Men in women's bathrooms

I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story
most ridiculous topic ever.

people don't go to bathrooms looking to fuck for the most part.

People love to fuck with things that work, then debate about it to waste valuable time.

If you want to fritter your life away, you are in the right place. USMB

Usless Spewings Mostly Bullshit

Gawd stfu already...if you don't like the topic get off the fucking thread
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

does your imaginary tranny have a penis? If yes, he is a male and should use the male restroom and locker room. End of story.

I keep asking you guys how will you guys make sure? Will you have a penis check? Or will it be like it is now? If you look like a woman you use the womans bathroom.

I mean, who will be asking the question "Do you have a penis?"
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?

Dude a woman knows when some mental whack job is pretending to be a woman. There are a few that can pull it off but they are few and far between. Just keep them out of the women's restrooms and away from kids. They can suffer their mental issues in the men's room
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

does your imaginary tranny have a penis? If yes, he is a male and should use the male restroom and locker room. End of story.

I keep asking you guys how will you guys make sure? Will you have a penis check? Or will it be like it is now? If you look like a woman you use the womans bathroom.

I mean, who will be asking the question "Do you have a penis?"
Well that's the thing I don't get about this whole thing. If a guy is really really transgender and really pulling off a transvestite thing, he'll go in the womens restroom, use a stall, wash his hands, and everyone's happy. And the same for women.

Schools are a little different. There's always been bullying in restrooms of both sexes. The bullying has never been just about what boys look unmacho.
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?

Dude a woman knows when some mental whack job is pretending to be a woman. There are a few that can pull it off but they are few and far between. Just keep them out of the women's restrooms and away from kids. They can suffer their mental issues in the men's room

That might be true but if your requirement is pushed that means that someone would have to check for a penis OR just determine that some chicks look too much on the iffy side. Which opens another can of worms for someone who looks like Wendy Williams lol.

There is no way to enforce your plan and thats what makes it not a plan
So you were sort of honest. I mean, you're not wiling to admit that I should have unfettered access to everything the president of the United States has, but you are willing to admit that this illustrates how absurd your argument is and that you have no leg to stand on.

Well...I at least appreciate your partial honesty. Thank you and God Bless.
No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

GID is a real thing. There is treatment, there is therapy, there is a resolution.

The "I believe I'm the president" trope is a delusion, that has therapy, and treatment.

They are not the same.

That you refuse to realize or accept this is a you issue, not a me issue.
Actually - the are completely the same. Can I tell you a true story? 100% true - I swear it.

Roughly 14 years ago or so I was doing work in the ER of a major hospital. My co-worker happened to be my best friend (we grew up together and he was hired by this organization and when they had an opening on his team, he told me about, I applied and got the job). While we were in the ER, there were a couple of law enforcement officers there with a man handcuffed to the bed. One of the doctors walked over to this man and asked him his name. Do you know what his reply was? "Jesus Christ". The doctor talked to him some more and this man just insisted that he was Jesus Christ and had special powers.

Now, the reason I remember this so well is that I come from a very long line of law enforcement officers. I was trained at a young age in just about everything you can imagine when it comes to law enforcement and it was drilled into my head (in fact, I started joining my dad who was the departments range officer on the range when he had to have his fellow officers qualify - which was done something like quarterly and I would even shot with the officers). After the doctor walked away, the idiot officer leaned over the patient to his far right side. That exposed his firearm to the patients left hand. I immediately told my best friend to get ready to get under the nursing desk should that patient get the idiot officers firearm. The patient was eventually take to....gasp!....the Behavioral Health Unit (the nice way of saying "the psych ward").

So you see - I absolutely realize that your condition is a "real thing" as you say. But in your infinite self-absorbed ignorance, you fail to realize that many people identify as a wide range of things they are not. And any person who believes they are something they are not, is in fact mentally ill. Idiot, hateful liberals don't celebrate when a person believes they are Jesus Christ. Why not? Why not take that person and celebrate him "being who he is"? Why not force others to actually call him Jesus Christ and worship him?

So, there are in fact people who do "identify" as President of the United States. I am one of them. Why is it that you refuse to recognize my condition? Why are you so hateful and bigoted towards me condition? Hypocrite. Self-absorbed, ignorant, hypocrite.
Because you are playing a childs game ignoring established science and proving you are not a serious debator. GID its a real thing with a treatment path. What you are intellectually incapable of acknowledging is that you are taking about a delusional mental state. Trying to equate Trsns with delusion is the mark of an ignorant mind.
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

does your imaginary tranny have a penis? If yes, he is a male and should use the male restroom and locker room. End of story.

I keep asking you guys how will you guys make sure? Will you have a penis check? Or will it be like it is now? If you look like a woman you use the womans bathroom.

I mean, who will be asking the question "Do you have a penis?"
Well that's the thing I don't get about this whole thing. If a guy is really really transgender and really pulling off a transvestite thing, he'll go in the womens restroom, use a stall, wash his hands, and everyone's happy. And the same for women.

Schools are a little different. There's always been bullying in restrooms of both sexes. The bullying has never been just about what boys look unmacho.

