapy, there is a resolution.

The "I believe I'm the president" trope is a delusion, that has therapy, and treatment.

They are not the same.

That you refuse to realize or accept this is a you issue, not a me issue.
Actually - the are completely the same. Can I tell you a true story? 100% true - I swear it.

Roughly 14 years ago or so I was doing work in the ER of a major hospital. My co-worker happened to be my best friend (we grew up together and he was hired by this organization and when they had an opening on his team, he told me about, I applied and got the job). While we were in the ER, there were a couple of law enforcement officers there with a man handcuffed to the bed. One of the doctors walked over to this man and asked him his name. Do you know what his reply was? "Jesus Christ". The doctor talked to him some more and this man just insisted that he was Jesus Christ and had special powers.

Now, the reason I remember this so well is that I come from a very long line of law enforcement officers. I was trained at a young age in just about everything you can imagine when it comes to law enforcement and it was drilled into my head (in fact, I started joining my dad who was the departments range officer on the range when he had to have his fellow officers qualify - which was done something like quarterly and I would even shot with the officers). After the doctor walked away, the idiot officer leaned over the patient to his far right side. That exposed his firearm to the patients left hand. I immediately told my best friend to get ready to get under the nursing desk should that patient get the idiot officers firearm. The patient was eventually take to....gasp!....the Behavioral Health Unit (the nice way of saying "the psych ward").

So you see - I absolutely realize that your condition is a "real thing" as you say. But in your infinite self-absorbed ignorance, you fail to realize that many people identify as a wide range of things they are not. And any person who believes they are something they are not, is in fact mentally ill. Idiot, hateful liberals don't celebrate when a person believes they are Jesus Christ. Why not? Why not take that person and celebrate him "being who he is"? Why not force others to actually call him Jesus Christ and worship him?

So, there are in fact people who do "identify" as President of the United States. I am one of them. Why is it that you refuse to recognize my condition? Why are you so hateful and bigoted towards me condition? Hypocrite. Self-absorbed, ignorant, hypocrite.
btw womens bathrooms have stalls....just in case you didnt know that.....

OP doesnt know a lot of really simple things like this. If someone thinks there are urinals in the womans room...then, really, should you waste time debating that person?
No urinals now...but wimps will have to be accommodated in the future. "WIMPS" being defined as "women invested w/ men's penis"..... Yo.
btw womens bathrooms have stalls....just in case you didnt know that.....

OP doesnt know a lot of really simple things like this. If someone thinks there are urinals in the womans room...then, really, should you waste time debating that person?
No urinals now...but wimps will have to be accommodated in the future. "WIMPS" being defined as "women with mens penis"..... Yo.

No they wouldnt.

No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

Yeah...that's because it is inextricably not. I've already proven that. I posted the definition for you. I've never seen anyone reject science, fact, and reality like you. But I'll post it one more time:

  1. the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
    synonyms: sex
Contrary to what liberals have taught you - you're condition does not entitle you to make up your own facts and your own reality. You can live in your own reality for certain, but you don't get to push that false reality on the rest of society.
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Actually - the are completely the same.

Things arent the same just because you say they are.
The reality of a man's birthright dick isn't open to subjective interpretation; which is then legally-forced upon the rest of society..

Case closed. Go get help. Your cult has crossed the line. The day has come. You knew it would. Because your cult itself doesn't even know it's own limits or solid definitions. Each new day brings on another creative barrage of subjective interpretation of reality.

The rest of us are tired of it. Get a padded cell. The game is over.
btw womens bathrooms have stalls....just in case you didnt know that.....

OP doesnt know a lot of really simple things like this. If someone thinks there are urinals in the womans room...then, really, should you waste time debating that person?
No urinals now...but wimps will have to be accommodated in the future. "WIMPS" being defined as "women with mens penis"..... Yo.

No they wouldnt.

Why's a right ya know...
btw womens bathrooms have stalls....just in case you didnt know that.....

OP doesnt know a lot of really simple things like this. If someone thinks there are urinals in the womans room...then, really, should you waste time debating that person?
No urinals now...but wimps will have to be accommodated in the future. "WIMPS" being defined as "women with mens penis"..... Yo.

No they wouldnt.

Why's a right ya know...

No,'re wrong.

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