Men in women's bathrooms

Plus public rest rooms are nasty enough as it is. I always carry antibacterial wipes if needed for toilet seats. I SURE don't want to be in one some man peed on. :cheeky-smiley-018:
You would have loved the open latrines from WWII in the Army...

LOL nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. II like my privacy!
Psst....liberals don't care that you like your privacy. They don't even care about your constitutional rights. All they care about is shoving their sexual deviance down your throat.
Plus public rest rooms are nasty enough as it is. I always carry antibacterial wipes if needed for toilet seats. I SURE don't want to be in one some man peed on. :cheeky-smiley-018:
You would have loved the open latrines from WWII in the Army...

LOL nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. II like my privacy!
Psst....liberals don't care that you like your privacy. They don't even care about your constitutional rights. All they care about is shoving their sexual deviance down your throat.
Project much? Again there is that poor education you twas taught...
Plus public rest rooms are nasty enough as it is. I always carry antibacterial wipes if needed for toilet seats. I SURE don't want to be in one some man peed on. :cheeky-smiley-018:
You would have loved the open latrines from WWII in the Army...

LOL nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. II like my privacy!
Psst....liberals don't care that you like your privacy. They don't even care about your constitutional rights. All they care about is shoving their sexual deviance down your throat.
Project much? Again there is that poor education you twas taught...
I've noticed any time the truth is spoken you get really snarky. That says a lot.
Plus public rest rooms are nasty enough as it is. I always carry antibacterial wipes if needed for toilet seats. I SURE don't want to be in one some man peed on. :cheeky-smiley-018:
You would have loved the open latrines from WWII in the Army...

LOL nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. II like my privacy!
Psst....liberals don't care that you like your privacy. They don't even care about your constitutional rights. All they care about is shoving their sexual deviance down your throat.
Project much? Again there is that poor education you twas taught...
I've noticed any time the truth is spoken you get really snarky. That says a lot.
I've noticed your logical fallacies when you are giving your opinion, instead of the truth...
transsexual is a disease theirs strong backing from the medical community for this fact. forcing our daughters to be in the same room as a penis is just inhumane and im not comfterble with that.

for ppl who preach on and on about individual rights libs have no problem forcing other ppl to be uncomfterble just to sissify r country that much more
oh wait, individual rights only apply to whores who want to murder their own children, my mistake
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:
Thats just giving in to this PC nonsense and trying to give trannies - mentally ill pppl - what they want These r not the values r country was founded upon and its immoral to allow this behavior
transsexual is a disease theirs strong backing from the medical community for this fact. forcing our daughters to be in the same room as a penis is just inhumane and im not comfterble with that.

for ppl who preach on and on about individual rights libs have no problem forcing other ppl to be uncomfterble just to sissify r country that much more
oh wait, individual rights only apply to whores who want to murder their own children, my mistake
Even the cult of LGBT's propaganda machine (formerly known as "The American Psychological Association"), agrees that trannies are unhinged. That's two reasons they don't belong in opposite bathrooms: 1. encroachment upon the opposite gender's RIGHT to privacy from the other and 2. A mentally deranged person with deep sexual issues being forced upon those women weaker than himself and his confused penis.
transsexual is a disease theirs strong backing from the medical community for this fact. forcing our daughters to be in the same room as a penis is just inhumane and im not comfterble with that.

for ppl who preach on and on about individual rights libs have no problem forcing other ppl to be uncomfterble just to sissify r country that much more
oh wait, individual rights only apply to whores who want to murder their own children, my mistake
Even the cult of LGBT's propaganda machine (formerly known as "The American Psychological Association"), agrees that trannies are unhinged. That's two reasons they don't belong in opposite bathrooms: 1. encroachment upon the opposite gender's RIGHT to privacy from the other and 2. A mentally deranged person with deep sexual issues being forced upon those women weaker than himself and his confused penis.
These perverts are a danger to the fabric of american society. if worst comes to worst i hope we do the right thing and put them tranny psychos to death.
Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.

And how are they gonna enforce these laws? They gonna have an attendant checking people's papers? Everyone involved with writing these laws has a mental deficiency.

For once you are right! Everyone writing these laws granting men the right to use women's facilities and women the right to use men's facilities do in fact suffer from a mental deficiency (it's called liberalism).

For 240 years we've accepted that men use the men's facilities and women use the women's facilities. But I guess that liberals felt the destruction of society wasn't happening fast enough for them (they are so desperate for collapse so they can replace it with an authoritarian regime) so they came up with this gem.