Thats what I dont get. These guys think that some tranny will walk into the restroom looking like Larry the Cable guy and start attacking people because of the allure of a womans bathroom (FILTHY) or something. Last time I checked womans bathrooms have stalls and not just toilets in a public area like jail
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?

Dude a woman knows when some mental whack job is pretending to be a woman. There are a few that can pull it off but they are few and far between. Just keep them out of the women's restrooms and away from kids. They can suffer their mental issues in the men's room

That might be true but if your requirement is pushed that means that someone would have to check for a penis OR just determine that some chicks look too much on the iffy side. Which opens another can of worms for someone who looks like Wendy Williams lol.

There is no way to enforce your plan and thats what makes it not a plan

use the facilities designed for your biological gender, not your mental gender. No problem, no issues. That's all the NC law says.

Why do we have to rewrite our laws to accommodate less than 1% of the population who is gender confused?
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?

Dude a woman knows when some mental whack job is pretending to be a woman. There are a few that can pull it off but they are few and far between. Just keep them out of the women's restrooms and away from kids. They can suffer their mental issues in the men's room

That might be true but if your requirement is pushed that means that someone would have to check for a penis OR just determine that some chicks look too much on the iffy side. Which opens another can of worms for someone who looks like Wendy Williams lol.

There is no way to enforce your plan and thats what makes it not a plan

use the facilities designed for your biological gender, not your mental gender. No problem, no issues. That's all the NC law says.

Why do we have to rewrite our laws to accommodate less than 1% of the population who is gender confused?

Asking why isnt a reason to be against it
So you were sort of honest. I mean, you're not wiling to admit that I should have unfettered access to everything the president of the United States has, but you are willing to admit that this illustrates how absurd your argument is and that you have no leg to stand on.

Well...I at least appreciate your partial honesty. Thank you and God Bless.
No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

GID is a real thing. There is treatment, there is therapy, there is a resolution.

The "I believe I'm the president" trope is a delusion, that has therapy, and treatment.

They are not the same.

That you refuse to realize or accept this is a you issue, not a me issue.
Actually - the are completely the same. Can I tell you a true story? 100% true - I swear it.

Roughly 14 years ago or so I was doing work in the ER of a major hospital. My co-worker happened to be my best friend (we grew up together and he was hired by this organization and when they had an opening on his team, he told me about, I applied and got the job). While we were in the ER, there were a couple of law enforcement officers there with a man handcuffed to the bed. One of the doctors walked over to this man and asked him his name. Do you know what his reply was? "Jesus Christ". The doctor talked to him some more and this man just insisted that he was Jesus Christ and had special powers.

Now, the reason I remember this so well is that I come from a very long line of law enforcement officers. I was trained at a young age in just about everything you can imagine when it comes to law enforcement and it was drilled into my head (in fact, I started joining my dad who was the departments range officer on the range when he had to have his fellow officers qualify - which was done something like quarterly and I would even shot with the officers). After the doctor walked away, the idiot officer leaned over the patient to his far right side. That exposed his firearm to the patients left hand. I immediately told my best friend to get ready to get under the nursing desk should that patient get the idiot officers firearm. The patient was eventually take to....gasp!....the Behavioral Health Unit (the nice way of saying "the psych ward").

So you see - I absolutely realize that your condition is a "real thing" as you say. But in your infinite self-absorbed ignorance, you fail to realize that many people identify as a wide range of things they are not. And any person who believes they are something they are not, is in fact mentally ill. Idiot, hateful liberals don't celebrate when a person believes they are Jesus Christ. Why not? Why not take that person and celebrate him "being who he is"? Why not force others to actually call him Jesus Christ and worship him?

So, there are in fact people who do "identify" as President of the United States. I am one of them. Why is it that you refuse to recognize my condition? Why are you so hateful and bigoted towards me condition? Hypocrite. Self-absorbed, ignorant, hypocrite.
Because you are playing a childs game ignoring established science and proving you are not a serious debator. GID its a real thing with a treatment path. What you are intellectually incapable of acknowledging is that you are taking about a delusional mental state. Trying to equate Trsns with delusion is the mark of an ignorant mind.

a human being with a penis and testicles is not a woman, no matter what that person thinks.
If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?

Dude a woman knows when some mental whack job is pretending to be a woman. There are a few that can pull it off but they are few and far between. Just keep them out of the women's restrooms and away from kids. They can suffer their mental issues in the men's room

That might be true but if your requirement is pushed that means that someone would have to check for a penis OR just determine that some chicks look too much on the iffy side. Which opens another can of worms for someone who looks like Wendy Williams lol.

There is no way to enforce your plan and thats what makes it not a plan

use the facilities designed for your biological gender, not your mental gender. No problem, no issues. That's all the NC law says.

Why do we have to rewrite our laws to accommodate less than 1% of the population who is gender confused?

Asking why isnt a reason to be against it

Why are you for it? What exactly is your goal here? Tolerance at the expense of privacy? The liberal mind is a very confused thing.
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

No, the perverts need to stay outside.
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

If he has a dangly bit there is going to be trouble...for him. That is just a fact of life that will happen. I nor my husband will ever allow it. End of story

How will you know it has a penis? Will you be checking?