I've asked this over and over and everyone has avoided it because it proves I'm correct: nobody could possibly suffer any mental anguish from simply having to use the correct facility for 3 or 4 minutes. Go in, do your business, washing your hands, and leave. Why is that so hard? Only liberals could find something that simply so challenging.

And you know what? Even if that does cause them mental anguish - so what? These few mentally ill individuals are causing real mental anguish for all of society. My two young daughters are mortified over men coming into the locker rooms and restrooms with them. And sorry - but their rights far and away trump your mental illness.

Lol. There aren't such laws. It has just been going on without anyone noticing :rolleyes:
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:
Thats just giving in to this PC nonsense and trying to give trannies - mentally ill pppl - what they want These r not the values r country was founded upon and its immoral to allow this behavior

I am not giving in to anything. But, if I am traveling or out somewhere, what am I supposed to do? Pee in the floor? I don't like this any better than the next person. It's just plain stupid IMO.
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:
Thats just giving in to this PC nonsense and trying to give trannies - mentally ill pppl - what they want These r not the values r country was founded upon and its immoral to allow this behavior

I am not giving in to anything. But, if I am traveling or out somewhere, what am I supposed to do? Pee in the floor? I don't like this any better than the next person. It's just plain stupid IMO.
u either have a penis or a vadgina. if u have a penis, MENS ROOM
vadgina? WOMENS ROOM
Its not rocket science so stop treating it that way.
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:
Thats just giving in to this PC nonsense and trying to give trannies - mentally ill pppl - what they want These r not the values r country was founded upon and its immoral to allow this behavior

I am not giving in to anything. But, if I am traveling or out somewhere, what am I supposed to do? Pee in the floor? I don't like this any better than the next person. It's just plain stupid IMO.
u either have a penis or a vadgina. if u have a penis, MENS ROOM
vadgina? WOMENS ROOM
Its not rocket science so stop treating it that way.

I will treat it any way I see fit. Get it? ;)

I happen to agree with you if you would stop trying to be a snot, and actually read what I am saying. AND a lot I am saying is in fun.
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:
Thats just giving in to this PC nonsense and trying to give trannies - mentally ill pppl - what they want These r not the values r country was founded upon and its immoral to allow this behavior

I am not giving in to anything. But, if I am traveling or out somewhere, what am I supposed to do? Pee in the floor? I don't like this any better than the next person. It's just plain stupid IMO.
u either have a penis or a vadgina. if u have a penis, MENS ROOM
vadgina? WOMENS ROOM
Its not rocket science so stop treating it that way.

I will treat it any way I see fit. Get it? ;)

I happen to agree with you if you would stop trying to be a snot, and actually read what I am saying. AND a lot I am saying is in fun.
Well, I like the idea of 3 rest rooms. Then we all get choices, right? Plus men don't put the lid down! :lol:

Well I don't like the idea of three restrooms. It adds a burden to capitalists who have to pay for the third restroom, which means, everything they sell goes up in price to pay for the third restroom. There is no restroom building fairy... toilets and sinks cost money.

Here's an alternative idea... ONE restroom with a toilet and sink... cue up and wait your turn! Sorry for the inconvenience but some people decided to abandon common sense so this is now the new standard.
88 pages on who to piss and shit with....and we wonder why our country is in peril.....its due to people like yall who would rather be distracted by issues like this than deal with the hard issues facing this about a red herring...
88 pages on who to piss and shit with....and we wonder why our country is in peril.....its due to people like yall who would rather be distracted by issues like this than deal with the hard issues facing this about a red herring...
This IS the biggest issue. Weve already lost so much to u immoral libtards. Anymore and we might as well just be jumping directly in2 the pit of hell 4 Saten to rape us 4 all eternity, all because of you're selfish whinyness about how 'nobody respects youre gender identity'.
ITS A DISEASE. we dont tell canser ppl 2 keep having canseer!
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

How is it homophobic?

It's not. It's transphobic. Same phobes, different targets.
transsexual is a disease theirs strong backing from the medical community for this fact. forcing our daughters to be in the same room as a penis is just inhumane and im not comfterble with that.

for ppl who preach on and on about individual rights libs have no problem forcing other ppl to be uncomfterble just to sissify r country that much more
oh wait, individual rights only apply to whores who want to murder their own children, my mistake

What is "inhumane" is forcing this individual, by state law, to use the men's room.

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