Dude a woman knows when some mental whack job is pretending to be a woman. There are a few that can pull it off but they are few and far between. Just keep them out of the women's restrooms and away from kids. They can suffer their mental issues in the men's room

That might be true but if your requirement is pushed that means that someone would have to check for a penis OR just determine that some chicks look too much on the iffy side. Which opens another can of worms for someone who looks like Wendy Williams lol.

There is no way to enforce your plan and thats what makes it not a plan

I don't get why you're defending have a women's wardrobe?
I don't want little girls sharing restrooms with Caitlen Jenner or Rosie O'Donnell.

Homosexuality and transexuality are not normal human conditions.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

So he's peeing into the urinal in the women's bathroom?
That would be an illegal act by that person I assume.
Just like now - I imagine it is illegal to pose as a woman for the purpose of entering a women's restroom and molesting little girls.
What's the difference?

Why have DUI laws? Why not just wait until some drunk kills someone and then punish them? Why punish everyone for drinking and driving when most of the time, nothing bad happens? Tell me...what's the difference?

Hey, your hair is on fire.
I agree Sass but here's the thing. If you drop your ridiculous notion that a tranny will be mentally deranged with a 5 'o clock shadow then you'd have to deal with the most likely tranny. Which would be a dude in a dress and you wouldnt know it because it looks like a woman.

The idea that a tranny would have a 5 o clock shadow, hairy chest or even carrying a football is flat out silly and thats why you continue with your Benny Hill like characterizations.

does your imaginary tranny have a penis? If yes, he is a male and should use the male restroom and locker room. End of story.

I keep asking you guys how will you guys make sure? Will you have a penis check? Or will it be like it is now? If you look like a woman you use the womans bathroom.

I mean, who will be asking the question "Do you have a penis?"

What does a woman look like?

Be specific

This question is always dodged.
So you were sort of honest. I mean, you're not wiling to admit that I should have unfettered access to everything the president of the United States has, but you are willing to admit that this illustrates how absurd your argument is and that you have no leg to stand on.

Well...I at least appreciate your partial honesty. Thank you and God Bless.
No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

GID is a real thing. There is treatment, there is therapy, there is a resolution.

The "I believe I'm the president" trope is a delusion, that has therapy, and treatment.

They are not the same.

That you refuse to realize or accept this is a you issue, not a me issue.
Actually - the are completely the same. Can I tell you a true story? 100% true - I swear it.

Roughly 14 years ago or so I was doing work in the ER of a major hospital. My co-worker happened to be my best friend (we grew up together and he was hired by this organization and when they had an opening on his team, he told me about, I applied and got the job). While we were in the ER, there were a couple of law enforcement officers there with a man handcuffed to the bed. One of the doctors walked over to this man and asked him his name. Do you know what his reply was? "Jesus Christ". The doctor talked to him some more and this man just insisted that he was Jesus Christ and had special powers.

Now, the reason I remember this so well is that I come from a very long line of law enforcement officers. I was trained at a young age in just about everything you can imagine when it comes to law enforcement and it was drilled into my head (in fact, I started joining my dad who was the departments range officer on the range when he had to have his fellow officers qualify - which was done something like quarterly and I would even shot with the officers). After the doctor walked away, the idiot officer leaned over the patient to his far right side. That exposed his firearm to the patients left hand. I immediately told my best friend to get ready to get under the nursing desk should that patient get the idiot officers firearm. The patient was eventually take to....gasp!....the Behavioral Health Unit (the nice way of saying "the psych ward").

So you see - I absolutely realize that your condition is a "real thing" as you say. But in your infinite self-absorbed ignorance, you fail to realize that many people identify as a wide range of things they are not. And any person who believes they are something they are not, is in fact mentally ill. Idiot, hateful liberals don't celebrate when a person believes they are Jesus Christ. Why not? Why not take that person and celebrate him "being who he is"? Why not force others to actually call him Jesus Christ and worship him?

So, there are in fact people who do "identify" as President of the United States. I am one of them. Why is it that you refuse to recognize my condition? Why are you so hateful and bigoted towards me condition? Hypocrite. Self-absorbed, ignorant, hypocrite.
Because you are playing a childs game ignoring established science and proving you are not a serious debator. GID its a real thing with a treatment path. What you are intellectually incapable of acknowledging is that you are taking about a delusional mental state. Trying to equate Trsns with delusion is the mark of an ignorant mind. don't think a man who believes he is a woman and was supposed to have been born a woman is a "delusional mental state"!?!?

God Almighty, it's the text book definition. And you're the one ignoring science. A person with an "X" and a "Y" chromosome is absolutely a man. And if that person thinks they are a woman, they are absolutely, positively no different from the person who thinks they are Jesus Christ or the person who "identifies" as President of the United States. They only difference in your mind is that you don't suffer from their condition, so you could care less about their plight. But your condition requires the entire world to stop revolving and bend to your every whim and every desire.

So like I said, self-absorbed, selfish ignorant science denier. You condition is no different from that person in the ER so many years ago who truly believed they were Jesus Christ. Both of you suffer from an unfortunate mental illness which leads you to believe that you are something you are not.

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